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Thursday, 13 April


gypten wollte Russland angeblich 40.000 Raketen fr ... "IndyWatch Feed National"

gypten wollte Russland angeblich 40.000 Raketen fr den Ukrainekrieg liefern, steht laut Washington Post in den geleakten US-Geheimdienstdokumenten.

Ich bin ja normalerweise kein Freund von Geheimdienst-Geraune und Regierungsaussagen, auer sie sehen fr den Dienst oder die Regierung klar berraschend oder nachteilig aus. Wenn also die Ukraine jetzt sagt, sie htten ihre Angriffsstrategie nicht ndern mssen wegen dieser Leaks, dann ist das fr mich vllig uninteressant, denn was sollen die denn bitte sonst sagen, selbst wenn sie die Strategie ndern mussten.

Aber gypten ist ein alter Verbndeter der USA in der Gegend, oder wie es das US-Auenministerium formuliert:

Egypt is a valued U.S. partner in counterterrorism, anti-trafficking, and regional security operations, which advance both U.S. and Egyptian security. The decades-long defense partnership is a pillar for regional stability. Since 1978, the United States has contributed more than $50 billion in military assistance, which has contributed to Egypts capabilities to protect and defend its land and maritime borders and to confront an evolving terrorist threat, including in the Sinai Peninsula.
Raketen sind in dem Kontext Munition fr Raketenwerfer. Google-Stichwort ist MLRS. 40.000 Stck ist zwar eine bemerkenswert groe Menge, aber nicht ganz so unrealistisch wie sich das auf den ersten Blick anhrt.

Der russische Mehrfachraketenwerfer heit BM-21 Grad und gypten wrde dann wohl passende SAKR-45-Raketen liefern. Das 45 steht fr die Reichweite, 45 km. Das entspricht auch der Reichweite der billigsten Raketen fr das vergleichbare amerikanische Himars-System, das die Ukraine benutzt. Es gibt auch Raketen mit viel mehr Reichweite, 100km und mehr, aber die sind dann auch viel teurer und werden daher eher fr besondere Spezialeinstze aufgehoben.

Kann natrlich sein, dass das alles gelogen ist, um den gyptern ein Signal zu schicken. Mir ist nur gerade nicht klar, was das dann genau fr ein Signal sein sollte. Die galten bisher als solide US-Aliierte. gypten ist nicht in der Nato aber ist seit Ronald Reagan offiziell Major non-NATO ally der USA.

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Wednesday, 12 April


Elon Musk absolutely shatters BBC smart-arse. Pretty to watch. "IndyWatch Feed National"

Interviewer: Theres been a rise in hatful content on Twitter. Musk: Give me an example. Interviewer: I cant. Musk: You just lied. Ben (@Jamin2g) April 12, 2023


NSW Liberal President responsible for the debacle gets the reward of the late Jim Molan's Senate Seat. "IndyWatch Feed National"

Matt Kean's snakey finger prints are all over this one. After months and months of dithering, suddenly NSW Liberal President Maria Kovacic has decided she wants to take up the vacancy caused by the death of Major General Jim Molan AO DSC. She's from the left of the Liberal Party...


Four Signs Your Child is Struggling with Daycare "IndyWatch Feed National"

Starting childcare is a huge step for both the child and the parents. One on one hand, it gives the child a chance to explore and to learn how to interact with other children. On the other hand, it gives the parents a much-needed break and allows them to get used to being away from their child for a period of time.

Putting your child into daycare is an opportunity for growth and development for all parties involved. That said, the daycare experience isnt all sunshine and rainbows. Theres a possibility that your child might not get along with the other children at the centre. In some cases, you may find that the caretakers cant meet the specific needs of your child.

If your child is struggling, its your responsibility as a parent to recognise this and to take appropriate action.

In this blog, were going to take a look at a few tell-tale signs that your child might be struggling in daycare.

  1. A Change in Usual Behaviour
    You should pay attention to any changes in behaviour in your children. If theyre usually lively and happy and you notice them becoming more withdrawn, theres likely something bothering them outside of home. On the same token, if your child is usually well-behaved and reserved and they start throwing tantrums at home, they might be having an issue at the daycare.If youre noticing such changes, it might be a good idea to ask your child if theyre having any problems at the daycare centre. If possible, you can also ask the caretakers at the centre about any concerns they might have about your child.

    Another option is to observe your child at the centre. This will give a first-hand look of how your child is treated, how they interact with other children, how they eat, how they play and so on.

    As much as possible, try to work with your provider to address any potential problems. Its very important to communicate your concerns to the caretakers and to not jump to conclusions.

  2. Crying When They Arrive in Daycare
    For children, new experiences can be extremely intimidating. Because of this your child might start crying once you drop them off at the centre. For most children, this type of crying will typically last for a few weeks.

    In most cases, it will stop once they have warmed up to their caretakers and have made a couple of friends.However, if the crying lasts for much longer than that, there might be a deeper issue than just new daycare jitters.

    If this is the case, you might want to figure out what your child is struggling with at the daycare. Are they scared of the caretakers? Are they struggling to make friends? Do they not like the food? You should bring these concerns up with the carers and see if you can find a solution. If you cant, it may be time to find another daycare.

  3. Hungry and Thirsty When You Pick Them Up


Yeah Nah Pasaran! #158 w Jason Wilson on American Night Terrors : April 13, 2023 "IndyWatch Feed National"

This week on Yeah Nah Pasaran! we talk to our semi-regular US correspondent Jason Wilson [Twitter/Mastodon]. Jason is a journalist and researcher with the Southern Poverty Law Center and we last spoke to him in October 2022. See also : Continue reading


Link "IndyWatch Feed National"

From the BBC: The UK is among a number of countries with military special forces operating inside Ukraine, according to one of dozens of documents leaked online. It confirms what has been the subject of quiet speculation for over a year. The leaked files, some marked "top secret", paint a...


Ukraine bragging about Australian Bushmasters 'beating back Russians' "IndyWatch Feed National"

Our soldiers absolutely love Australian Bushmasters. But now they have a new crush: the Hawkei. These two would be a perfect match on the battlefield. We would truly appreciate their reunion in Ukraine, @AlboMP! Defense of Ukraine (@DefenceU) April 10, 2023


Brotherhood of the Bayonet. No skin colour here. "IndyWatch Feed National"

I served 8 years in the Australian Regular Army and a further 3 in the ARes and I never encountered racism. None. I'm proud of what we were. Lest We Forget. NB - not even towards Septics!


Tips for rookie organisers "IndyWatch Feed National"

Get close to the workersstay close to the workers. Tell workers 'it's your union' and then behave that way. Don't do for workers what they can do. The union is not a fee for serviceit is the collective experience of workers in struggle. The union's function is to assist workers in making a positive change in their lives.

The post Tips for rookie organisers appeared first on Overland literary journal.


Who would be a teacher for this jungle filth? "IndyWatch Feed National"

At this point, why would anyone want to be a fucking teacher? Chance Dennis (@ChanceDennis90) April 11, 2023


Link "IndyWatch Feed National"

Thank you Seeker of Truth for this gem from a time, almost forgotten, when we could laugh at ourselves. And yanks too.


The government must address Australias growing inequality "IndyWatch Feed National"

Contributed by Joe Montero

Within a lacklustre economy, the Australian government is facing a situation that calls for growing intervention to do something about the reality of growing inequality. This is at a time when the ability to raise public revenue is contracting as well.

Lets look at the first part. Any serious research reports in recent years have shown clearly that there has been a growing divide between the few wealthiest and everyone else, and this divide is getting bigger now. A part of this is the impact of inflation, stagnant wages, and miserable Centrelink payments. They combine to form a cost of living crisis.

Australian household budgets have shifted in spending pattern. Spending on essentials like housing, food, health, and education has increased, while spending on non-essentials has fallen. This means that households ae tightening their belts.

But this doesnt reveal all.

A report released this week by the Australia Institute, and called Inequality on Steroids, spells out the extent to which this has become a reality in Australia.   Its main finding is that is the period mentioned above the richest 10 percent of the population got 93 percent of the wealth gains created in the Australian economy. It goes on to say that this increased wealth is the result of policies and practices designed to increase productivity in the workplace.

This was supposed to generate more jobs and lead to rising incomes for everyone. This failed to materialise and, unfortunately, government policy and procedures have remained wedded to the belief that this must continue and ignore the evidence.

Take the 2021 global survey by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which provided overwhelming evidence that the product has not only been worsening inequality for nations taking on this approach. Austerity is associated with poorer economic performance they said. This was backed in the same year by...


FixedIt: Man guilty of sexual touching is not the victim "IndyWatch Feed National"

The Daily Telegraph reported that 63-year-old Greg Peters pled guilty to sexually touching two women without their consent, with a sub-heading about how awful it is that he has to experience very minor consequences for his choice to grope two women who he was supposed to be instructing in an advanced form of horse riding.

The quotes in the lead paragraph were all taken unattributed from the defence lawyers statements and given no context. This is boringly common in reporting on mens violence against women.

If you see a headline or summary paragraph full of sympathetic quotes about a man convicted of hurting women, its a safe bet the quotes come from the defence lawyer during the sentencing hearing. If the quotes are condemning the victim (woman accused of lying etc) its usually from the defence lawyer during cross-examination.

Im not much worried about this single article by this one reporter. My concern is the cumulative effect of thousands of such articles across hundreds of publications, where most readers flick their eyes over the headline or (at most) skim the article. These readers dont need to think deeply about the details and may not realise how their attitudes are shaped by the endless repetition of sympathy for men who hurt women and contempt for women who are hurt by men.

Those people vote. They serve on juries. They run businesses and sports clubs and libraries and pubs. They respond to friends or colleagues talking about men who hurt them. Their attitudes matter.

Journalists dont have to be activists and certainly, court reporters shouldnt try to be activists. But they should try to be accurate and informative. Ignoring the context of unattributed quotes is the very opposite of both these things.

So, to provide the context:

I think this was probably a sentencing hearing (the alleged court reporting doesnt tell us, so its difficult to be sure).

Victims typically only give evidence if the facts are disputed (at a contested hearing). Peters pled guilty, so the victims dont need to give evidence and there would be no quotes for the article.

Victims can, if they choose, give a Victim Impact Statement (VIS) at sentencing hearings, but they can also ask the court to suppress them (including any mention of the fact the VIS was given) so we cant know whether the reporter ignored the VIS, was unable to report it, or there was no VIS.

The prosecutions job at a sentencing hearing is to sum up the facts of the case, refer the court to...


FixedIt: What does a rapist look like? "IndyWatch Feed National"

He can look like a good bloke and a great friend. 

He can look like your brother, your best mate, your colleagues or your footy mates. 

He can look like your hero. 

He can look like you.  

If you know ten men in Australia theres a good chance you know a rapist. Yes, you too. Not some other guy who wouldnt know if his friend is a rapist. You. 

A man who rapes women can be horrified when he is accused of rape.

A man who rapes women can cry when he is convicted of rape. 

A man who rapes women can swear he never touched her and sound like hes telling the truth.

He is still a rapist. 

Women almost never lie about being raped. Rapists almost always lie about committing rape. 

At least (at the very least) half of women between the ages of 25 and 30 in Australia say they have been sexually assaulted in their lifetime. This violence is not happening at the hands of one or two bad apples. 

Apples dont rape women. Men do. Probably a man you know. 

Who do you want to be? The man who supports a rapist or the man who supports the woman who was raped?


If youre reading this on social media, links to all the articles are on the post on my website:

FixedIt is an ongoing project to push back against the medias constant erasure of violent men and blaming of innocent victims. If you would like to help fund it even $5 a month makes a big difference please consider becoming a Patron

Sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling and support.
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Ph: 1800 737 732

Suicide Call Back Service
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Ph: 1300 659 467

Kids Helpline
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Phone: 1800 55 1800

Mens Referral Service
Support for men who use violence and abuse.
7 days a week
Ph: 1300 766 491

FixedIt: Rapists, murderers and child abusers are not sex pests FFS "IndyWatch Feed National"

Here, for your Friday afternoon entertainment, is a listicle germinated in the fetid bowels of  the Murdoch press.

Men who murdered women. Men who raped women. Men who raped children. More than twenty of them, complete with photos and salacious details of their crimes, often against multiple victims.

Sex pests. Thats what the Murdoch goblins call men who rape children and kill women.

Even without the abhorrent headline, this article would contaminate the bottom of a kitty litter tray.

HERES A LIST OF ALL THE PLACES WOMEN SHOULDNT GO!!!! but of course we dont  include all the places that sell Murdoch papers or serve Murdochs orc-infested empire.

HERES A COLLAGE OF RAPISTS THAT LOOKS LIKE A MOIVE PROMOTION!!!! hasnt this rapist got lovely blue eyes! Lets put him right in the middle. Aww. Cute.

HERES A SUMMARY OF ALL THE WOMEN AND CHILDREN HE RAPED!!! look at us jernalisming like a bought one.

I need a shower, a bucket of bleach, and a world that has smashed Murdoch and all his malevolent buffoons into a thousand tiny pieces and flushed them into the sewer of history.


If youre reading this on social media, links to all the articles are on the post on my website:

FixedIt is an ongoing project to push back against the medias constant erasure of violent men and blaming of innocent victims. If you would like to help fund it even $5 a month makes a big difference please consider becoming a Patron


Sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling and support.

24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Ph: 1800 737 732

Suicide Call Back Service

24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Ph: 1300 659 467



FixedIt: Once again, rape and sex are not interchangeable words "IndyWatch Feed National"

Perth Now republished a report from AAP (a serial offender of inaccurate and awful headlines about mens violence against women and children) about two men charged with allegedly raping and sexually assaulting eight boys and men over two decades. The man was erased from the headline (senior arts figure) as were the alleged rapes (sex).  

The Courier Mail erased the man and his alleged accomplice (theatre identities) and erased the alleged rapes (sex).

Ive lost count of the number of times Ive seen these headlines over the last eight years. Charges of rape and sexual assault minimised, misdirected, and mischaracterised as sex.

Its often about charges or convictions of rape, sexual assault, or sexual abuse of children, but it happens when men rape or sexually assault women too.

Rape and sex are not interchangeable words. Sex is a mutual choice and cannot lead to criminal charges. Rape is a deliberate decision to commit a violent crime.

When we blur the line between sex and rape, we erase the defining difference between them: consent.

The man was charged with 69 offences including indecent treatment of a child, sexual assault, rape, attempted rape, recordings in breach of privacy, fraud, and common assault. None of those charges are about sex. They are about allegations of rape and abuse.

*Please keep in mind that this man and his alleged accomplice have not yet been tried on these charges. Any comments on social media that presumes their guilt or innocence is contempt of court and could put the trial at risk.*


If youre reading this on social media, links to all the articles are on the post on my website:

FixedIt is an ongoing project to push back against the medias constant erasure of violent men and blaming of innocent victims. If you would like to help fund it even $5 a month makes a big difference please consider becoming a Patron

Sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling and support.
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Ph: 1800 737 732


FixedIt: significant and protracted attack is not an argument "IndyWatch Feed National"

The Courier Mail reported that a 30 year old man who committed what the Crown prosecutor described as a a significant and protracted episode of domestic violence was convicted and sentenced to three years in jail.

The attack started when the woman,16 weeks pregnant with the violent mans child, was driving him home. He yelled at her until she had a panic attack, risked her life by punching and kicking the inside of the car, then dragged her out of the car, strangled her, and punched her in the head and stomach. The attack only stopped when a woman passing by stopped an intervened.

This choice to commit horrific violence against a woman was described in this headline as a domestic argument.

The Oxford Dictionary defines an argument as a conversation or discussion in which two or more people disagree, often angrily.

TWO or more people, in other words, a mutual event, where both people are participating in making a point.

There were not two people participating in this choice to use violence. There was not a conversation or a discussion. One person the man chose to abuse, punch, and strangle another person the woman.

Characterising it as an argument is implicit victim-blaming. Its inaccurate, misleading, ignorant, and dangerous.


If youre reading this on social media, links to all the articles are on the post on my website:

FixedIt is an ongoing project to push back against the medias constant erasure of violent men and blaming of innocent victims. If you would like to help fund it even $5 a month makes a big difference please consider becoming a Patron

Sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling and support.
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Ph: 1800 737 732

Suicide Call Back Service
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Ph: 1300 659 467

Kids Helpline
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Phone: 1800 55 1800

FixedIt: he didnt rape her because of financial stress "IndyWatch Feed National"

The RiotAct reported that a man who pled guilty to raping a woman after he robbed her at knifepoint was sentenced to 4 years jail (2 years, 4 months non-parole).

The man was described as a truckie, what a nice, friendly word for a rapist.

Despite the headline, the article says the judge found the motive for the robbery was financial, but the rape was opportunistic. In other words, he though he could get away with it, so he chose to rape her. He did not rape her because he was under financial stress, or because he is a poor sympathetic victim of anything. He raped her because he chose to commit a violent, terrifying crime against a woman. The report also says that before he left, he made her give him her phone and deleted her call log and message history. But after he was caught and charged he was, apparently, remorseful.

Rapists do not need journalists to make excuses for them. They have enough help with that in the legal system.


If youre reading this on social media, links to all the articles are on the post on my website:

FixedIt is an ongoing project to push back against the medias constant erasure of violent men and blaming of innocent victims. If you would like to help fund it even $5 a month makes a big difference please consider becoming a Patron

Sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling and support.
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Ph: 1800 737 732

Suicide Call Back Service
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Ph: 1300 659 467

Kids Helpline
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Phone: 1800 55 1800

Mens Referral Service
Support for men who use violence and abuse.
7 days a week
Ph: 1300 766 491


FixedIt: He didnt rape the barracks "IndyWatch Feed National"

Channel 9 News reported that a man was jailed for 5 years after being convicted of raping a woman. Despite what you read in Channel 9s headline, he raped a WOMAN, not the barracks.

This is such a tired old trope. If you cant erase the perpetrator, erase the victim. Laneway Rapist. Tinder Rapist. Wheelie Bin Murder. Theres so many of them. Its insidious and we should be well past the need to protect violent men from the reality of their crimes. Mens violence against women is rampant. Research released by ANROWS this week shows the stats too many people were claiming as fact are woefully understating the prevalence of sexual violence.

Just over half the women who were aged between 24 and 30 in 2019 had experienced sexual violence at some point in their life.

Violent men have sexually assaulted more than half our promising young women and were still hiding rapists behind buildings.

Just. Stop.


If youre reading this on social media, links to all the articles are on the post on my website:

FixedIt is an ongoing project to push back against the medias constant erasure of violent men and blaming of innocent victims. If you would like to help fund it even $5 a month makes a big difference please consider becoming a Patron

Sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling and support.
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Ph: 1800 737 732

Suicide Call Back Service
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Ph: 1300 659 467

Kids Helpline
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Phone: 1800 55 1800

Mens Referral Service
Support for men who use violence and abuse.
7 days a week
Ph: 1300 766 491


FixedIt: violent misogyny, racism, photos of dead women and children are not info "IndyWatch Feed National"

The Northern Beaches review was one of a number of outlets that published an Australian Associated Press (AAP) report about a Melbourne doctor whose medical license was cancelled. The former doctor posted photos of naked dead women and children, statements about killing his wife if she was unfaithful, sexual images of his wife without her consent, and violently misogynistic and racist comments. The posts were on a Singapore forum, where he scornfully rejected any claim he could be reported to Australian authorities.

I understand not outlining the posts in detail. They deeply disturbing. But info? Really? Thats the word they choose to describe posts so vile even I cant bring myself to repeat them? Its one of the more bizarre erasures of male violence Ive seen in a while.

Note: AAP is a newswire service. Many publications subscribe and dont have the time or resources to check or review their articles. This is not about not any specific publication, its a symptom of an industry wide malaise.

If you need to know details about the doctor or the things he posted, they are on the VCAT database (link on my site if youre reading this on social media post).

FixedIt is an ongoing project to push back against the medias constant erasure of violent men and blaming of innocent victims. If you would like to help fund it even $5 a month makes a big difference please consider becoming a Patron

Sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling and support.
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Ph: 1800 737 732

Suicide Call Back Service
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Ph: 1300 659 467

Kids Helpline
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Phone: 1800 55 1800

Mens Referral Service
Support for men who use violence and abuse.
7 days a week
Ph: 1300 766 491

New book Free for Patrons! "IndyWatch Feed National"

To view this content, you must be a member of Jane's Patreon at $1 or more
- Click "Read more" to unlock this content at the source


FixedIt: you cant hide an alleged serial rapist behind sex offences "IndyWatch Feed National"

The Advertiser reported that a man was arrested and charged with sexual intercourse without consent (ie: rape) and released on bail. A week later he was arrested again and charged with aggravated indecent assault and rape of four more women. The report says investigations are ongoing and police fear there may be further victims.

*The charges have not yet been tried in court. The accused is entitled to the presumption of innocence and anyone commenting should be aware that comments making assumptions about his guilt which has not been proven are sub judice contempt and could put his trial at risk.*

These charges are not sex offences. They are rape offences. Rape and sex are not the same thing. They are not interchangeable words. Being able to differentiate between them is at the very core of understanding consent.

Journalists should know better. And do better.

Sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling and support.
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Ph: 1800 737 732

Suicide Call Back Service
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Ph: 1300 659 467

Kids Helpline
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Phone: 1800 55 1800

Mens Referral Service
Support for men who use violence and abuse.
7 days a week
Ph: 1300 766 491


10 Best Tent Stakes in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

There are a lot of different tent stakes on the market and it can be hard to decide which ones are the best for your needs. In this blog post, we will go over some of the best options for tent stakes and what to look for when choosing them.


10 Best Tripod Bags in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

A tripod is an essential piece of equipment for any photographer, whether you are shooting on a DSLR or mirrorless camera. But finding the best tripod bag to protect your investment can be a challenge. There are many factors to consider, such as size, weight, and style. In this blog post, we will help you find the best tripod bag for your needs.


10 Best Hair Treatment Conditioner in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

If you are looking for the best hair treatment conditioner, look no further! This blog will provide you with all the information you need to know about finding the perfect conditioner for your hair. We will discuss the different types of conditioners available on the market, as well as their specific benefits. In addition, we will provide a buyers guide to help you make an informed decision when purchasing a hair treatment conditioner.


10 Best Miter Saw Blades in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

A miter saw is a handy tool used for making accurate crosscuts and miters in wood. Its a must-have for anyone who does carpentry, woodworking, or any home improvement projects. The most important part of a miter saw is the blade. A good blade will make precise cuts and last a long time.

There are many different types and sizes of miter saw blades on the market. It can be confusing trying to figure out which one is the best for your needs. In this blog post, well help you choose the best miter saw blade for your next project.

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IndyWatch Castlemaine VIC All Topics Summary Today.

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Tuesday, 11 April


10 Best Instrument Mouthpiece in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

If youre a musician, you know that having the best instrument mouthpiece can make a big difference in your sound. But with so many options on the market, it can be hard to know which one is right for you. Thats why weve put together this guide to the best instrument mouthpieces on the market. Whether youre looking for a mouthpiece for your trumpet, trombone, or French horn, weve got you covered.


10 Best Hair Dryer With Comb Attachment Australia in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

If you are looking for the best hair dryer with comb attachment in Australia, then you have come to the right place. In this blog post, we will take a look at some of the best options on the market and help you choose the right one for your needs.


Australia: First Muslim minister of New South Wales, Jihad Deb, takes oath on Quran "IndyWatch Feed National"

Australias first Muslim Minister of New South Wales is Jihad Deb. Although he grew up in Australia, he decided to swear in on the Quran in honor of his faith. We have seen a similar trend in America, where Keith Ellison and then Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar took their oath of office for the []


10 Best Golf Club Organiser in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

Organising your golf clubs can be a daunting task, especially if you have a lot of them. But with the right golf club organiser, it can be a breeze. Here are some of the best golf club organisers on the market, to help you keep your clubs in tip-top shape.


Bitcoin and Global Hegemony "IndyWatch Feed National"

Both empirical realities and existing predictions show the usefulness and potential of Bitcoin as an instrument of national power in the practice of statecraft and also as a versatile element that could serve various roles under confrontational geopolitical conditions. However, it is unclear at this point if BTC and similar nonstate cybercurrencies could influence the fate of global hegemony. The historical record shows a strong symbiotic connection between the architecture of international monetary systems and political realities related to the global balance of power and the systemic structure of polarity. Specifically, major reserve currencies have always been issued by hegemonic great powers and underwritten by the strength that those superior positions confer. Such has been the case since the days of the Athenian drachma, the Roman denarius and the Byzantine solidus to the US dollar. In this regard, could the disruptiveness of unofficial cryptocurrencies like BTC have implications for the evolution of hegemony and the redistribution of the global correlation of forces in the coming decades? Admittedly, there is no hard conclusive evidence at this point but, from a long-range perspective, their existence is a relatively recent phenomenon, and the ultimate extent of their conceivable geopolitical ramifications remains unknown. After all, the arc of the so-called longue dure brings both predictable cyclical patterns and wild cards whose behaviour is hard to anticipate. Therefore, the formulation of an answer requires the practice of strategic foresight to assess multiple hypothetical possibilities and to determine how each could reshape hegemony. In order to do so, the present analysis integrates the scrutiny of forecasts, scenarios and perspectives. In particular, it seeks to identify the plausible implications of said cybercurrency for the hegemonic position still held by the United States as the leading superpower and the supremacy of the US dollar as the worlds top reserve currency.


BTCs potential as a major reserve currency

The idea of a major global reserve currency not controlled by any national state is not new. In the context of the Bretton Woods conference, British economist John Maynard Keynes proposed the idea of launching a supranational monetary unit, called Bancor, which would be backed by gold, a plan that was unsurprisingly not welcomed by Washington. No sane statesmen would have missed the opportunity to achieve global monetary and financial superiority as a war booty. In the post-Cold War era, the rise of Bitcoin endorses once more the hypothetical scenario of a de-nationalized global currency that cannot be unilaterally controlled in accordance with the particular interests of a singl....


Senator Alex Antic magnificent on Albanese's Vanity Voice "IndyWatch Feed National"

We are all Australians. We must not divide by race. The Voice will be another bureaucratic body with far too much power. Vote NO. Senator Alex Antic (@SenatorAntic) April 11, 2023


10 Best Makeup Remover in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

If youre anything like me, you love makeup. But, at the end of the day, you also love taking it off just as much. Thats why Ive rounded up the best makeup removers for every skin type, so you can find your perfect match and get rid of all your makeup without any fuss.


Joe Montero speaks at Friday night vigil for Julian Assange Flinders St Station Melbourne "IndyWatch Feed National"


Joe Montero speaks about Julian Assange and the context and injustice of his trial and imprisonment by the very criminals that his publication, Wikileaks, exposed. Joe, along with Lorrine Brice (convenor) and James Sinnamon (who filmed and edited this) are regular activists at the Flinders Street Station Friday Night Vigil for Julian Assange, which has been going on for years now. Venue: Flinders Street Station, Melbourne, Friday 7th April 2023 at the Friday Evening Vigil for Julian Assange. You can see other videos of this vigil at James Sinnamon's youtube channel. " rel="nofollow" tabindex="0" target="">   /   


10 Best Comforter Covers in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

Comforter covers are an easy way to change the look of your bedroom without having to buy a new comforter. They come in a variety of colors and patterns, so you can find one that fits your style. The best comforter covers are made from quality materials that will last for years.


With the economy rooted, what would you like our Treasurer to be worried about? "IndyWatch Feed National"

Like a lot of Australians Im really concerned about the explosion of vaping, particularly among our young people. The status quo on vaping is unacceptable, which is why @Mark_Butler_MP is working closely with state colleagues to see what can be done #auspol #ausecon Jim Chalmers MP (@JEChalmers) April...


GMR begins early works on 480MWh standalone battery in Victoria RenewEconomy "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

GMR Energy announces early works agreement for its big standalone battery on Victorias Mornington Peninsula. The post GMR begins early works on 480MWh standalone battery in Victoria appeared first on RenewEconomy.

GMR begins early works on 480MWh standalone battery in Victoria RenewEconomy


Next two FOBIF walks "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

Our Goughs Range FOBIF walk will take place next Sunday 16 April. You can contact the leader Harley Parker (0409 135 889) for more information. 

The date for the following months walk is Sunday 21 May, not 28 May as previously written in our walks program. This Mount Lofty walk will be led by Bernard Slattery (0499 624 160).


Australias New Big Corporate Tax Avoidance Laws World Class, Says Oxfam "IndyWatch Feed National"

Oxfam Australia has described the Australian Governments latest legislation on corporate tax transparency as world leading, hailing it as a significant move towards reducing tax avoidance in Australia and overseas.

The new legislation is aimed at ensuring large corporations finally start paying their fair share of tax.

Oxfam Australias Chief Executive, Lyn Morgain, said the Albanese governments legislation was a step towards reducing global tax dodging.

This legislation will expose global corporations shifting profits to tax havens and thus go a long way to stopping this unacceptable behaviour, she said.

Morgain added that the lack of transparency in the tax system has made it challenging to hold big corporations accountable for their actions.

The legislation will make waves across the globe in exposing corporate tax avoidance. This leadership by the Albanese Government is to be applauded.

Oxfam Australia CEO Lyn Morgain.

Oxfam Australias background work on this issue has helped draw attention to the problem, said Morgain. Since 2014, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) has leaked a vast number of documents, including the Panama Papers and the Paradise Papers. The leaked papers have revealed how multinational companies and wealthy individuals use tax havens to increase their profits by avoiding paying taxes in their countries.

Oxfam Australia has released a series of reports that show how Australian companies have joined the global tax dodging effort, including through the use of tax havens. Morgain emphasized that tax dodging deprives some of the worlds poorest people of access to essential services, such as education, health, clean water, and sanitation.

Tax is crucial for governments to afford the services we all need an...


Void Of Vision announce Das Ende Australian tour for 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

Melbourne metalcore heroes Void of Vision have announced their Das Ende Australian Tour set to celebrate their completed CHONICLES EP series, live in action this August.

Kicking off at The Triffid in Brisbane on Friday 11 August, the Das Ende extravaganza will then head to Newcastle, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne and Adelaide, before closing out at Magnet House in Perth on Sunday 20 August, with the band joined by very special guests Like Moths To Flames (USA), Varials (USA) and Annalynn (Thai).

Void of Vision Australian Tour 2023


Keep up with the latest music news, festivals, interviews and reviews here.

Since erupting onto the metal scene a decade ago, Void of Vision have gone on to solidify their standing as one of the most innovative and sonically explosive acts in the modern heavy scene. In 2023 alone, the quartet have featured at Australias first-ever Knotfest edition, alongside Slipknot, Parkway Drive, Megadeth and more, collaborated with metal-meets-electronic DJ and producer PhaseOne on the ambitious crossover single Eyes Wide Shut, locked in an appearance at UNIFY Off The Record, and unveiled the amalgamated CHRONICLES series as a complete album, bringing together the previously standalone EPs LUSTHEAVEN and UNDERWORLD into a scintillating snapshot of their relentlessly inventive past, present and future and the band are truly only just getting started.

Looking back to the beginning of this post pandemic world where we began unleashing the Chronicles series to everyone, its truly inspiring to see how far it has bought us since, shares frontman Jack Bergin.

Taking us all around the world and to some of the biggest stages weve ever performed on, this collection of music not only helped us find ourselves sonically but also unearthed a new Void Of Vision live performance we never even thought was possible.

Were exactly where we want to be as artists right now so feel it would be truly fitting to take the entire EP collection on the road around Australia whilst in our element to celebrate the end of an era and give you all a taste of whats to come.&...


Monash University goes heavily in to bat for Albanese's Vanity Voice - and treats voters like idiots "IndyWatch Feed National"

These people are so far up themselves there's no connection with the thoughts of real people at all. This is one of the most offensive, patronising statements I've read in a long long time. Monash Uni purports to debunk myths - in fact they're reasonable concerns held by reasonable people....


Its not all beards and kilts: How the 2023 National Celtic Folk Festival has something for everyone "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

From June 9 to 12, the National Celtic Folk Festival (NCFF) will be returning in full swing, bringing the best in Celtic culture to the shores of the Bellarine Peninsula. Across the long weekend, the diverse festival offering will be herding the traditions, talents and triumphs of Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Cornish, Manx, Breton, Galician and Asturian cultures.

Following a two-year Covid hiatus, the National Celtic Folk Festival reemerged last year in a condensed format, promoting our international relations and strong Celtic heritage rooted in the region. 

Keep up with the latest music news, festivals, interviews and reviews here.

Festival Director Una McAlinden was really successful and gave us renewed energy to know that people love the festival and theyre gonna come after the COVID years. So this year were pretty pumped about bringing it back in a full state. The successor built this sort of energy and momentum and fired everybody up again. I think we all needed to do something again after two years of cancelled events.

With the emotional weight of ceased flying and disconnect from loved ones, the 2022 edition of the National Celtic Folk Festival took on a different meaning for the crowd, with the festival offering them an unexpected sense of belonging.

You could just see how important it was for people to reconnect and to engage in their culture and the arts. We had a lot of people who hadnt been able to go home, like to Ireland, and were missing families. So there was quite a lot of emotion last year and I was surprised, says McAlinden.




ABC "rising star" transfers to broadcaster's political arm - off to work directly with Labor "IndyWatch Feed National"

ABC 730 Report youngster Dan Conifer has gone public with his previously camouflaged pro-Labor views. He's transferring from the ABC straight to the political arm, the NSW Labor Party. Conifer will be formally doing PR for the new government - as opposed to discrete operations. He didn't even give the...


AUNAI: First Encounter brings a night of experimental music to Kindred Bandroom this week "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

Fresh from releasing his fourth solo album Charango Unchained late last year, Melbourne musical melange, Argentinian-born songwriter Abe Dunovits has continued to remain inspired, creating and performing his unique fusion of triumphant music, literature and art, which has been described as unconventional, inspired, avant-garde, luminary and memorable and above all, mestizo.

Since last November I have been busy with different projects. One is Dunobeats, my original band. I put that together late last year and have been rehearsing for shows, such as Charango Unchained launch in late Dec 2022 and a recent show at Bar Oussou, Abe Dunovits tells us.

I have recorded a couple of singles in collaboration with two different singers, an electronic style one with Naarm-based artist Little Chilli, a track called Migrants Cumbia released late March 2023 and another track Dont Talk to Me, a mix of Pop, Rock and Rap with NZ performer Rochelle OReilly.

Keep up with the latest music news, festivals, interviews and reviews here.

Charango Unchained: Abraham Dunovits new album reminds us of how art can move

With such clear ambition and spontaneity, Dunovits continues to inspire, joining forces with two incredible multidisciplinary artists, Mito Elias (Cape Verde) and Ashley J Higgs (Melbourne), for one special evening this April at Kindred Studios in Footscray. 

Coined AUNAI: First Encounter, the event will see the three artists come together to celebrate a meeting of sounds, words and culture in an experimental music night on Friday 14th of April.  

I met Mito Elias some years ago through the poetry group A Voz Limpia and through some workshops I did for MAV. I watched him and heard him performing at the poetry nights and I liked what he does, in writing, visual arts and performance. He is truly a unique artist, with a distin...


Australian Dollar and Bitcoin "IndyWatch Feed National"

1.00 AUD = 0.00002 BTC
0.00010 BTC = 4.50 AUD


Only 3 out of the ABC's 4000 staff chose to work Australia Day as a protest. "IndyWatch Feed National"

Given how much airtime is given by the ABC to "change the date" - any reasonable person might think they'd practice what they preach. Not when it comes to a day off. The Australian newspaper has found out that ABC staff still love a full day off on full pay...


Live review: Knotfest Melbourne delivered a monster display by the masters of macabre metal "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

For 11 years now, Aussie fans have had to sit and watch Slipknot unveil mammoth lineups for their self-curated headliner festival. And for 11 years now, weve been asking for it to come to our shores. 

But for some reason, it never happened. Slipknot kept expanding the festival; editions popped up everywhere from Japan to Colombia, but yet Australias bollywood sized fan base seemingly always got skipped in the rotation. And then finally, slipped in between the announcements for Knotfest Argentina and Knotfest Japan, Australia scored three dates. The pulse of the maggots wasnt just real, it was frenzied, with fans going into meltdown mode when the groups Instagram page announced the stacked 14-act lineup.

Keep up with the latest music news, festivals, interviews and reviews here.

An array of the worlds premier metal acts, both up and coming and iconic, packed into a one-day event? This is what metal fans had been longing for since the days of Soundwave

But good things come to those that wait, and for the 30-thousand punters who attended Knotfest, it was definitely worth the wait. 

In fact, it was pretty much perfect. From its seamless back-to-back stage setup, to its incredibly spacious wheelchair-accessible viewing platform, Knotfest was more or less the perfect event. Sure, the beers were overpriced and the lines to the merch tents were excessively long, (which is to be expected with any one-day event), but outside of that, Australias first-ever Knotfest (Melbourne) went off without a hitch. 

Except for Bad Omens pulling out, which upset a lot of eager fans, but considering frontman Noah Sebastian was suffering from vocal issues, it seemed to be a withdrawal that many graciously accepted. 

Making UKs Malevolence the o...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed National"

Uneasiness over Macron's 'Strategic Autonomy' Statement Shows Washington's Declining Ability to Maintain Hegemony

By GT staff reporters

Apr 10, 2023 10:03 PM

Chinese President Xi Jinping holds an informal meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron in Songyuan, Guangzhou, South China's Guangdong Province on April 7. Photo: Xinhua

French President Emmanuel Macron's remarks urging Europe to reduce its reliance on the US and to be cautious about being dragged into a conflict between Beijing and Washington over Taiwan question are being seen by observers as jamming the brakes on Europe that is being coerced into becoming deeply involved in the Taiwan question, and signals a dead end for the US strategy of luring Europe to contain China. 

This rational and pragmatic warning appeared to alarm American politicians and media, who immediately criticized the French President. This discomfort mirrored Washington's declining ability to rein in its allies and growing anxiety in maintaining hegemony. 

Speaking with media outlet Politico and two French journalists in an interview on his plane back after concluding his visit to China, Macron emphasized that "the great risk" Europe faces is that it "gets caught up in crises that are not ours, which prevents it from building its strategic autonomy," according to Politico.

"The paradox would be that, overcome with panic, we believe we are just America's followers," Macron said in the interview. "The question Europeans need to answer is it in our interest to accelerate [a crisis] on Taiwan? No."

He also noted that Europe had increased its dependency on the US for weapons and energy and must now focus on boosting European defense industries. 

In response to Macron's latest take on Taiwan, Wang Wenbin, spokesperson of China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said at a Monday briefing that China hopes all parties can recognize the essence of the Taiwan question, continue to stick to the one-China principle and oppose any form of Taiwan secessionist activities. The biggest threat to cross-Strai...


Aussie Gig Workers Robbed Of Almost Half Billion In Super "IndyWatch Feed National"

Australias gig workers people in short-term or on demand freelance jobs, including delivery drivers, disability carers, IT professionals and education workers are missing out on $400 million a year in super contributions, a new report from Industry Super Australia (ISA) has found.

The report estimates that there are 275,000 gig workers in Australia, and according to ISAs analysis, the average gig worker could have up to $29,000 more in their retirement savings if super contributions were paid to them.

ISA analysis shows the typical transport and food delivery driver gig worker misses out on $1,900 super contributions a year when working an average of 14.5 hours a week, earning $24 per hour. Spending three years in the industry would mean these super contributions would reach $17,200 at retirement and $28,700 if in gig work for five years.

A care industry gig worker a growing part of the on-demand workforce who earns the average $23.40 an hour and averages 8.6 hours a week would get $1,100 extra a year in super contributions.

Being a gig worker should not mean you miss out on the opportunity to save for a decent nest-egg at retirement, said Bernie Dean, Chief Executive of Industry Super Australia. Paying gig workers super isnt just the right thing to do, it makes economic sense because theyll be more self-sufficient in retirement and less reliant on the age pension, which we all pay for through taxes. These workers are critical to caring for our elderly, delivering food and driving us home, they have every right to share in the benefits of what is meant to be a universal saving system.

The report emphasizes that paying super to gig workers is crucial as many of them are young workers who are not earning super, including those with disabilities, students, or those who are unemployed. Small super contributions from gig work could make a significant difference to these workers quality of life in retirement, the ISA says.

The report also highlights that paying superannuation to gig workers is becoming increasingly important as the on-demand workforce continues to grow. A 2019 academic survey with 14,000 responses estimates that within a 12-month period about seven per cent of Australians were in on-demand work, and 13 per cent had undertaken digital platform work.

The federal government is currently considering legislation to extend the Fair Work Commissions powers to set a minimum set of employment standards for gig workers, which would include the payment of super. Mr Dean said ISA supports moves that uphold the flexibility and convenience of gig work, while ensuring a minimum set of employment standards.

The post Aussie Gig Workers Robbed Of Almost Half Billion In Super a...


Experience the wonder of the Gippsland Night Skies with A Night Under The Stars this April "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

Enjoy a unique and memorable evening of stargazing, a two-course meal and live acoustic entertainment from the picturesque Buchan valley with A Night Under the Stars at Stockmans Camp this April.

Taking place at The Stockmans Camp in Buchan on Saturday 22 April, guests can learn about the galaxy above us, under the expert guidance of the Astronomical Society of Victoria.

Stay up to date with whats happening in and around the region here.


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FixedIt: Invisible perpetrators are everywhere "IndyWatch Feed National"

Sky News reported on the increasing number of women and children being forced into homelessness by violent men perpetrating domestic violence and structural poverty built into the housing market. 

Somehow, they managed to do that without mentioning either the individual perpetrators of violence (mostly men) or the perpetrators of structural poverty (mostly coalition governments).

Violent men who terrorise women and children into homelessness are once again invisible. Families suffering from domestic violence got a mention, as did mothers escaping domestic abuse and violence with their children. The men who are so abusive that women and children are safer sleeping in cars and shelters than staying at home were erased from the story. 

The video which inexplicably includes what I hope are actors playing out violent scenes is an interview with CEO of not-for-profit organisation Women and Children First, Dr Gabrielle Morrissey. She advocates for perpetrators being removed from the homes in which they commit violence, that they are held accountable by the legal system, and required to undertake therapy and education. All of this was erased from the headline and write up. 

Shockingly, Sky News, also failed to mention the structural housing affordability crisis created by decades of government policy designed to benefit people who can afford to invest in property, ignore (at best) people who cannot afford to buy a home, punish people living in poverty, and keep wage growth low in an entirely successful effort to shift income from workers to corporations.  

The National Plan to End Violence Aga...


Albanese encouraged by LINOs like Julian Leeser "IndyWatch Feed National"

Julian Leeser has made a principled decision to campaign for a yes vote at the referendum, like so many people from all sides of politics who are approaching this process in good faith. Anthony Albanese (@AlboMP) April 11, 2023 Albanese makes the laughable claim this is not about...


GAWS announce reduced adoption fees for special cats needing forever homes "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

Breaking animal lovers hearts everywhere, local animal shelter Geelong Animal Welfare Society has announced that their foster program is at capacity with extra special cats waiting for their forever homes.  

In an effort to ease pressure on the program, until April 16th, people have the opportunity to adopt a cat who is currently in foster care for just $39. 

Stay up to date with whats happening in and around the region here

With more than 30 cats currently in foster care available for adoption, GAWS CEO Helen Cocks said the organization urgently needs to find loving homes for these felines to ease pressure on the GAWS  foster program and carers, and create space for more vulnerable cats 

We urge any experienced cat owners who have been considering a cat companion to adopt an extra special feline from GAWS now.

GAWS has a dedicated foster program for cats needing some extra care and attention outside of the shelter environment. 

There are various reasons why a cat might be placed in foster care; whether it is respite from shelter life, rehabilitation or recovery from procedures or illness, they might have special needs or just prefer a home environment. They are all ready and deserving of loving, forever homes. 


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Got that everyone? "IndyWatch Feed National"

Q: Are you running in 2024? BIDEN: Well, Ill either, Ill eithIll either be rolling egg or, uh, being the, the guyou know, the guy whos pushing them out Kyle Martinsen (@KyleMartinsen_) April 10, 2023


Victoria just scored more than 46 upgraded campgrounds across the state "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

Spread across some of Victorias most beautiful locations, the State Government is making it easier and more accessible for Victorians to explore their own backyards this winter, upgrading more than 46 campgrounds and caravan parks across the state.

Late last week, Minister for Environment Ingrid Stitt announced the many projects funded as part of a $6.6 million Camping and Caravan Grants program forming part of a broader $106.6 million Labor Government investment in Victorias Great Outdoors which supports caravan parks and campgrounds to improve and upgrade their visitor facilities.

Grab your puffer jacket, here are some of the best local hikes to take in Victoria this weekend

Recently completed projects include a $140,000 new kiosk and accessible amenity block at Point Leo Foreshore Park and Reserve making this popular beach and camping destination more accessible for all visitors.


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Augie Marchs Glenn Richards to perform at the Anzac Appeal Launch for a night of mateship, music and movies "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

This year, for the first time ever, RSL Victoria is hosting a special evening around a contemporary campfire of reflections and stories, music and mateship to launch the ANZAC Appeal at Astor Theatre on Tuesday 11 April 2023.

Open to the public this year, the launch event will be an evening of nostalgia, history and humanity as RSL Victoria kicks off the 2023 Anzac Appeal, a critical fundraiser spanning over 100 years that delivers services and support to current and retired veterans and their families.

2023 Anzac Appeal Launch Event

  • A live performance by Augie Marchs Glenn Richards of I Was Only Nineteen to celebrate the songs 40th anniversary
  • A screening of The Battle of Long Tan documentary by Director Damien Lay
  • Original I Was Only Nineteen songwriter, John Schumann, speaking on the importance of the song
  • Speakers presenting the new ANZAC Appeal Badges including that of the heroic nurse Vivian Bullwinkel
  • Q&A facilitated by ABC News Breakfast Film Reviewer Zak Hepburn and director Damian Lay

Stay up to date with whats happening in and around the region here.

Victorians are encouraged to join RSL Victoria and affiliates from AFL, NRL, and Racing Victoria with special one-off screening, presentations from veterans and performances.

This isnt your standard night at the movies though. Movie-goers will be welcomed with their choice of wine donated by Yarra Valley Smaller Wineries Association members before taking their seats for a very special evening of guests.

Augie March lead singer Glenn Richards will then perform live his cover of the iconic ballad I Was Only 19, to be released on Spotify with royalties donated to the ANZAC Appeal as the song celebrates its 40th Anniversary.

The songs original writer John Schumann of the band Redgum will also be in attendance and will speak to the importance of the song and the sentiments that young veterans faced on their return from the Vietnam war.

There will be speakers presenting the new ANZAC Appeal Badges including that of the heroic nurse Vivian Bullwinkel only the second person ever, and the first woman to be commemorated on a badge.

The evening will also air a Q&A facilitated by ABC News Breakfast Film Reviewer Zak Hepburn and director Damian Lay before the screening of his documentary The Battle of Long Tan narrated by Sam Worthington hits the big screen thanks to support of The History Channel.

Tickets are $25 and include a glass of wine and access to entertainmen...


Sleaford Mods announce Australian tour for May and June "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

Sleaford Mods have announced their long-awaited return to Australian shores off the back of their latest album UK GRIM.

Kicking off in Adelaide in May, the Nottingham duos eclectic live show will take to Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Byron Bay, Hobart and Perth, with special appearances at both VIVID Live and Dark Mofo.

Sleaford Mods Australian tour 2023

  • Wednesday 31 May The Gov, Adelaide: TICKETS
  • Friday 2 June VIVID Live @ Sydney Opera House, Sydney
  • Saturday 3 June The Forum, Melbourne: TICKETS
  • Tuesday 6 June The Princess Theatre, Brisbane: TICKETS
  • Wednesday 7 June The Great Northern, Byron Bay: TICKETS
  • Friday 9 June Dark Mofo @ Odeon Theatre, Hobart
  • Sunday 11 June Astor Theatre, Perth

Keep up with the latest music news, festivals, interviews and reviews here.

As Sleaford Mods most dance-floor friendly release to date, UK GRIM is an urgent and sage-like look at life, living and the gritty reality of our era.

Angry yet artful, innovative yet possessing an instinctual energy that irresistibly moves bodies and minds, UK GRIM is an erudite electronic vision that truly engages with times that have been anything but precedented.

Stream / download UK Grim here. Pre-sale is live Thursday, 13th April at 10am (AEST), general on-sale on Friday, 13th April at this link.

The post Sleaford Mods announce Australian tour for May and June appeared first on Forte Magazine.


The Braggster of Manhattan is Playing Cute "IndyWatch Feed National"

Jordan and Bragg

[Email from G5 11 April 2023]

by G5

The Braggster of Manhattan is playing cute with his army of big wind, otherwise pathetic feminise frenzy force. He has refused subpoena compliance.

One cannot hide what is already known. And as every sound Intel operative will advise; never seek something, you dont already have.

Next Monday 17 April 2023: officers representing the three interested Congressional Committees of; Justice, Oversight, and Administration will arrive at Braggs Lower Manhattan Office, to collect Bragg, anyone else of interest, and all the records de...


What Can Forced Vaccination Teach Us About Medical Ethics? "IndyWatch Feed National"

One of the greatest challenges I have faced throughout my medical career is having watched physicians on so many occasions push dangerous and unnecessary treatments on patients, assuring them that they are safe.

Some of these treatments inevitably injure those patients. When this happens, if the patient asks about causation, the doctor will tend to insist that the injury had nothing to do with the doctors therapy and instead attribute it to some other cause like pre-existing anxiety.

This dynamic is commonly referred to as medical gaslighting (summarized here), and one the most perplexing things about it is that the majority of doctors who gaslight their patients are very intelligent individuals who sincerely want the best for their patients. Since this profound contradiction is so systemic throughout the medical field, I believe that the problem transcends the individual doctor, and the root causes need to be examined to understand why it happens.

For example, I believe a major issue is that physicians go through a medical training process which does provide trainees with the capacity to be able to recognize most medical injuries.

Medical Education and Medical Ethics

Medical education is currently structured in such a way that medical schools are largely judged by their ability to prepare students to get good scores on board exams. As a result, pre-clinical curriculums are geared towards maximizing board-relevant content, of which there is a lot leading to the first two years of medical school commonly being analogized to the student drinking from a fire hose.

This, in turn, prevents a significant amount of material (which many believe is important for becoming a competent physician) from making it into the pre-clinical curriculum (which is a problem since the structured component of ones medical education largely disappears after the pre-clinical years conclude).

One of the largely neglected subjects in our medical training is medical ethics. Presently, medical school accreditation bodies require this subject to somehow be taught in the curriculum, and the medical board exams provide a few questions testing the subject. This results in the medical ethics education typically consisting of a few lectures that are largely geared towards learning the concepts tested on boards.

Board examinations, in turn, require one to understand the four principles of medical ethics (do no harm, conduct actions that benefit the patient, respect the patients autonomy, ensure limited medical resources are fairly distributed), and then answer logical questions pertaining to given situations. This process results in medical ethics being something that doctors can logically...


FBI Glossary for Flagging 'Violent Extremism' "IndyWatch Feed National"

Victoria Police brutal violence against news photographers is not considered 'violent extremism' by government.

See the FOIA obtained by the Heritage Foundation Oversight Project:

Pity there is no action describing Victorian premier's Daniel Michael Andrews of 'violent extremism' where Victoria Police was ordered to shoot the general population in the back, while the constituents were exercising their so called right to free speech.

Australia is a fascist totalitarian state, but that is kept under wraps by the world's mainstream media.


Not so favourite hobby "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

Different species of raptors elicit different reactions from their potential prey.

I was watching a small group of Red-kneed Dotterels yesterday morning at Frogmore Swamp as they foraged on the mud amongst the rushes, lignum and logs.

Suddenly an Australian Hobby appeared in hunting mode, to perch on a tall, dead tree perhaps 150 metres distant. The dotterels immediately froze and then slowly moved under the cover of some small lignum bushes and a fallen log. The hobby made a number of forays, each time returning to the same perch, on one occasion with what I think may have been a dragonfly. The dotterels remained motionless, but seemingly less concerned by a Whistling Kite and Brown Falcon overhead than they were by the presence of the hobby.


Australian Hobby, Frogmore Swamp, 10th April 2023



The NGV Triennial brings a world of contemporary art and design to NGV this summer "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

Bringing contemporary art, design and architecture into dialogue with one another and traversing all four levels of NGV International, the NGV Triennial features more than 75 extraordinary projects that invite us to reflect on the world as it is, while also asking how we would like it to be.

With more than 25 world-premiere projects commissioned by the NGV especially for this presentation, the NGV Triennial reveals the extraordinary ways in which leading and emerging artists and designers have responded to the most relevant and critical global issues of our time. With many of the works on display entering the NGV Collection, the NGV Triennial establishes a lasting legacy for Victoria that can be accessed for many generations to come.

Stay up to date with whats happening within the regions art scene here.

NGV Triennial 2023 highlights

Polish-born Agnieszka Pilat will train Boston Dynamics robot dogs to paint autonomously a breakthrough in her practice that explores power of technology in contemporary society. Over four months, audiences can witness the robot dogs painting a monolithic durational work. Pilat imagines that in a distant future these paintings will be revered as the first primitive art-making of AI enabled robots.


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I was sexually abused as a child Donald Elley testimony "IndyWatch Feed National"

Donald Elley being interviewed outside court by Australias Channel Nine TV on the first day of Pastor Brians court case, Monday December 5, 2022, about Brian Houston and Frank Houston boy victim Brett Sengstock.

Donald Elley of Bellingen April 11, 2023

Ive known about what Ive shared here all my life. Since I was four. Its as clear as day. As it always has been. I dont know who the perpetrator was. He covered his face. It was done at night in the family home in Tawa, Wellington, New Zealands capital.

It affected me for sure. I was also sexually abused aged ten. Also in Tawa. This incident is as clear as if it was yesterday.

And Ive been sexually abused by various adult men. One tried to rape me. I fought him off. I was 16. Gays have always been attracted to me. Because Im a big alpha-male. That turns a lot of gays on. About ten years ago a gay who lives in my home town commented, Donald, youve got great male energy. I took that as a compliment. A...


Unlike the U.S., China Issues Warning about Dangerous ChatGPT AI Financial Bubble "IndyWatch Feed National"

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

As someone who grew up with modern computer technology and at one time earned my living from it, and as someone who not only lived through the financial collapse but has also owned an ecommerce business for over 21 years and has survived multiple economic downturns, it has been plainly obvious to me that the current financial frenzy over chat AI hype is one of the largest developing financial bubbles being blown up with no real model of generating revenue at this time.

And yet, hardly any other financial analyst has come out to expose this very dangerous financial bubble that could burst at any time, and potentially sink the entire economy, until today.

But that financial analysis over the current spending frenzy regarding AI did not come from any financial analysts in the U.S., but by the Chinese Government.

China is the worlds second largest investor in technology start-ups by venture capitalists, with only the U.S. spending more.

Sequoia and Other U.S.-Backed VCs Are Funding Chinas Answer to OpenAI

A boom in artificial intelligence startup funding sparked by OpenAI has spilled over to China, the worlds second-biggest venture capital market. Now American institutional investors are indirectly financing a rash of Chinese AI startups aspiring to be Chinas answer to OpenAI.

The American investors, including U.S. endowments, back key Chinese VC firms such as Sequoia Capital China, Matrix Partners China, Qiming Venture Partners and Hillhouse Capital Management that are striking local AI startup deals, which havent been previously reported. U.S. government officials have grown increasingly wary of such investments in Chinese AI as well as semiconductors because they could aid a geopolitical rival. (Source.)

The Chinese government might be regulating the AI industry to prevent a financial crash over this wild speculation in the Tech sector over OpenAI, based on an opinion piece published earlier today in a Chinese financial publication.

Chinese shares related to artificial intelligence plunged after a state media ou...


Unlike the U.S., China Issues Warning about Dangerous ChatGPT AI Financial Bubble "IndyWatch Feed National"

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

As someone who grew up with modern computer technology and at one time earned my living from it, and as someone who not only lived through the financial collapse but has also owned an ecommerce business for over 21 years and has survived multiple economic downturns, it has been plainly obvious to me that the current financial frenzy over chat AI hype is one of the largest developing financial bubbles being blown up with no real model of generating revenue at this time.

And yet, hardly any other financial analyst has come out to expose this very dangerous financial bubble that could burst at any time, and potentially sink the entire economy, until today.

But that financial analysis over the current spending frenzy regarding AI did not come from any financial analysts in the U.S., but by the Chinese Government.

China is the worlds second largest investor in technology start-ups by venture capitalists, with only the U.S. spending more.

Sequoia and Other U.S.-Backed VCs Are Funding Chinas Answer to OpenAI

A boom in artificial intelligence startup funding sparked by OpenAI has spilled over to China, the worlds second-biggest venture capital market. Now American institutional investors are indirectly financing a rash of Chinese AI startups aspiring to be Chinas answer to OpenAI.

The American investors, including U.S. endowments, back key Chinese VC firms such as Sequoia Capital China, Matrix Partners China, Qiming Venture Partners and Hillhouse Capital Management that are striking local AI startup deals, which havent been previously reported. U.S. government officials have grown increasingly wary of such investments in Chinese AI as well as semiconductors because they could aid a geopolitical rival. (Source.)

The Chinese government might be regulating the AI industry to prevent a financial crash over this wild speculation in the Tech sector over OpenAI, based on an opinion piece published earlier today in a Chinese financial publication.

Chinese shares related to artificial intelligence plunged after a state media ou...


Unlike the U.S., China Issues Warning about Dangerous ChatGPT AI Financial Bubble "IndyWatch Feed National"

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

As someone who grew up with modern computer technology and at one time earned my living from it, and as someone who not only lived through the financial collapse but has also owned an ecommerce business for over 21 years and has survived multiple economic downturns, it has been plainly obvious to me that the current financial frenzy over chat AI hype is one of the largest developing financial bubbles being blown up with no real model of generating revenue at this time.

And yet, hardly any other financial analyst has come out to expose this very dangerous financial bubble that could burst at any time, and potentially sink the entire economy, until today.

But that financial analysis over the current spending frenzy regarding AI did not come from any financial analysts in the U.S., but by the Chinese Government.

China is the worlds second largest investor in technology start-ups by venture capitalists, with only the U.S. spending more.

Sequoia and Other U.S.-Backed VCs Are Funding Chinas Answer to OpenAI

A boom in artificial intelligence startup funding sparked by OpenAI has spilled over to China, the worlds second-biggest venture capital market. Now American institutional investors are indirectly financing a rash of Chinese AI startups aspiring to be Chinas answer to OpenAI.

The American investors, including U.S. endowments, back key Chinese VC firms such as Sequoia Capital China, Matrix Partners China, Qiming Venture Partners and Hillhouse Capital Management that are striking local AI startup deals, which havent been previously reported. U.S. government officials have grown increasingly wary of such investments in Chinese AI as well as semiconductors because they could aid a geopolitical rival. (...


The impossibility of actual politics "IndyWatch Feed National"

After the Arab Spring, the African left was left demoralized and disorganized. However, a recent book argues that the revolution continues in quotidian life.

Image credit Hossam el-Hamalawy via Flickr CC BY 2.0, 2011.

Twelve years have passed since the Arab Spring, and both Egypt and Tunisia are facing a stark economic crisis. Both are currently under the mercy of extremely unfavorable structural adjustment programs imposed by the International Monetary Fund, relying heavily on food imports, mired in debt, and facing historical inflation rates with unprecedented hikes in food prices. This dire economic situation is made all the worse by a relentless escalation of authoritarian measures in both countries. The prevailing atmosphere indicates that the counterrevolution has prevailed and that avenues of emancipatory possibility have shrunk almost to the point of extinction.

Every year, however, as the anniversary of the January uprisings approaches, dread ensues, not only because it prompts us to reflect on the defeat, but also because of the steady barrage of analysis we are inundated with, grappling with the same questions every year, and revealing an unsatiated desire to answer questions that we already probably know the answers to. Questions abound about horizontalism or verticalism, leadership, or leaderlessness that date back to the break between Stalin and Trotsky, which have eternally divided those in the 1917 camp vs the 1968 camp. Spontaneity contra organization ad infinitum.

A book that stands out in this genre, however, is Asef Bayats Revolution Without Revolutionaries: Making Sense of the Arab Spring. Published in 2017, it has become one of the most referenced in the field. In it, the Iranian-American sociologist grapples with the idea of what revolution means in a post-Cold War era. Bayatcorrectly in my opinionattributes the failure of the January uprisings, despite their extraordinary mobilization and resistance, to a lack of revolutionary vision, political organization, and a dearth of intellectual articulation by its leaders. He does so by comparing them to the revolutions of the 1970s when the concept of revolution was largely informed by socialism and anti-imperialism. Adversely, the January uprisings, affected by the NGOization of the world, seemed to be more concerned with democracy, human rights, and accountability.

Deviating away from the approach he took in Revolution Without Revolutionaries, Bayatin his sixth and latest book, Revolutionary Life: The Everyday of the Arab Spring...


Fighting the case against Julian Assange "IndyWatch Feed National"

Stephen Rohde reviews a new book by investigative journalist Kevin Gosztola about the persecution of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange (Truthdig 7 April 2023). The book outlines the lengths to which Washington has gone to get its hands on the journalist and editor, which includes deliberate lies and misinformation, the abuse of law and legal process, the use of slander to discredit Assanges reputation, and even plans to murder him. This, it is suggested, attacks freedom of the press and the democratic rights of everyone. Rohdes article, and especially Gosztolas book, Guilty Journalism: The Political Case Against Julian Assange. are must reads for those wanting to know the truth the most important political trial in our time.

Like the Trump administration that preceded it, the Biden administration is seeking the extradition of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to stand trial on an indictment under the infamous Espionage Act of 1917. As the unprecedented U.S. prosecution of Assange reaches a critical stage, a growing number of elite media outlets, human rights advocates and press freedom organizations around the world are demanding his release. All have expressed basic agreement with Nils Melzer, former UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, who describes the case against Assange as a scandal that represents the failure of Western rule of law.

Photo by Martyn Wheatley/Parsons Media/Zuma Press/Newscom

Time is running out to correct this failure. Last August, Assange filed an appeal before the U.K. High Court of Justice Administrative Court arguing that his extradition would violate U.K. law because he is being prosecuted for his political opinions and protected speech; tha...


Green Energy Crunch Time: Aussie Liddell Coal Plant Closes This Month "IndyWatch Feed National"

Last winter, during a low wind deep freeze, the Aussie East Cost suffered blackouts and energy shortages. This year they'll face the same - with 1200MW less capacity.


How Do Vaccines Cause Autism .org: The Science Behind the Phenomenon "IndyWatch Feed National"

Science post imageBy Ginger Taylor

The question of whether or not vaccines cause autism was answered by 2008, when the research caught up with real world events, and Hannah Poling was awarded compensation for her vaccine induced autism in the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. By then, the question was no longer "Do vaccines cause autism," but "How do vaccines cause autism?"

And now there is a site with the research that demonstrates HOW vaccines can cause autism.

Screenshot 2023-04-09 at 23-01-06 How Do Vaccines Cause Autism The Body of Research Supporting Vaccine Autism Causation


The research includes more than 200 citations, is posted by the date it was published, is organized into the categories in which each paper should reside, includes a menu by vaccine and major category, and links to the journal article itself (sometimes the full paper, if it is available to the public).

Screenshot 2023-04-10 at 10-33-41 January 1943 How Do Vaccines Cause AutismThe research linking vaccines to autism goes back to 1943, to the first paper on autism published at Johns Hopkins in 1943.

Want to read research that supports vaccine - autism causation before anyone heard the name "Andrew Wakefield"?

You have quite...


Roads, human activity take a toll on red pandas: Q&A with researcher Damber Bista "IndyWatch Feed National"

KATHMANDU The spring season in the Northern Hemisphere is a critical time for red pandas, particularly in Nepal. This is the period when these furry, tree-dwelling animals spend a lot of time on the ground to look for food. Its also the time when breeding adults of the species, Ailurus fulgens, start to reproduce, and when cubs born the previous year explore their habitat in search of a new home. These are some of the findings conservationist Damber Bista made while working on his Ph.D. at the University of Queensland, Australia. As part of the study, Bista and his team fitted 10 red pandas in eastern Nepal with GPS collars, so that they could track them to look at the effects of human disturbances on the species. Mongabays Abhaya Raj Joshi spoke to Bista recently over video call to learn about his work. The following interview has been translated from Nepali and lightly edited for length and clarity. Mongabay: Could you please describe the main objectives of your study? Damber Bista: My main overall objective was to look at the effects of human disturbance and habitat fragmentation on red pandas. I tried to look at these issues from different indicators such as their space use pattern, daily movement and behavior while close to a road. Also, as we didnt have previous studies on how cubs disperse after leaving their mother, I also looked into it. The other objective was related to their recursive behavior under which they spend aThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Ukraine attempts to blame Russia for humiliating Pentagon leak "IndyWatch Feed National"

The Pentagon announced it was trying to remove from the internet a major leak of secret documents which have exposed plans relating to Ukraine's war on Russia. For his part, Elon Musk sarcastically highlighted the vain attempt, saying on Twitter: "Yeah, you can totally delete things from the Internet - that works perfectly and doesn't draw attention to whatever you were trying to hide at all." The American billionaire derided on Twitter the Pentagon's attempt to remove social media posts containing leaked classified documents relating to the conflict in Ukraine. The day before his tweet, the New York Times newspaper indicated that officials were not successful in removing the publications from the internet. The leak was described to the New York Times by a senior intelligence official as "a nightmare for the Five Eyes," the intelligence sharing apparatus between the Anglo countries - the United States, Britain, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. Some of the documents were found on...


10 Best Microphone Australia in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

If you are looking for the best microphone for your needs, look no further than Australia. There is a wide range of microphones available on the market, so finding the right one can be a daunting task. However, by doing your research and knowing what to look for, you can be sure to find the perfect microphone for your needs. This blog will provide you with information on the best microphones available in Australia, so that you can make an informed decision when purchasing your next microphone.


The Climate Crisis Is Increasing Home Runs in Baseball "IndyWatch Feed National"

Why have the number of home runs struck at baseball games gone up since the 1980s? 

There are many possible factors, from steroids to alterations in bat and ball design to improved analytics. But one part of the answer may surprise you: climate change.

Theres a very clear physical mechanism at play in which warmer temperatures reduce the density of air. Baseball is a game of ballistics, and a batted ball is going to fly farther on a warm day, Dartmouth College assistant professor of geography Justin Mankin said in a press release. 

Mankin is the senior author on a unique study published in the American Meteorological Society Friday that found that more than 500 home runs since 2010 could be attributed to warmer temperatures from the burning of fossil fuels. That amounts to an extra 58 runs a year between 2010 and 2019, The Guardian pointed out. Or around one percent of recent extra runs. 

We dont think temperature is the dominant factor in the increase in home runs batters are now primed to hit balls at optimal speeds and angles, lead author and Dartmouth geography doctoral candidate Christopher Callahan said in the press release. That said, temperature matters and weve identified its effect. While climate change has been a minor influence so far, this influence will substantially increase by the end of the century if we continue to emit greenhouse gases and temperatures rise.

By 2100 under these conditions, 10 percent of home runs or more could be attributed to the climate crisis. 

The study authors looked at 100,000 major league games and 220,000 hits, and then saw which home runs occurred during warmer than average temp...


10 Best Motorcycle Handlebar Grips in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

There are a lot of different motorcycle handlebar grips on the market, so it can be hard to know which ones are the best. In this blog post, we will take a look at some of the best motorcycle handlebar grips and see what makes them stand out.

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Ukraine attempts to blame Russia for humiliating Pentagon leak "IndyWatch Feed National"

By Ahmed Adel | April 10, 2023

The Pentagon announced it was trying to remove from the internet a major leak of secret documents which have exposed plans relating to Ukraines war on Russia. For his part, Elon Musk sarcastically highlighted the vain attempt, saying on Twitter: Yeah, you can totally delete things from the Internet that works perfectly and doesnt draw attention to whatever you were trying to hide at all.

The American billionaire derided on Twitter the Pentagons attempt to remove social media posts containing leaked classified documents relating to the conflict in Ukraine. The day before his tweet, the New York Times newspaper indicated that officials were not successful in removing the publications from the internet.

The leak was described to the News York Times by a senior intelligence official as a nightmare for the Five Eyes, the intelligence sharing apparatus between the Anglo countries the United States, Britain, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. Some of the documents were found on Twitter and other sites on April 7, a day after US officials announced that they were investigating a potential leak of classified Ukrainian war plans. These war plans include an alarming assessment of Ukraines faltering air defence capabilities and notes that 12 brigades are being formed for Ukraine, including nine trained by the US and other NATO allies.

One of the leaks, dated February 23, is labelled Secret/NoForn, meaning it was not meant to be shared with foreign countries, and thus confirms the secrecy of the documents.

It is the belief of Mick Mulroy, a former senior Pentagon official, that the leak is a significant breach in security that could hamper Ukrainian military planning as it reportedly prepares for a spring offensive. As many of these were pictures of documents, it appears that it was a deliberate leak done by someone that wished to damage the Ukraine, US, and NATO efforts, he said.

The Kremlin said it had no doubts about the participation of the US or NATO, direct or indirect, in the conflict in Ukraine. None-the-less, the leaks would still provide a fascinating insight for decisionmakers in Moscow.

The New York Times reported that the leaks appear to be legitimate Defense Department documents. None-the-less, this did not stop Ukrainian officials from suggesting that the leak was only part of a Russian disinformation campaign aimed at influencing Ukraines possible spring offensive.

Ukrainian presidential advisor Mykhailo Podolyak told Reuters that the data contained a very large amount of fictitious information and Russia was trying to seize back the initiative in its invasion. His claim, instead, is part of Ukraines disinformation campaign, one that has been insisted upon........


Does anyone take these freaks seriously? "IndyWatch Feed National"

Gender Ideology Cult Leaders Dylan Mulvaney & Jeffrey Marsh discuss girlhood and what it means to be a girl #DylanMulvaney #JeffreyMarsh #tiktok Oli London (@OliLondonTV) April 9, 2023


Utahs Secretive Medical Malpractice Panels Make It Even Harder to Sue Providers "IndyWatch Feed National"

This story discusses sexual assault.

This article was produced for ProPublicas Local Reporting Network in partnership with The Salt Lake Tribune. Sign up for Dispatches_ to get stories like this one as soon as they are published.

Jessica Lancaster didnt want to tell the panel of three strangers in front of her about the moment her chiropractor insisted she lift up her shirt.

How Kelby Martins breathing became heavier as he groped her breasts, which had been healing from surgery; how after he touched her chest, he didnt follow through with any type of chiropractic treatment; how she left his office in August 2021 in a haze.

But Lancaster wanted to sue Martin to hold him accountable, and before she could do that, Utah law required her to make her case to the panel.

The panel concluded last August that Martin had departed from the normal standard of care, Lancasters lawyers later disclosed in a court filing. In response to a request for comment, Martins lawyer pointed to court papers in which the chiropractor denied Lancasters allegations against him. The case is pending; his license remains in good standing with the state.

There was a time when a majority of states had adopted malpractice screening panels in some form. A 1984 analysis by the American Medical Association found 30 states had implemented panels at some point. The goal was to cut down on frivolous lawsuits and encourage settlements of legitimate claims.

Over the years, many of those states found these panels ineffective or in violation of their constitutions, and some did away with them entirely. But Utah remains one of 16 states where patients still must spend time, money for legal services and emotional energy recounting to a panel how a medical professional they trusted hurt them, according to a tally from the Nation...



User Answers

Apropos of today's main blog, consider this styory shared by W.G.:

The post TIDBIT: ARKANSAS JOINS THE BULLION BANDWAGON appeared first on The Giza Death Star.


Interview: Russian anti-war prisoner solidarity "IndyWatch Feed National"

There are few of us, and we cant handle the flow of repression.

Solidarity Zone is a project to help people who have been repressed for anti-war resistance. We talked to project activists about solidarity within Russian society, forms of protest, and the prospects for ending the war. Female participants working in Russia answered the questions:

How did the idea of the project come about? Did you help political prisoners before, or
Did you start from scratch?



How to Tame the Endless Infinities Hiding in the Heart of Particle Physics "IndyWatch Feed National"

This is actually important.  understand that empirical infinity is merely a very large number and its inverse is not zero.  This makes it a tangible thing in theoretical physics.  It leads to real issues and here a chap has gone out and advanced it totally.

The key thing tnhough is to understand that you must seprate mathematical infinity from empirical infinity and even if this is by accident by discarding or setting aside those nasty infinities, it is still dealing with something that is real.

This will ultimately shake out into a new branch of mathematics.  It is also looking very productive in terms of physics.

How to Tame the Endless Infinities Hiding in the Heart of Particle Physics

How to Tame the Endless Infinities Hiding in the Heart of Particle Physics

In the math of particle physics, every calculation should result in infinity. Physicists get around this by just ignoring certain parts of the equations an approach that provides approximate answers. But by using the techniques known as resurgence, researchers hope to end the infinities and end up with perfectly precise predictions.



The Reality of Australias Cabinet Solidarity Holocaust "IndyWatch Feed National"

The Reality of Australias Cabinet Solidarity Holocaust.

URL short link:

Watch and listen as senior Australian Cabinet Ministers justify mass fraud, serial murder and the routine violation of constitutional rights on basis of Cabinet solidarity.

I do not know why these politicians believe that the Westminster system of Parliament allows Australian politicians to commit these horrific crimes.

The false belief that if they are saving taxpayers money this justifies a humanitarian disaster of holocaust proportions  because, as far as they are concerned, this is proper process.,


How Australia helped the US keep tabs on its nuclear rivals through a secret balloon program "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

By Tim Callanan ABC News, 9 Apr 23  

For those with a keen mind for history, the recent Chinese spy balloon controversy may have reawakened some distant memories of Australias Cold War-era balloon program.

While it was officially secret, everyone knew about it.

More than 60 years ago, Australia and the United States launched the Hibal (High Altitude Balloon) project as a way of keeping tabs on weapons developments in other countries.

Not by flying over them, but by testing the air at extremely high altitudes.

It was a bit like sticking your nose out of the top window of your house to smell what the people three doors down were cooking.

The Americans figured the air from nuclear testing sites in the Pacific would waft across to Australia, carrying tell-tale particles with it.

Steven Thorn worked on the program in its early years and has since written his own book on Hibal, which was based in the regional Victorian city of Mildura.

The Americans were sniffing at other peoples weapons. They were interested in the French [nuclear testing] out in the Pacific, he said.

The Americans had trace elements in their bombs and they could determine from the type of residue whether they were a hydrogen bomb or an atom bomb so I suspect that was part of the secret part of it.

The balloons themselves were huge, reaching up to 100 metres in diameter.

They carried a 300 kilogram payload of atmospheric testing instruments to altitudes of more than 30 kilometres  well above the level at which commercial airliners fly.

The payload looked like something straight from the set of an old Dr Who episode, with visible wires, tubes and funnels all secured in place with what looked like sticky tape.

The project may technically have been classified top secret, but plenty of people knew about it  in fact, people used to come and watch the huge balloons being launched.

But it was the data captured high above the ground that was definitely off limits.

A race to reach the balloons as they crashed to earth..

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The HIBAL project petered out in the late 1970s as the Americans lost interest in sniffing our air, or found better ways of keeping tabs on their nuclear rivals.more


Australian Dollar and Bitcoin "IndyWatch Feed National"

1.00 AUD = 0.00002 BTC
0.00010 BTC = 4.25 AUD


Prepare Yourselves For The Rare Hybrid Solar Eclipse "IndyWatch Feed National"

Skywatchers and astronomy enthusiasts are eagerly anticipating the rare celestial event known as a hybrid solar eclipse, set to occur in April 2023. This unique type of eclipse transitions from an annular to a total solar eclipse as it moves along its path, providing a fascinating viewing experience. This article will discuss the details of the April 2023 hybrid solar eclipse, including its path, what to expect, and how to safely view this extraordinary event.

The Hybrid Solar Eclipse of April 2023

On April 20, 2023, the hybrid solar eclipse will captivate observers as it makes its way across the Earths surface. A hybrid solar eclipse occurs when the moons distance from the Earth is such that it transitions between being slightly too far to completely cover the sun, resulting in an annular eclipse, and being close enough to create a total solar eclipse. This rare combination makes hybrid solar eclipses a sought-after event for both amateur and professional astronomers.

The Path of the Eclipse

The path of the April 2023 hybrid solar eclipse will primarily pass over the Pacific Ocean, beginning southeast of Japan and making its way across the ocean towards the western coast of Central America. Regions along the path where the total phase of the eclipse will be visible include parts of Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and several Pacific island nations. A broader region, including parts of Asia, Australia, and the Americas, will be able to witness a partial solar eclipse.

What to Expect: Observers located within the path of totality will experience the unique transition from an annular to a total solar eclipse. The event will begin as an annular eclipse, with the moon covering the suns center and leaving a bright ring of fire visible around the edges. As the eclipse progresses, the moon will move closer to Earth, eventually covering the sun entirely and creating a total solar eclipse. This brief period of complete darkness will be a remarkable sight for those fortunate enough to be in the right location.

Viewing the Eclipse Safely

It is crucial to remember that looking directly at the sun without proper eye protection can cause serious and permanent eye damage. To safely view any solar eclipse, including the hybrid solar eclipse of April 2023, it is essential to use specially designed solar viewing glasses or filters. Regular sunglasses, even if they are polarized, are not sufficient for protecting your eyes during an eclipse. Additionally, ensure that any telescopes, binoculars, or cameras you use are equipped with appropriate solar filters.

The hybrid solar eclipse of April 2023 offers a unique and rare celestial event for skywatchers to witness. As the eclipse transitions from annular to total, observers along its path will be treated to a breathtaking and unforgettable experience. Remember to prioritize safety when viewing the eclipse, using proper ey...


Beyond The Reset "IndyWatch Feed National"

Introduction by DM

I posted this in comments yesterday, but think Oleg Kuznetsovs satirical efforts are worthy of a post for this Easter Mondays entertainment. I would have not been surprised had Oleg been from Melbourne, but it seems he lives in the US (with US number +1) somewhere.

Some comments yesterday:

Joe Bogan: Reminds me of those people who escaped from quarantine and were treated like criminals by our lying, crooked, treacherous State Premiers. 

Ant56: A good laugh if not so real. Serco on all bases loaded.
The great Aussie dream !!!  In forty years, from most affordable housing to most unaffordable in the world, the shackles of debt usury by bankster beasts, the only protected species left in Oz.

I spoke to someone from South Australia yesterday, and they told me about the drones they had seen lift off at dusk. She assumed they were police drones, and said they were massive the size of a small car; and a number of them were patrolling the sky.



NSW Police Turned Their Body Cameras Off Before Fatally Shooting Mentally Ill Man "IndyWatch Feed National"

NSW police tactical operations officers didnt have to shoot Todd McKenzie dead on a July evening in 2019. Yet, following a nine-hour siege, five officers stormed his Taree home, where he was alone, and shot the 40-year-old man, having a mental health crisis, three times in the back.

Evidence heard in the first week of his inquest has a local officer, who was attending a man having a schizophrenic episode, proceeding to aggravate McKenzie, suggesting that he was speaking dribble, lying and a drain on the country, while he further taunted Todd to step outside for a fight.

Over the second week of the coronial inquiry, testimony revealed that when Tactical Operations Regional Support officers arrived at the scene, they then ordered local police to turn off their body-worn cameras, despite Taree officers having been recording for the previous two and a...


Six movies worth seeing on the big screen these school holidays "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

<p>Exactly why we celebrate Easter with chocolate eggs remains a bit of a puzzle, especially as going to the movies is clearly a much more sensible way to spend time over the holidays.</p> <p>Seriously, the weathers starting to get a little chiller, the days are getting shorter, youve just eaten a whole bunch of chocolate eggs a nice warm cinema is definitely where you want to be.</p> <p>The only question now is, what to watch?</p> <h3>John Wick: Chapter 4 (in cinemas now)</h3> <p>Its not news that John Wick (Keanu Reeves) is a killing machine of such lethal intensity that his fight scenes largely function like dance numbers in a musical: theyre more about expressing and exploring a mood than driving forward the story. And the story here is thin even for a <em>John Wick</em> movie, with the moments between fights largely about moving characters from stand-off to stand-off.</p> <p>Old favourites (Ian McShane, Lawrence Fishburne) provide old pleasures, while the newcomers most notably Bill Skarsgard as new representative of the High Table / chief baddie Marchese Vincent de Gramont and the amoral tracker Mr Nobody (Shamier Anderson) fulfill their roles with aplomb. And then theres Caine (Donnie Yen), a blind killer and old friend of Wicks who is forced to once again pick up the gun (if he doesnt, the High Table will kill his violin playing daughter) and could possibly be the only gunslinger who can take our hero down.</p> <p>Its all intentionally too much of a good thing, everything dialled up to eleven in a way that reflects Wicks own exhaustion even as he beats down a dozen goons using nunchucks. Going way over the top is the point in this enjoyably excessive bloodbath.</p> <h3>Dungeons & Dragons: Honour Among Thieves (in cinemas now)

Its fantasy adventure time, and while these tales usually involve vast treasures and mighty evils here the story is basically about trying to reunite a family. Theres still quests to get magic objects and loot treasure, as those whove ever played a game of D&D might expect, but theres also a bit of heart in there between the battles (with magic and without), the classic monsters (an Owlbear! A Gelatinous Cube!) and a satisfyingly sinister evil scheme.</p> <p>More important is the tone, which it gets exactly right. The fighter (Michelle Rodriguez) is gruff, the magic user (Justice Smith) is battling confidence issues, the shape-shifter (Sophia Lillis) is slightly more serious and mistrustful, and the Paladin (Rene-Jean Page) is extremely Good (at everything, including avoiding becoming the straight man for a bunch of jokes). Youve even got Hugh Grant as a dodgy con man turned ruler who is the kind of bad guy whos up front that hes bad...</p>


Macron refuses to back US line on China "IndyWatch Feed National"

Western Europe must pursue "strategic autonomy" and avoid getting dragged into confrontations on behalf of the US, Emmanuel Macron told Politico on Sunday. The French president has made similar assertions before, but has nevertheless followed Washington's lead on Ukraine. In an interview while traveling within China this week, Macron told the news site that "Europe faces a great risk" if it "gets caught up in crises that are not ours." "The paradox would be that, overcome with panic, we believe we are just America's followers," Macron said. "The question Europeans need to answer... is it in our interest to accelerate [a crisis] on Taiwan? No. The worse thing would be to think that we Europeans must become followers on this topic and take our cue from the US agenda and a Chinese overreaction."


Macron: Europe must resist pressure to become Americas followers "IndyWatch Feed National"

Europe must resist pressure to become Americas followers, says Macron

The great risk Europe faces is getting caught up in crises that are not ours, French president says in interview.


"The great risk Europe faces is getting "caught up in crises that are not ours," says Macron | Ludovic Marin/ AFP 


APRIL 9, 2023  12:39 PM CET


Cet article est aussi disponible en franais.

ABOARD COTAM UNIT (FRANCES AIR FORCE ONE) Europe must reduce its dependency on the United States and avoid getting dragged into a confrontation between China and the U.S. over Taiwan, French President Emmanuel Macron said in an interview on his plane back from a three-day state visit to China.

Speaking with POLITICO and two French journalists after spending around six hours with Chinese President Xi Jinping during his trip, Macron emphasized his pet theory of strategic autonomy for Europe, presumably led by France, to become a third superpower.

He said the great risk Europe faces is that it gets caught up in crises that are not ours, which prevents it from building its strategic autonomy, while flying from Beijing to Guangzhou, in southern China, aboard COTAM Unit, Frances Air Force One.

Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party have enthusiastically endorsed Macrons concept of strategic autonomy and Chinese officials constantly refer to it in their dealings with European countries. Party leaders and theorists in Beijing are convinced the West is in decline and China is on the ascendant and that weakening the transatlantic relationship will help accelerate this trend.

The paradox would be that, overcome with panic, we believe we are just Americas followers, Macron said in the interview. The question Europeans need to answer is it in our interest to accelerate [a crisis] on Taiwan? No. The worse thing would be to think that we Europeans must become followers on this topic and take our cue from the U.S. agenda and a Chinese overreaction, he said.

Just hours after his flight left Guangzhou headed back to Paris, China launched large military exercises around the self-ruled island of Taiwan, which China claims as its territory but the U.S. has promised to arm and defend. 



Michael Mann Calls the Defeat of Climate Denialism in Australia "IndyWatch Feed National"

Michael Mann appears to have mistaken a left wing electoral cycle maximum for a hockey stick.


Why the Rule of Law is Collapsing "IndyWatch Feed National"

QUESTION: Marty, Why did you not file a lawsuit against the government for false imprisonment?


ANSWER: I met with five law firms. The truth is when they say the corruption of the judge even changing transcripts and the court of appeals, NOT one lawyer had the guts to challenge the government and the courts. I think people even wrote to Judicial Watch and they would never answer.

When it comes to actually challenging how corrupt the entire system has become, no lawyer wanted to get involved. They are all afraid of the government. I met with one of the largest firms in Philadelphia. Their response We dont sue other lawyers.

Good luck in finding someone who will really defend you. I was at a meeting early on and 4 law firms were talking about how corrupt the judge was. When I told Tenzer Greenblatt to make a motion to recuse the judge, they said their firm would never do that for all the other judges in NYC would then prejudice their firm for even making a recusal motion. So much for the rule of law.

Perhaps Trump will bring all of this to the surface.

The post Why the Rule of Law is Collapsing first appeared on Armstrong Economics.


10 Best Tie Pin in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

Tie pins are an essential part of a mans wardrobe. They add a touch of class and sophistication to any outfit. But with so many tie pins on the market, it can be hard to know which one to choose.

Here at the Blog, weve done the hard work for you and compiled a list of the best tie pins available. From classic silver tie pins to modern designs, weve got you covered. So whether youre looking for the perfect gift for a loved one or treating yourself, check out our list of the best tie pins on the market.


10 Best Pajama Top in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

If you are anything like me, then you love spending lazy days lounging around in your pajamas. And what better way to do that than in a super soft, cozy and cute pajama top? In this blog post, I will be sharing my picks for the best pajama tops out there. From cute and girly styles to comfy and relaxed ones, there is sure to be a pajama top on this list that is perfect for you. So whether you are looking for something to lounge around the house in or something to wear to bed, make sure to check out this blog post on the best pajama tops.


Disaster in Aston: Peter Duttons Fossilized Australian Politics "IndyWatch Feed National"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

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The post Disaster in Aston: Peter Duttons Fossilized Australian Politics appeared first on Global Research.


The Silent Vitamin Deficiency Mimicking Dementia and How to Reverse Its Effects "IndyWatch Feed National"

Dementia is a growing concern globally, with an estimated 82 million people expected to be affected by 2030. The progressive decline in cognitive function can be devastating, but what if some cases could be attributed to a simple vitamin deficiency? The answer lies in the often-overlooked importance of vitamin B12, an essential nutrient for normal brain function. A deficiency in this vitamin can produce symptoms strikingly similar to dementia. In this article, well explore the role of vitamin B12 in the body, its connection to dementia, and how to address this deficiency through supplementation, a healthy lifestyle, and diet.

Vitamin B12 is crucial for the development and maintenance of nerve cells, the synthesis of DNA, and the production of red blood cells. It is most abundantly found in animal products, but certain microbes can also produce it. Low animal product consumption is the most common cause of vitamin B12 deficiency.

As we age, our hydrochloric acid (HCL) levels in the stomach decrease, which can lead to vitamin B12 deficiency. HCL is necessary to break down and absorb many vitamins and minerals. Antacids or Metformin use can further lower HCL levels, and acid reflux, often treated with antacids, can be a sign of low HCL. Betaine hydrochloride is the best supplement to promote normal stomach acidity.

Additionally, several medications and substances may cause dementia-like symptoms as side effects, including antacids, bladder medications, sleep aids, SSRIs, cholesterol medications, blood pressure medications, steroids, and alcohol. A deficiency in vitamin B1 (thiamine), zinc, and vitamin D can also lead to dementia-like symptoms.

A 2013 study in the journal Neurology found that vitamin B12-deficient individuals had smaller brain volumes and poorer cognitive performance, suggesting a link between B12 deficiency and dementia. Furthermore, nutrient deficiencies can shrink the hippocampus, leading to Alzheimers disease. Increasing ketones can help nourish a brain starved of fuel and nutrients.

Dr. Burg, a renowned expert in this field, recommends a four-step approach to addressing dementia symptoms caused by nutrient deficiencies:

  1. Start Healthy Keto and intermittent fasting: This eating pattern encourages a higher intake of healthy fats and a lower intake of carbohydrates, which can help increase ketone levels and support brain function.
  2. Consume more fatty fish and seafood: These are excellent sources of vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids, which can help reduce inflammation and support brain health.
  3. Consume more red meat: It is a rich source of vitamin B12, iron, and other essential nutrients that support cognitive function.
  4. Take betaine hydrochloride: This supplement can help increase stomach acidity and improve the absorption of vitamin B12 and other nutrients.



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Sunday, 09 April


10 Best Laser Copy Paper in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

Laser copy paper is designed for use in laser printers and copiers. It is made with a special coating that helps it to produce sharp, clear images and text. Laser copy paper comes in a variety of weights and sizes, so you can choose the right paper for your needs. Here are some things to keep in mind when choosing laser copy paper.


10 Best Block Stacking Game in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

If youre looking for a new and addicting block stacking game, look no further! In this blog post, well be discussing the best block stacking game out there. This game is perfect for those who love a challenge, as it requires quick reflexes and good hand-eye coordination. So if youre up for a challenge, read on to learn more about this exciting game!


10 Best Food Carriers in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

If youre like me, you love to eat good food but hate the idea of having to lug it around with you. Ive rounded up a list of the best food carriers out there so you can enjoy your meal without the hassle.


10 Best Bike Headsets in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

Bike headsets are an essential piece of equipment for any cyclist, whether youre a casual rider or a competitive racer. There are many different types and brands of bike headsets on the market, so it can be difficult to know which one is right for you. In this blog post, well give you a rundown of the best bike headsets on the market, so you can make an informed decision when purchasing your next set.


10 Best Retro Arcade Game Console in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

A lot of people grew up playing video games on consoles like the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and the Sega Genesis. These console systems were popular in the 1980s and early 1990s. However, there has been a recent resurgence in popularity for these older console systems. This is due to the release of several retro arcade game consoles that allow people to play classic video games from these older systems. The retro arcade game console market is filled with a variety of different options.

This can make it difficult to decide which one is right for you. In this blog post, we will take a look at some of the best retro arcade game consoles that are currently available. We will also provide some tips on what to look for when choosing a retro arcade game console.


10 Best Swing Attachments in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

If you are looking for ways to make your swing more fun, then you have come to the right place! In this blog post, we will be discussing the best swing attachments that you can use to make your swings more enjoyable. We will also be providing some tips on how to properly use these attachments.


10 Best Boxing Clothing in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

There are a lot of different types of boxing clothing out there. It can be hard to know which one is best for you. In this blog post, we will give you some tips on how to choose the best boxing clothing for your needs.



Link More than 200 of the largest companies in this country will have to cut...



The Highwire with Del Bigtree | April 6, 2023

Bombshell vaccine safety surveillance data out of Western Australia shows it was reactions from the Covid vaccine that were overwhelming local hospitals. Data shows Australias zero-Covid plan was for nothing, as cases have spiked.


The Highwire with Del Bigtree | April 6, 2023

In March 2022, Florida Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo, faced significant criticism for advising against the COVID-19 vaccine for children under 17, citing reported risks outweighing the benefits. Now, W.H.O. has rolled back its own recommendation on the vaccine for healthy children and teenagers. Dr. Ladapo joins Del for a nice I told you so.


The Highwire with Del Bigtree | April 6, 2023

No matter what political affiliation, Americans are now entertaining the idea that someone in their family may have died from a Covid jab. As Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and others now approach the 2024 elections, vaccine safety and mandated medicine have become a top issue.


A nice result "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

A trio of Hooded Robins usually only means one thing, a successful breeding effort.

This family, an adult pair and an immature, was observed yesterday afternoon in one of the firewood coupes near South German Track. Not ideal hoodie habitat, I reckon they were just passing through.

For the next month or two I would expect them to stay together until the parents look for a suitable territory in late winter. The young bird will then be left to its devices and hopefully find a mate.

Hooded Robins are a declining woodland bird, so any evidence of successful breeding is notable.


Adult female Hooded Robin, Muckleford State Forest, 8th April 2023



This Fucken Guy "IndyWatch Feed National"

The FreeThought Blogs Poddish Sortacast was interrupted by demonic activity, namely my mans Hecubus causing some kind of mayhem while I tried to speak my piece.  When animals attack

this fucken guy

EDIT TO ADD:  Reminder, still doing my fundraiser up through April 21st (stopping early if I reach stretch goal ahead of then).  Make at least a three dollar donation and Ill rhyme a word of your choice in a rap.  While I appreciate the contributions of people who have given generously,-Id like to see more and smaller donations.  So far I only have four words to rhyme.  If I dont make the goal, this rap will remain a text poem.  If I reach $500 I will record myself rapping.  If I reach $600 I will do a short video.  Help cover the wages Ill be losing from this medical situation, thanks!

link to my ko-fi


BTC white paper hidden on macOS, Binance loses AUS license and DOGE news: Hodlers Digest, April 2-8 "IndyWatch Feed National"

Binance Australia Derivatives license revoked, the Bitcoin white paper is hidden on modern macOS and Dogecoin prices spike after Twitters icon change.


Second batch of leaked classified documents details US secrets on Ukraine, China and Middle East "IndyWatch Feed National"

A second batch of classified documents detailing the United States' analyses of global hotspots has been leaked online in a suspected Russian plot. More than 100 documents are feared to have been obtained in what a senior intelligence called 'a nightmare for the Five Eyes,' - a reference to the intelligence sharing agreement between the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. The documents cover the war in Ukraine, China, terrorism and the Middle East. The Pentagon confirmed the leak, but said that some of the documents - as with the earlier reported leak - had been doctored to downplay the strength of U.S. allies. The first tranche of documents appeared to have been posted in early March on the social media platform Discord, according to Aric Toler, an analyst at Bellingcat, the Dutch investigative site. Friday's documents were published on the controversial message board 4Chan, and subsequently spread on Twitter.


Senators make new demand regarding FBI, Hunter Biden, Obama White House "IndyWatch Feed National"

Two GOP senators who have been investigating alleged Biden family corruption for years have stepped up their efforts. Now, Republican Sens. Charles Grassley of Iowa and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin want more answers. Grassley and Johnson have sent a letter to Zuckerberg noting that in October 2020, "when the New York Post published articles based on evidence from Hunter Biden's laptop, many news and social media organizations inappropriately rushed to censor and discredit the initial reporting and falsely labeled it as 'disinformation.'" "Whistleblowers have also alleged to Senator Johnson that local FBI leadership instructed its employees not to look at the Hunter Biden laptop immediately after the FBI had obtained it. Americans deserve to know whether the FBI used Facebook as part of their alleged plan to discredit information about Hunter Biden." Hunter Biden's problems continue to get worse.


"IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica" "IndyWatch Feed National"

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (4/8/23).
As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant.

Video Source Links (In Chronological Order)

Twitter now disables likes, replies, and retweets if a tweet has Substack links - The Verge
(19) Viva Frei on Twitter: "@mehdirhasan @mtaibbi @MehdiHasanShow Mehdi, you act like a bona fide bully, bombarding Matt then not letting him speak. Here is a clip in which the individual himself says CISA - which probably explains Matts reporting on that issue." / Twitter
(19) Mehdi Hasan on Twitter: "Me: How did you go from being the scourge of Wall Street to being unable to say anything critical of a rightwing billionaire, Elon Musk? Matt Taibbi: "I like Elon Musk." Me: "Would you like to criticize Musk now?" Taibbi: "No I don't particularly want to."" / Twitter
(19) Aaron Mat on Twitter: ".@mehdirhasan has blocked me -- so much for winning every argument -- so hopefully others can ask him if he will retract his false claims about Matt's reporting." / Twitter
(19) Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) / Twitter
Antisemitism, False Information and Hate Speech Find a Home on Substack | ADL
(11) Matt Taibbi on Twitter: "Since sharing links to my articles is a primary reason I come to this platform, I was alarmed and asked what was going on. I was given the option of posting articles on Twitter instead. Im obviously staying at Substack, and will be moving to Substack Notes next week." / Twitter


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed National"


A United Arab Emirates court is believed to have ruled on the request almost a month ago, dismissing the application on a technical issue Lamola says is 'inexplicable'.

FILE: Justice Minister Ronald Lamola at an inter-ministerial briefing on the coronavirus in Pretoria on 13 March 2020. Picture: Sethembiso Zulu/Eyewitness News

Atul Gupta Gupta brothers Justice and Correctional Services Minister Ronald Lamola Rajesh Gupta United Arab Emirates UAE Atul and Rajesh Gupta

Nokukhanya Mntambo | 07 April 2023 13:10

JOHANNESBURG - Justice and Correctional Services Minister Ronald Lamola said South African officials were scrambling for answers after news that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) had denied the country's request to extradite the Gupta fugitives.

Gupta brothers, Rajesh and Atul, are wanted in South Africa to face fraud and corruption charges related to state capture crimes.

Lamola briefed the media on Friday morning following reports the duo were spotted in Switzerland in late March.

Lamola hit out at the UAE for failing to inform South African officials of the court's decision to deny the extradition request for the Gupta brothers.

A UAE court is believed to have ruled on the request almost a month ago, dismissing the application on a technical issue.

The court denied the extradition on the charge of money laundering, citing the UAE's jurisdiction over the matter, while the arrest warrant on the fraud and corruption charges was cancelled.

But Lamola said this did not warrant grounds for dismissal.

"The reasons provided for denying our request are inexplicable and fly in the face of the assurances given by Emirati authorities that our requests meet their requirements."

Lamola further accused the UAE of flouting the extradition treaty.


Letter to Attorney-General Richard Dreyfus, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Foreign Minister Senator Penny Wong concerning Julian Assange "IndyWatch Feed National"

I posted the following letter to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, Foreign Minister Penny Wong and the Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus at around 11:00am on Thursday 7 April during a outside the electoral office of Mark Dreyfus in the Melbourne suburb of Mordialloc. I had hoped to hand a copy of this letter to Mark Dreyfus in person or, at least, to a member of his staff, but his office was unattended. For security reasons, as explained to me by a member of the Federal Police, there was no slot through which I could put the letter, so I had to send the letter through the mail. I expect that my letter would have been received in Mark Dreyfus' office the next day and that my letters to Anthony Albanese and Penny Wong will arrive on Tuesday 11 April following the Easter long Weekend. I have also e-mailed this letter, with the subject Please act humanely now to end the illegal imprisonment of Julian Assange, and sent CC copies to members of the .

Dear Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Foreign Minister Senator Penny Wong,

Late last year on 30 November 2022, when asked by Dr. Monique Ryan during Question Time, "Will the government intervene to bring Mr Assange home?" Prime Minister Anthony Albanese responded, "I [can] assure [Dr. Ryan] that I have raised this personally with representatives of the United States government." and "I will continue to advocate, as I did recently in meetings that I have held."

Then, 4 weeks later on 28 December at the Woodford Folk Festival, when Jenni, a young disabled female supporter of Julian Assange asked the Prime Minister a similar question, in his response, he said, "We don't have the power by ourselves to intervene in the legal processes of another country, in this case the United States or indeed the United Kingdom."

In his earlier response to Dr. Monique Ryan, the Prime Minister, curiously, did not claim that the Australian government doesn't "have the power" to make the UK free Assange. I believe that this is because Prime Minister Albanese fully understands that he could make British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak free Julian Assange today if he chose to. He could simply 'phone Sunak and tell him, "You are illegally holding in prison an Australian citizen...

Saturday, 08 April


Crickex Deposit "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

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