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IndyWatch Castlemaine VIC All Topics Summary was generated at Castlemaine VIC IndyWatch.

Sunday, 19 March


Vielleicht sollte ich anstatt ber Schlangenl zu ... "IndyWatch Feed National"

Vielleicht sollte ich anstatt ber Schlangenl zu meckern lieber schlechte Ideen verffentlichen.

Prior Art 1: Mit einer "KI" erkennen, welche Teile einer Konfigurationsdatei Keywords und welche variable Werte sind. Dann Konfigurations-Fuzzing!

Prior Art 2: In Echtzeit Konfigurationen unternehmensweit durchrotieren, so dass die Funktionalitt bestehen bleibt, aber stndig andere Parameter ntig sind fr die Inanspruchnahme von Diensten. So reduziert sich die Angriffsoberflche automatisiert und man belstigt Exploiter!1!!

Prior Art 3: Auf Mobiltelefonen haben Apps einen serialisierten State, den sie dem System sagen, und anhand dessen sie in genau denselben Zustand wiederhergestellt werden knnen. So kann man eine App killen und spter neustarten, ohne dass fr den Benutzer erkennbar ist, dass die App in der Mitte weg war. Das knnte man auch auf Servern machen! Dann in der Mitte des Unternehmens einen Orchestrator haben, der stndig Dienste killt und neu startet mit dem State, vorher meinetwegen dafr sorgt, dass die solange aus dem Load Balancer genommen werden. So verhindert man, dass irgendwo ein Angreifer Schadcode injected hat.

Prior Art 4: Antivirus / Firewall / AI based anomaly detection fr den hinterlegten State. Observability. Einmal das ganze Programm!!1!

Prior Art 5: Serviceangebot: Wir fahren Angriffe auf Ihr Unternehmen, aber nicht um Schwachstellen zu finden, sondern damit Ihre "KI" Anomalien zum Trainieren hat!1!!

Hat noch jemand brillante Ideen, bei denen man den Patentanwlten mal in den Pool pinkeln msste?

Update: Ein paar Kumpels meinen, Prior Art 3 werde jetzt schon so gemacht. Man nenne das "Rejuvination". Einer meinte gar, das sei bei der Mondlandung so gemacht worden.

Update: Aus Prior Art 1 knnte man auch noch eine Firewall und Anomaly Detection "erfinden".

Update: Prior Art 6: Bei der Passwortrcksetzung knnte man einen KI-Chatbot haben, der vorher schon mit dir gechattet hat, und dich dann wiedererkennt anhand frherer Konversationsthemen und -Meinungen. Quasi sowas wie Schrittmustererkennung, nur halt fr Textchat!

Prior Art 7: Eine KI benutzt das ber dich vorhandene Wissen aus dem Netz, um Kandidaten fr die Sicherheitsfrage zu bewerten (abzulehnen) bei der Accountregistrierung.

Prior Art 8: KI-assistierte Partnersuche. Die KI matcht Leute, die online ber dieselben Dinge und Leute Hatespeech verbreitet haben.

Kennt ihr das, wenn jemand einen Zusammenhang herstellt ... "IndyWatch Feed National"

Kennt ihr das, wenn jemand einen Zusammenhang herstellt zwischen Dingen, die ihr bisher nicht im Zusammenhang betrachtet habt, und pltzlich rast euer Hirn los und bewertet Dinge neu?

So ging mir das gerade bei der Lektre von diesem Jonathan Haidt-Artikel. Jonathan Haidt hatte ich hier schon ein paar Mal verlinkt, der hat die Heterodox Academy mitgegrndet. Da geht es darum, dass unter College-Professoren die politischen Positionen sehr einseitig verteilt sind und das am Ende dem jeweiligen Feld schadet, wenn da nur noch gegenseitiges Schulterklopfen statt kritischer Auseinandersetzung gemacht wird. Ihm ging es um Psychologie und Geisteswissenschaften, er ist auch selber Psychologieprofessor. In der Forschung ist sein Gebiet vor allem Moralfragen.

Haidt wurde berhmt mit einem Buch namens "The Coddling of the American Mind", auf das sich natrlich die ganzen Konservativen gestrzt haben, weil sie glaubten, es sttze ihre Position.

Aber betrachtet den Artikel mal unabhngig von dem ganzen geschichtlichen Ballast. Das Buch geht zurck auf eine Kooperation mit einem Freund, der unter Depressionen leidet, und dafr im Krankenhaus in Behandlung war, wo man ihm CBT beigebracht hat, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Sie haben ihm gezeigt, worauf er achten kann, in seinem eigenen Verhalten, um zuknftige Depressions-Episoden abzumildern oder ganz zu vermeiden. Anders ausgedrckt:

Thinking in these ways causes depression, as well as being a symptom of depression. Breaking out of these painful distortions is a cure for depression.
So und die These von dem Papier ist jetzt, dass viele dieser Verhaltensmuster heute (ihm geht es vor allem um Universitten, aber das lsst sich auch auf Schulen und Bibliotheken verallgemeinern) angewendet werden, nicht um absichtlich die Schler krank zu machen, aber dass das eben der Effekt ist.

Naja, knnte man denken, dann zeig uns doch mal die Zahlen, dass die Uni-Studenten alle psychisch krank werden. Jetzt liegen da ein paar Zahlen vor. Besonders heftig betroffen sind junge linksliberale weie Frauen.

Ich hatte noch nie von CBT gehrt und daher ist die ganze Herangehensweise seines Kollegen absolut neu und faszinierend. Vielleicht geht euch das ja auch so.

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IndyWatch Castlemaine VIC All Topics Summary Today.

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Saturday, 18 March


I love her! More strength to you! "IndyWatch Feed National"

I will be referred to as a woman, as female, as a feminist there isnt a misogynist alive who has the chops to change my mind. But theyll call me a TERF regardless & Im at the point when I just dont f***ing care It is worth listening to every...


GKP S5/E8 CBDCs a Solution Looking for a Problem "IndyWatch Feed National" Gday Folks, On todays show no Andy as hes over in PNG but Ethan joins me for a discussion about bank closures in Australia, Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), Inflation, and US bank collapses.  Not the most high energy conspiracy style of topics but we hope we made it as interesting and informative as []


No-ethics Case, Part 1:  The Regime That Condones Child Sexual Abuse "IndyWatch Feed National"

One courageous individual not in alignment with the Nazi regime

Definition of Regime:

Mode of rule; a government, especially an oppressive or undemocratic one; heavy-handed administration or group in charge; a way of organizing or managing a system; a regulated period of rule

by Dee McLachlan...


International Criminal Court issues arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin. "IndyWatch Feed National"

Hate to be the Russian local police station warrants guy who gets this Interpol warrant to execute! No more overseas jaunts for Vlad. On 22 February 2023, I submitted applications to Pre-Trial Chamber II of the International Criminal Court for warrants of arrest in the context of the Situation in...


Press gallery useful-idiot fan-girls get selfies with Albo - so much for independence. "IndyWatch Feed National"

You look at the bright smiles and cheesy grins and ask yourself would Laurie Oakes have behaved like this? TV try-hard mini celebrities claiming to be journalists queuing up to get a picture with Therapeutic Albo and Labors Chris Minns. Any wonder the public has no confidence in their...


Elsa Patakay, rip off merchant gone bust and rightly so? "IndyWatch Feed National"

Elsa's 100% supportive husband a Mr. Chris Hemsworth

What does the world need?

Another model, or another influencer?

How about a human that does both with extra skill-set of re re-branding someone elses products and flogging them off as their own?

Basically a low value human.

Well, it seems that Ms. Elsa Lafuente Medianu, who trades under the false name of Ms. Elsa 'Patakay' ripped off the founder Habitual Beauty Keira Rumble by casing her product from the comfort and 'anonymity' of her brand new, tax deductible laptop i.e. getting Ms. Rumble to ship very generous orders to Ms. Patakays head office address in Sydney.

So whats next?

You get someones I.P. (Intellectual Property), i.e. design of the product and flog it off as your own.


Thankfully no one else is as entrepreneurial as Ms. Patakay, well, sans China with Euro brands e.g. BMW luxury cars, but thats government supported.

In any event, her husband a Mr. Chris Hemsworth thought it was such a...

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IndyWatch Castlemaine VIC All Topics Summary Today.

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Friday, 17 March


10 Best Pens Pens in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

Welcome to my blog on the best pens! I am a big fan of pens and have been using them for years. I have tried many different brands and types of pens, and I have found that some are better than others. In this blog, I will share my thoughts on the best pens, and I hope you will find it helpful.


Science-Based Satire: Florida Authorities Report First Case of Mosquito-Borne Fentanyl Overdose "IndyWatch Feed National"

Can a mosquito bite result in a fentanyl overdose? Will police soon be fitted with wearable naloxone pumps? Can fentanyl be detected by a handheld electronic device? The no. This is merely more nonsense cooked up in the mind of someone who probably should stick to his day job.

The post Science-Based Satire: Florida Authorities Report First Case of Mosquito-Borne Fentanyl Overdose first appeared on Science-Based Medicine.


Aboriginal elites - the chosen people - have spoken "IndyWatch Feed National"

Here is todays self-generated summary of what the Aboriginal elites talked about. Imagine how boring this little gab fest would have been. A room full of people agreeing with each other and trying to out-worthy one another. In the real world, its called a wank. Subject: Referendum Engagement Group Communique...



User Answers

We round out this week's blogging about the pushback movement from the states with this story from Tennessee shared by K.M.  This is another



The AUKUS nuclear submarine deal is part of an imperialist crusade against China "IndyWatch Feed National"

By Timur Fomenko | RT | March 17, 2023

Earlier this week, a trilateral summit was held with the leaders of Australia, the United Kingdom and the US in San Diego to flesh out the details of an AUKUS deal providing Canberra with nuclear-powered submarines, with the intention of containing China in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

The pact will also create a rotational presence of UK and US nuclear submarines near Perth, Western Australia, starting from 2027. The goal is to integrate the US and UKs nuclear sub fleet while Australia builds the necessary operational capabilities of its own.

It is no coincidence that the deal was announced on Commonwealth Day, an annual celebration of the former dominions of the British Empire. On the same day, the UK government released its integrated review, whereby it vowed to increase defense spending. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak then proceeded to describe China as an epoch-defining challenge, framing the UK, and the AUKUS alliance at large, as a benevolent force dedicated to keeping the Indo-Pacific open and free. China reacted by harshly condemning the meeting, decrying it for a typical Cold War mentality that will only exacerbate [an] arms race, undermine the international nuclear non-proliferation regime and hurt regional peace and stability.

Chinas interpretation of the AUKUS submarine deal is correct. The Biden administration is aggressively expanding its alliance system in a bid to militarily contain Beijing. Along with the AUKUS pact, it is also pushing for trilateral cooperation with South Korea and Japan, something South Korean President Yoon Seok Yeol is open to, expanding its military presence in the Philippines, and taking part in other regional groups such as the Quad. However, AUKUS is unique because it consists solely of Anglosphere nations, and as such, embodies the neo-imperialist sentiment of Anglophone exceptionalism.

The UKs decision to pursue an increasingly anti-China foreign policy is, of course, influenced by the US and against Britains best interests. However, its foreign policy narrative, especially in light of Brexit, is clothed in imperial nostalgia, which reflects back on the British Empire as a force for good. It drums up not memories of enslavement, exploitation, or aggression against o...


Link "IndyWatch Feed National"

What Policymakers Need to Know About the First Amendment and Section 230

The Supreme Court just heard two cases - Twitter v. Taamneh and Gonzalez v. Google - that could dramatically affect users speech rights online. Last week, EFF hosted a panel in Washington D.C. to discuss what legislators need to know about these cases, the history of Section 230, and the First Amendments protections for online speech.

Alongside EFF Senior Staff Attorney Aaron Mackey, the panel included Billy Easley, Senior Public Policy Lead at Reddit, and Emma Llanso, Director of the Free Expression Project at the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT). Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR), one of the co-authors of Section 230, gave opening remarks. 

Senator Wyden and the Supreme Court 

Senator Wyden opened the panel with background on the law: it simply establishes the principle that the person who creates and posts content is responsible for that content. Thanks to Section 230 and the First Amendment, websites can take down what they want. Section 230 is essential to smaller companies and startups: The big guys can take care of themselves, but the small guys should be able to compete with the big guys, Wyden explained. The law democratizes speech, and elevates the choices of users. Thanks to Section 230, people are able to speak out. 

Wyden then discussed the latest Supreme Court cases. In Gonzalez v. Google, the petitioning plaintiffs made a radical argument about Section 230. They asked the Supreme Court to rule that Section 230 doesnt protect recommendations we get online, or how certain content gets arranged and displayed. In Twitter v. Taamneh, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled that online services can be civilly liable under the Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA) based on claims that t...


FDA authorizes 4th booster for babies "IndyWatch Feed National"

while data from the UK and Germany suggest you cause 22 serious injuries with the shot in order to prevent a single childs hospitalization

By Meryl Nass | March 15, 2023

We need to start charging the individual public health officials with crimes for acting outside their legal authority where is the US Pascal Najadi?

On December 8, 2022 the FDA authorized bivalent COVID boosters for children as young as 6 months old.

More children now have the opportunity to update their protection against COVID-19 with a bivalent COVID-19 vaccine, and we encourage parents and caregivers of those eligible to consider doing so especially as we head into the holidays and winter months where more time will be spent indoors, said FDA Commissioner Robert M. Califf, M.D.

Yesterday, the FDA authorized a 4th dose of mRNA COVID vaccine for children aged 6 months to 5 years of age.

Risk-benefit assessment used to be the foundation of public health practice. Lets look at some recent data on vaccine risk and vaccine benefit.

The German Minister of Health, Dr. Karl Lauterbach, admitted that 1 in 10,000 COVID vaccine doses leads to a serious adverse event. He also appears to be building his alibi, claiming he did not sign the vaccine contract. Yet he did promote, cajole and enforce the vaccinations, nonetheless.

Family physician Dr. Scott Jensen, former Minnesota State Senator, noted th...


Secret Pfizer & Government Documents reveal Millions Dying Suddenly "IndyWatch Feed National"

Not quite AIDS ,but same profile and worse, it is not getting better. What i am saying is that if 1.8 million diedover the past two years, will 1.8 million die in the next two years.

If that actually happens, or god forbid, we see a a  steady increase, then the real event will be a slow creeping AIDS like pandemic where folks die from any damn infection.

If 4,000,000,000 are infected, then we will see the 4,000,000,000 reported to me from the other side.  At least the path is now clearer.

Secret Pfizer & Government Documents reveal COVID Vaccination has caused Antibody-Dependent Enhancement, V-AED & AIDS resulting in Millions Dying Suddenly

Confidential documents reveal that within months of receiving the initial doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, some individuals are developing Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) and Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (VAED).

And as if that werent alarming enough, official documents also prove that a mysterious form of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is also appearing in a disturbing number of recipients just five months after their initial injections.

This may explain why, tragically, official Government records confirm that millions of people have mysteriously died suddenly in countries around the globe, including the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and Europe, in the wake of the widespread distribution of the COVID-19 vaccines.

Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) and Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (VAED). are serious adverse events that can occur after vaccination.

ADE and VAED can occur when an individual is exposed to a pathogen, such as the alleged Covid-19 virus, after receiving a vaccine tha...


Contemporaneous account of aboriginal savage tribal war and cannibalism in Gundagai "IndyWatch Feed National"

Extract thanks to Mark Smith, you can verify the story in full for yourself from the Wagga Daily Advertiser, Saturday 18 May 1912, page 3, archived at Australia's National Library here:


Send it to Woomera: Premier McGowan cold on nuclear waste being stored in Western Australia "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

SMH, Hamish Hastie, With Paul Sakkal. March 16, 2023

Western Australia has nominated defence force land in the Woomera prohibited area in South Australia as the best location to store dangerous radioactive waste from Australias nuclear submarines.

The premiers comments add to the growing headache the Albanese government faces over what to do with the spent nuclear reactors from the AUKUS deal submarines once the vessels begin producing them from the mid-2050s.

On Wednesday the leaders of Victoria, Queensland and South Australia all signalled they did not want a nuclear waste facility in their state.

When asked whether he would be happy with a nuclear waste facility set up in WA after a press conference alongside Defence Minister Richard Marles in Perth on Thursday McGowan responded: no.

Woomera is a large swath of defence land in the north west of South Australia used as a long-range weapons testing area, including for nuclear weapons, after the second world war.

. Marles said the government would begin a process to pick a site for the waste within the year and revealed he had a chat with McGowan about the issue. But he said it was still early days.

On Wednesday South Australian Premier Peter Malinauskas told ABC Radio the waste should be sorted somewhere safe but that didnt mean it had to be in South Australia

A spokeswoman for Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said under no circumst...


Trade Justice Dinner 2023 "IndyWatch Feed National"

We hope you'll join us for an evening of delicious Greek food, entertaining speakers and great company at the return of our annual fundraising dinner. All proceeds will support AFTINET's trade justice campaigns.

6pm, Tuesday May 16, 2023

Meraki Restaurant, Cyprus Club, 76 Stanmore Road, Stanmore 2048

Directions: The club has car parking for 200. Bus routes 423, 426, 428, 430 from Martin Place via Railway Square stop at the corner of Enmore Rd and Stanmore Rd, 5 minutes walk from the club, as does 355 from Bondi Junction.

$79.50 per person

Vegetarian/Vegan options | Bar Available

Please pay by Wed May 10, 2023

Special guest speaker: Senator Tim Ayres

Assistant Minister for Trade and
Assistant Minister for Manufacturing

Tim was elected as a Senator for New South Wales in 2019. During the 46th Parliament, he was Chair of the Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Public Administration and Member of the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Joint Standing Committee. His office also hosted parliamentary forums on trade justice issues organised by AFTINET.

Before entering Parliament, Tim spent twenty-four years in the trade union movement, representing the interests of workers across a variety of sectors including manufacturing, defence, food processing, aviation and metal industries.

He held several elected leadership roles in the Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union, including NSW state secretary.





TonTon is Hightons striking new cafe and restaurant crafting truly delicious, simple and honest dishes "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

Pushing the boundaries of what we understand the cafe experience to be, TonTon is one of the newest venues to join the Geelong hospitality scene, gifting locals and tourists alike another bright new dining spot.

As majestic as the name suggests, this striking all-day and night spot arrives courtesy of local Chef Aaron Sheedy, whose past credits involve A Spot For Joe and Barwon Edge Boathouse.

Keep up with the latest food and booze news across the region here.

Serving local quality produce, handcrafted into honest simple dishes made with passion and love, TonTon was once home to a local institution called Darriwill Farm, but the fresh, new fit-out has ensured a decadent new dining experience.

Oozing charm, the outrageously beautiful venue has sophisticated textures, warm timber, a stone counter, marble benchtops and neutral walls with a pink, brown and beige colour palette, symbolising elegance and sweetness. There are also plenty of private nooks, tables and bar seating, ideal for both group brunching or date nights.


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YIRRAMBOI festival reveals stacked lineup of First Nations artists "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

After three wildly successful runs, YIRRAMBOI is shaping up for its biggest year yet. Showcasing over 300 artists in over 170 shows during the month of May, the festival leaves a lot to be excited about.

On the lineup? A biopunk drag cabaret show, underground club DJs, a First Nations fashion runway show, a Canadian First Nations dance performance, a collaboration with Dark Mofo, and so much more. Roughly 80 per cent of the shows will be Australian debuts, so get in early to see them first.


  • Australias premier First Nations festival will run from May 4 to 14
  • The festival will take place across 40 spaces in the city, with an events hub in the Meat Market
  • It will feature circus, dance, visual art, music, theatre, film, and much more from some of the most talented emerging and established First Nations artists

Keep up with the latest music news, festivals, interviews and reviews here.

This year, the event will be centered around the Uncle Jack Charles hub, named after the legendary Aboriginal actor, activist and great arts Elder. Located in North Melbournes Meat Market, visitors can stop by the hub to check out First Nations comedy, music and culture. Other shows and events will be spread across 40 local venues and locations.

Free activities are also planned throughout the 11-day festival, including a massive, citywide blak out and Archie Roach block party, happening on May 6, which will take over the city with music, activities, and art installations.


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A very lucky girl. "IndyWatch Feed National"

Damn. Geminigirl (@desertlife88) March 16, 2023


The Wearin o the Green, and Parallel Laws Today "IndyWatch Feed National"

The Easter Rising, Irish Rebellion of 1916

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

William Butler Yeats sixteen-line poem famously memorializes the unsuccessful 1916 Easter uprising (known as The Rising) of the Irish volunteers:

Sixteen Dead Men

O but we talked at large before

The sixteen men were shot,

But who can talk of give and take,

What should be and what not

While those dead men are loitering there

To stir the boiling pot?


You say that we should still the land

Till Ger...


Polyphia are heading on their first ever Australian headline tour this June "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

Iconic instrumental progressive rockers Polyphia have announced their very first Australian headline tour, heading Down Under to visit Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne in June.

Comprised of guitarists Tim Henson & Scott LePage, bassist Clay Gober, and drummer Clay Aeschliman, the band will kick off the tour at The Tivoli on June 27, before heading to The Metro on June 28 and finishing up at Melbournes Northcote Theatre on June 29.

Polyphia Australian tour dates

  • June 27 The Tivoli, Brisbane
  • June 28 The Metro, Sydney
  • June 29 Northcote Theatre, Melbourne

Keep up with the latest music news, festivals, interviews and reviews here.

Were all very excited to be back and are look forward to seeing all of your beautiful faces, says guitarist Scott LePage. Be ready to party!


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Theres a pet adoption drive happening in Torquay this weekend "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

If youre feeling a little lonely and have been considering a companion, or youre just ready to accept a new love into your life, now might be the perfect time to act.

Hosted in collaboration with PetStock, Waggin Tails Animal Rescue will be bringing a Pet Adoption Drive to the Torquay North Store this weekend in honour of National Pet Adoption Day.

Stay up to date with whats happening in and around the region here.

Running from 10am to 2pm on Saturday, March 18 and Sunday, March 19, Waggin Tails Animal Rescue, a Geelong-based rescue shelter, will be bringing along cats, kittens, dogs, puppies and hopefully some bunnies to potentially meet their forever family.

An organisation dedicated to breaking out death row pups of all shapes and sizes, unwanted cats/kittens and then providing them with quality health care, stability, rehab and retraining if necessary, their main aim is to provide a safe, happy and supportive environment while their forever home is found.

Alongside the potential of finding the furry love of your life, there will also be bandanas made by the volunteers, a donation bucket and Waggin Tails shirts at the event.

Pups, local businesses and an excuse to head down to the coast, what more could you want from a weekend?

Stay up to date with the latest via the Facebook event here

The post Theres a pet adoption drive happening in Torquay this weekend appeared first on Forte Magazine.


Starring Mick Fanning and Luke Hemsworth, The Greatest Surf Movie In The Universe to make world-premiere in Geelong "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

Starring Mick Fanning, Luke Hemsworth, Mason Ho, Griffin Colapinto, Jack Freestone, Matt Wilkinson, Craig Anderson, Joe Turpel, and Ronnie Blakey, produced by Bronte Pictures, cinemas around the country will host event screenings of the film, including the World Premiere in Waurn Ponds on April 3, with stars of the film in attendance (provided they turn up theyre surfers after all), followed by a filmmaker Q&A with the directors and writers, Nick Pollet and Vaughan Blakey.

This red carpet event like no other will be followed by Q&A previews in Perth (Luna) and Margaret River (HEART) on April 18 and 19 respectively, followed by state premieres and previews in Gold Coast (HOTA in early May and Byron Bay with Sydneys Orpheum Theatre hosting a Premiere screening in late May before the film lands at The Ritz for an encore soon thereafter.

Keep up with the latest in local news and entertainment here.

The description of the film reads:

10 years from now a virus more deadly and more contagious than anything weve ever seen decimates all the worlds living creatures. Facing a total extinction event, a brilliant geneticist named Dr Jonathan Figg discovers a miracle vaccine that is fast tracked into production, saving the final remnants of humanity. Unfortunately, theres one terrible side effect-the vaccine completely erases all memory of surfing from the human mind.

Its a strange and abstract time as the Worlds Best Surfers stumble blindly into new lives and careers oblivious to the incredible talents they once possessed.

After the worlds collective knowledge of surfing is completely wiped after a successful vaccination scheme with an unintended consequence, the surf god, Huey makes a last-ditch effort to save surfing.

Enlisting Mick Fanning (now a yoga teacher in the Himalayas), he plans to put together a team of former surfing champions to create The Greatest Surf Movie In The Universe and save surfing from extinction.

In addition to this cast of legendary Aussie surfers as well as surfing legends in the making playing their futuristic alter-egos, the film is narrated by actor Luke Hemsworth, also a keen surf...


Australian Dollar and Bitcoin "IndyWatch Feed National"

1.00 AUD = 0.00002 BTC
0.00010 BTC = 4.00 AUD


Melbournes Eamonn Conor delivers a radiant eruption of infectious disco funk with his latest single Table 17 "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

Delivering a refreshing immersion of sun-soaked and shimmering funk, Eamonn Conors Table 17 is the kind of insatiable groove that fills our hearts and souls with euphoria, primed to get us moving and shaking in the year 2023. 

Released in December 2022 and delightfully reminiscent of Michael Jackson, Eamonn Conors newest release follows last years vibrant remix of his dreamy debut single Pony Ride and 2020 single release Dig Deeper,  further showcasing the budding Melbourne artists talents as a singer, songwriter, and performer. 

Keep up with the latest music news, festivals, interviews and reviews here.

Disco-pop at its finest, the track begins as smooth as molasses and dripping with heartfelt emotion before launching into funky bass grooves, crisp vocals and swanky infectious melodies that tickle the ears as Conor lifts his song off the ground, singing about the romance and playful nature of love at first sight. 

So theres this girl thats been stuck on my mind, Oh how miss her, just want to rewind. Well, there were lights, shining back on her, as she moved closer, thats when I knew. 

Table 17, like the star up on the silver screen, youre a sight to be seen. 

Channelling the ecstasy of young love and wedding traditions into a catchy fusion of funk, disco and pop, Table 17 is the definition of mood music: From the strumming pattern of the guitar and the tasty string lines sweeping in; to the horn ensemble weaving its way through the verse and a nice falsetto blast for good measure, this track encapsulates you with this overwhelmingly good feeling.

The first single lifted from Conors forthcoming EP Last Chance Romance, Table 17 further boasts a textured atmosphere, danceable beat and incredibly warm, retro production from Simon Moro, drenching the ears and uplifting the soul as Conor re-introduces himself with undeniable passion and alluring energy.

Simply put, music like this makes us feel more alive.

As youd suspect, Conor lists Michael Jackson and Phil Collins as the main sources of inspiration, adding contemporaries like The We...


Have you got a funny kid? "IndyWatch Feed National"

Do you have a funny kid? The search for Australias funniest teens is making its way across the nation! The Melbourne International Comedy Festival host Class Clowns a nation wide search for young talent. For school kids 14 to 17 years who have a unique way of interpreting the world.

Running for more than 25 years, the Class Clowns program plays a valuable role in supporting the confidence, self-expression and creativity of young Australians. The competition, workshop and mentoring opportunities aim to amplify the voices and perspectives of young people, creating a pathway for emerging Australian talent. Class Clowns works best when seen as a way of complementing existing English, Wellbeing, Drama and public speaking initiatives.

Free workshop Brunswick Heads

Registrations are currently open for the heat in Brunswick Heads, so if you have any comedy-inclined storytellers in your midst please sign them up! Registered participants will have the opportunity to work on their comedy with Mandy Nolan, a professional comedian who has taught over 2,000 people, before hitting the stage in front of a live audience. 

These workshops are FREE, but limited to the first 18 people who register, so get in quick!

Your students could WIN a free trip to Melbourne to perform at the National Grand Final held during the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. Well fly all the national finalists (and their guardians) to Melbourne to perform at the Festival for a chance to win the Class Clowns crown and a $2,500 prize package! 

To sign up head to our online registration form here please note that a teacher or guardian must register on behalf of students.

What to Do:

  • Register for a heat near you   register here now.
  • Check out our Education Resources
  • What videos of expert advice through a series of videos from some of Australias funniest folk, filled with tips and tricks to help get budding performers started on their comedy journey. The first of these videos Why try comedy? is available to the public here, ...


New Report Identifies Need for Rental Affordability Champions in State Parliament "IndyWatch Feed National"

Friday, 17 March 2023

A new study ranking State electorates in metropolitan Adelaide by rental affordability impact highlights the need for SA MPs to take urgent action on easing the crisis.


Fiction | Wonder women of the lizard world "IndyWatch Feed National"

I was fanning myself with a textbook when the tradie told me about the gecko. It had, in search of reprieve from the burning meteorological irregularity, crawled inside our air conditioning unit, damaged the wiring, and gotten itself fried. Without climate control, we had suffered through December and January, red-faced and irritable.

The post Fiction | Wonder women of the lizard world appeared first on Overland literary journal.


Its hard not to feel at home: As always, Golden Plains 2023 delivered a golden long weekend in the Sup "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

With a constantly diverse lineup and an atmosphere unmatched by other events, Plains and Meredith mark themselves as some of the few events that welcome fans of all musical demographics.

And with both events differentiating themselves as the only festivals where punters dress up to be silly instead of sexy, its hard not to feel at home amongst The Sups collective party vibe, with the entire crowd creating an incredibly uniform nature of acceptance for everyone to be themselves. 

Keep up with the latest music news, festivals, interviews and reviews here.

So with that in mind, before I go into reviewing all of the highlight acts from the festivals 15th edition, Id like to quickly give a few honourable mentions to some of the best outfits I encountered over the course of the weekend.

Firstly, big ups to the PHD (Pure Hard Dance) crew who created a 2007 shuffle circle at Inspiration Point that felt straight out of a 2007 Feq Square meetup. Also big commendations to the group of moths, who would flock to their friends lantern as if it was a light beacon; the singular person dressed up as a Juggalo (Whoop Whoop my dude); and the group of Marges (or Margeries), who took their costumes so seriously that at one point while waiting in the line for the Taco truck, I saw four of them respectively order their food each under the name of Marge.

Credit: Facebook

Now onto the tunes. 

Kicking off the weekends festivities was Mourningtons finest Stiff Richards, who tore the metaphorical open-air roof off the Sup with their high energy brand of punk rock. Although, with the group adopting a more refined approach for hits like Bad Disease, that came in time. 28 minutes i...


Dan Andrews. Never forget. "IndyWatch Feed National"

Australia imposes sanctions on Iran and Russia over human rights violations. This is Australia Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) December 11, 2022


United States bank failures point to a deepening financial crisis "IndyWatch Feed National"

Contributed by Joe Montero

While  U.S. government spokespeople, including Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, are doing the rounds to convince everyone that the nations banking system is sound, there is an air about that suggests this is not the case.

First of all, so much energy would not be spent on trying to re-assure the public, unless there is something going on. There have been a series, no just one, of recent banking collapses in the United States. One bank, First Republic, saw its share price plunge almost 70 percent last week. Silicon Valley Bank collapsed. So did New Yorks Signature Bank. Others find themselves in a precarious situation. They could tip over any time. 

Concern was so high that President Joe Biden had to hold a press conference to ensure Americans.

President Biden reassures Americans that our banking system is safe.

Video from Bloomberg

The fact that more than one bank is involved suggests the something is going wrong with the banking system. Despite some politicians and commentators pretend it is only the Silicon Valley Bank that got into trouble and blamed it on the woke problem, whatever that means, there is no evading the truth. Silly claims must give way to the reality.

Promises to impose better regulation are well and good. On their win they are not enough because this is dealing with the symptoms and not the cause. The claim that the banks are paying for the help is not true. They will receive money that comes from somewhere else, and this is being covered by the government. They may pay something off in the long run, that is, if it is said they can afford to do so.

Whether government support is justified or not depends on whether this is directed into ringing about a major overhaul of the banking system. Biden has not offered this.



From 1983 to 2023: A brewerys nostalgic journey of Australia, Bob Hawke and beer "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

<p>Itd be easy to look at <a href= "">Hawkes Brewing Co.</a> and its <a href= "">Beer & Leisure Centre venue in Marrickville and wonder if its a gimmick. A brand tapping into the affectionate fad for vintage aesthetic and nostalgia. But at its core, Hawkes goes deeper than just Bob and beer. Its about a yearning for an authentic Australian connection, linked to a memory of a time and place, tied in with an Aussie icon and his lasting cultural legacy.</p> <p>And yes, a love of <a href= "">honest froths.</a></p> <p>The spark for Hawkes Brewing Co. lit when two homesick Australians shared a dream of having a beer with former Prime Minister, Bob Hawke. In the end, Nathan Lennon and David Gibson ended up going one better and co-founding a whole darn beer company with their fantasy beer mate, before going on to brew award-winning beers that really are One For The Country.</p> <p><img alt="" class="alignnone wp-image-303781" height="433" src= "" width="650"></p> <h3>Why Bob?</h3> <p>Who else but Bob? Apart from being a top bloke and good company, no Australian (let alone Prime Minister) has ever been as synonymous with beer. From stadium-rousing beer sculls at the SCG to his time as world-record holder for downing a yard during his Oxford Uni days, to teetotalling throughout his entire tenure as PM.</p> <p>But when Nathan and David set out to bring a Bob-approved beer business to the table, they werent interested in building a gimmick based on clichd associations or simply slapping an iconic face on the side of a can.</p> <p>Beer was obviously a part of Bobs strategy to connect with people, from his early union days in Carltons John Curtin Hotel, to his 10-second party trick that came out in his later years at the SCG, Nathan said. His approach was simple before you get serious, you need to strike a chord and build a connection. And few were as effective and authentic in connecting with Australians than Bob Hawke. It seems hard for a politician to be able to do that these days.</p> <p>It was Nathan and Davids need for reconnection to Australia that catalysed their idea for Hawkes, after a sha...</p>


Canberra event: "Are we really living in a democracy?" 19 March, Smiths Alternative "IndyWatch Feed National"

Canberra Conversations SUNDAY 19 March 2023 AT 3:30 PM 5:30 PM Smith's Alternative, 76 Alinga Street, Canberra, ACT, Australia, Australian Capital Territory. 3 speakers plus forum.



Are we really living in a Democracy?

Come to our first ever Canberra Conversation to discuss with 3 expert speakers whether we do indeed live in a democracy and if not what we can do about it.

Tim Hollo
Topic: "Democracy is dead. Long live Democracy!"

Christine Milne
Topic: Wrestling back democracy from plutocracy: Proportional Representation

Dr Tjanara Goreng Goreng


Luca Brasi are heading on an Australian headline tour "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

Tassies finest rocknroll export Luca Brasi have announced an Australian Headline Tour, whipping around the continent in May and June.

Fresh off a massive tour with Canadian post-hardcore legends Alexisonfire, Luca Brasi are fired up and raring to get back on stage to headline some of their favourite Australian venues, kicking off in Sydney and then heading to Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth.

Supporting them on this run around the country will be Melbourne indie folk/rock artist Eaglemont who joined Luca Brasi in the LAV studio for their rendition of Iris and Wollongong rock trio OK Hotel.

Luca Brasi Australian Tour

Saturday May 6
Du Cane Brewery, Launceston, TAS

Friday May 12
Cambridge, Newcastle, NSW

Saturday May 13
Crowbar, Sydney, NSW

Friday May 19
Max Watts, Melbourne, VIC

Saturday May 20
The Zoo, Brisbane, QLD

Friday June 2
Jive Bar, Adelaide, SA

Saturday June 3
Rosemount Hotel, Perth, WA

Keep up with the latest music news, festivals, interviews and reviews here.

The tour news follows their appearance on triple js Like A Version this morning, revealing a cracking cover of the Goo Goo Dolls classic Iris. Check it out below, its a ripper!

These headline tour dates are the first since the release of their long-awaited single, Party Scene, which they also performed on triple j today, watch the video here. A classic Luca Brasi melodic punk banger about the strained relationship with partying and whether all the kick ons, lock ins and hangovers are truly worth it, Party Scene is the first piece of new music since 2021s Jackies On The March Luca Brasis unofficial theme song for their favourite NBL team, The Tasmania JackJumpers. Both singles have been packaged up into a super limited edition 7-inch, available for pre-order now.

Tickets go on sale Monday 20 March via

The post Luca Brasi are heading on an Australian headline tour appeared first on Forte Magazine.


Nothing But Thieves announce Australian headline tour, join Groovin the Moo festival lineup "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

The UK alt-rock darlings have returned with new music and have announced an Aussie national tour. Catch them when they head to Melbournes own Forum Theatre on April 27 and Groovin The Moo festival in Bendigo on April 29.

Nothing But Thieves Australian tour

  • April 26 Fortitude, Brisbane
  • April 27 Forum Theatre, Melbourne
  • May 2 Enmore, Sydney
  • May 3 Metropolis, Perth

Keep up with the latest music news, festivals, interviews and reviews here.

Nothing But Thieves is an English five-piece band that is quickly gaining international recognition for their unique sound and electric live performances.

With the recent announcement of their fourth album, Dead Club City, the band is set to take Australia by storm with their upcoming tour. Their blend of fresh sounds and internationally acclaimed chilling live sets will be showcased in show rooms across Brisbane, Sydney, Perth and Melbourne, as well as at the Groovin The Moo Festival.


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Scientists offer evidence that Venus is volcanically active "IndyWatch Feed National"

Venus appears to have volcanic activity, according to a new research paper that offers strong evidence to answer the lingering question about whether Earth's sister planet currently has eruptions and lava flows. Venus, although similar to Earth in size and mass, differs markedly in that it does not have plate tectonics. The boundaries of Earth's moving surface plates are the primary locations of volcanic activity. New research by University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute research professor Robert Herrick revealed a nearly 1-square-mile volcanic vent that changed in shape and grew over eight months in 1991. Changes on such a scale on Earth are associated with volcanic activity, whether through an eruption at the vent or movement of magma beneath the vent that causes the vent walls to collapse and the vent to expand. The research was published today (March 15) in the journal Science.


Jim Chalmers "I have a plan". "IndyWatch Feed National"

The @AlboMP Government has a comprehensive plan to build a more productive, more resilient and more prosperous economy, one that creates more opportunities for more Australians. My speech to CEDA today here: #auspol #ausecon Jim Chalmers MP (@JEChalmers) March 16, 2023


Australian premiers spar over nuclear sub waste disposal "IndyWatch Feed National"

RT | March 16, 2023

The Australian political establishment is divided as to where the federal government should dispose of nuclear waste associated with the countrys expanded submarine deal with its AUKUS allies.

An accord was struck by the leadership of the countries which make up the trilateral AUKUS alliance Australia, the United States and the United Kingdom when they met in San Diego, California earlier this week, which rubber-stamped the sale of nuclear-powered submarines by Washington to Canberra.

In addition, Australia Prime Minister Anthony Albanese confirmed that his country would construct its own fleet of nuclear submarines, which will be delivered in the early 2040s. The terms of the agreement stipulate that the Australian government will be responsible for the disposal of nuclear waste from the vessels but this appears to have opened a new political front for the countrys various state leaders.

I think the waste can go where all the jobs are going, said Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews via the Australian Broadcasting Corporation on Thursday, referencing the 8,000 jobs which are expected to be generated in South Australia during the construction of the military submarines. I dont think thats unreasonable, is it?

West Australian Premier Mark McGowan has also indicated that nuclear waste disposal sites are unwelcome in his state, joining Andrews in suggesting South Australia as the most appropriate location.

Susan Close, the acting South Australian premier who doubles as the regions environment minister, responded to the suggestions by saying the decision on nuclear waste locations should be dictated by science and not by state leaders trying to move nuclear waste that doesnt yet exist across the border.

A final decision on the location of the site is not expected for another 12 months, and the site that is eventually selected wont be required for use until around 2055.

The AUKUS deal will see Australia become the seventh nation with nuclear-powered submarines in its military arsenal, and comes amid Western concerns about Chinas military expansion in the Indo-Pacific region. Beijing has rebuked the AUKUS nuclear submarine agreement, saying it contradicts accepted norms of nuclear non-proliferation.


Silicon Valley Bank collapse "IndyWatch Feed National"

Last week, two major banks collapsed: Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and Signature. These were the second and third largest bank collapses in US historythe largest being Washington Mutual in 2008. Since I seem to be writing about finance this month, I wanted to try my hand at explaining why, for the reader who doesnt know anything about finance.

Short answer: SVB placed a big bet long-term US treasury bonds and mortgage-backed securities. However, the prices of these assets went down. Companies with money in SVB were worried about it, so they started withdrawing a lot of money, requiring SVB to sell its assets at a loss until it was wiped out. Bank collapses tend to spread via a process called contagion, and Signature appears to be the first victim.

Really long answer: Okay, lets walk through these concepts one by one.

First of all, what even is a bank? A bank is an institution that accepts deposits of money, we know that. But how does a bank pay you interest, pay expenses, and make its own profit besides? A bank basically borrows money from depositors and uses it to give out loans or make other investments. The bank makes money because its own investments give it greater returns than the interest they pay you on on your bank deposit.

You might think, why allow the bank take a cut? Cut out the middleperson, invest your money directly instead of depositing it in a bank. However, the bank account offers two distinct advantages: you are guaranteed your money back, and you can easily withdraw it at any timewith important exceptions to be discussed further down.

The ability to produce money on demand is called liquidity. If an asset is illiquid (meaning not liquid), that means that it may be difficult to sell on short notice, and you may suffer a loss from having to put on a fire sale. While depositors want their bank accounts to be completely liquid, the bank itself doesnt need to be completely liquid. Thats because, generally speaking, depositors are not going to withdraw all their money at once. Banks need enough liquidity to cover the aggregate demand of depositors, but theres a lot of room left for illiquid investments, which tend to have higher returns.

The way banks guarantee all your money back is by taking on almost all the risk themselves. Banks make leveraged investments, which means borrowing money (e.g. from depositors) to invest money. For example, suppose a bank makes a $100 investment with 10x leverage. Theyre investing $10 of their own money, and $90 of your money. If their investment has a 10% payout, then they earn $10, doubling their money. If it had a 10% loss, they lose everything, and the bank becomes insolvent, which could lead to collapse.  But it doesnt really affect deposits unless the bank suffers more than 10% loss, in which case depositors might lose some money...


India, Australia, and the Indo-Pacific Imperative "IndyWatch Feed National"

With the rising challenge of China, Indo-Pacific geopolitics is headed for more uncertainty. In his recent visit to India, Australia Prime Minister Anthony Albanese visited INS Vikrant, Indias newest aircraft carrier.

Aboard the INS Vikrant, PM Albanese declared that there has never been a point in both of our countrys histories where weve had such a strong strategic alignment. He noted that India is a top-tier security partner and that the Indian Ocean is central to both countries security and prosperity.

The visit to INS Vikrant underscores the growing importance of the maritime dimension of Indo-Pacific geopolitics. Hosting the Australian PM on an aircraft carrier is also a demonstration of the strength of Indias strategic ties with Australia. Furthermore, it underlines the evolving strategic alignment between India and Australia.

The defence and security partnership has emerged as one of the key pillars of Indo-Australian strategic partnership. Both countries are participants in the Malabar naval exercises and are deepening and widening their military-to-military exchanges. Australia has invited India for Exercise Talisman Sabre. Such joint exercises not only build interoperability and familiarity but also contribute to creating greater trust and awareness about each other.

In the context of growing Chinese assertiveness across the Indo-Pacific, military cooperation has assumed critical dimensions. Just like India, Australia too faces growing Chinese challenge in its own region. Chinas forays in the South Pacific have galvanised Australia and the United States into action. India too is slowly increasing its outreach to the island states of South Pacific.

The security in the Eastern Indian Ocean, especially along maritime Southeast Asia, is a shared area of concern for India and Australia. China looms large, geographically as well as strategically, over this region. Building strategic convergence to limit Chinese influence and expanding the strategic partnership is in the interest of India and Australia.

Along with defence and security, trade and economy are also key areas of cooperation. India and Australia signed an Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (ECTA) last year. The agreement is expected to add economic muscle to the burgeoning politico-military partnership. As India...


EXCLUSIVE: Ted Cruz Demands Answers From Meta, Google, And TikTok In New Senate Probe "IndyWatch Feed National"

Ted CruzThe Texas senator followed up with Silicon Valley's major players to explain their initial responses to congressional inquiries were not adequate.


10 Best Bird Stand in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

Looking for the best bird stand? Look no further! This blog will provide you with all the information you need to find the perfect bird stand for your home. Well cover everything from the different types of bird stands available, to how to choose the right one for your home.


Melbourne Sat 18 March: Protest against the AUKUS war alliance, nuclear submarines and to free Assange - Victorian State Library "IndyWatch Feed National"

Melbourne State Library 1 pm Saturday 18 March against AUKUS US $170b nuclear sub purchase and alliance , and .



The , and have organised a at 1pm on Saturday 18 March outside the State Library of Victoria. As the Australian armed forces with its eight US-manufactured nuclear-powered hunter-killer submarines, costing a staggering $170 billion, and used in its planned war against China, the need for protest action to stop this is more urgent than ever.


This planned war against China is only one component of the United States' overall war against humanity, upon which it embarked in 1945, following the end of the Second World War. One estimate of the cost, so far, of this war - in Korea, Vietnam, Africa, the Middle East and elsewhere - is 20 million lives.

Protestors will also be calling on the Australian government to act to use the power vested in it to end the illegal imprisonment and torture of Julian Assange by the UK government and also to prevent the US government's no-less-illegal efforts to have him extradited to the US to face trial before a kangaroo court and thence imprisonment in solitary confinement for the rest of his life.

If you are free in six weeks time, on the afternoon of Saturday 18 March, please be there at the State Library at 1pm to add your voice to those opposed...


10 Best Water Garden Pump in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

A water garden can be a beautiful addition to your home, and the best way to keep it looking its best is to use a good quality water garden pump. There are a lot of different types of pumps on the market, so it is important to do some research to find the best one for your needs. This blog will help you narrow down your choices and choose the best water garden pump for your home.


Sunak grants 5 billion boost to the military despite growing issues of poverty and inflation "IndyWatch Feed National"

By Ahmed Adel | March 16, 2023

Britains updated defence and foreign policy strategy envisages an additional 5 billion for armaments and is a demonstration that Londons priority is confrontation with Russia and China. Although UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak promised this considerable appropriation for the military over two years, it is unlikely to appease British conservatives as the figure did not meet the demands of spending 3% GDP on defence.

Defence Secretary Ben Wallace wanted a larger military budget but officials are reportedly delighted with the settlement. This is unlikely the case behind closed doors.

Most of the 5 billion will be used to replenish ammunition stockpiles given to Ukraine and work on the AUKUS project to develop nuclear-powered submarines for Australia. Effectively, the main priority of Londons updated defence and foreign policy strategy is to oppose the main geopolitical threats to Anglo hegemony Russia and China.

Speaking from San Diego on March 13, Sunak said: Its clear that the world has become more volatile, the threats to our security have increased. And thats why were investing 5 billion more in our world-beating armed forces over the next two years and increasing our defence spending to 2.5% of GDP so we can continue to be a world leader when it comes to defence and keeping our country safe.

Of course, this omits the obvious failures in Afghanistan and Ukraine, and the fact that neither Russia or China pose a threat to Britain. In fact, it is evident from the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan that the threat is the UK.

Russophobia guides the British political and media establishment, and has thus shaped British public opinion for more than 200 years. Therefore, in the context of Russias special military operation, the updated strategy does not represent anything new in terms of escalation. Rather, it just merely shows the British establishments continuous Russophobia.

The procurement of ammunition and atomic armament demonstrates that the Sunak government is continuing what Boris Johnson, and those before him, started. What is telling though is that a 5 billion boost is being allocated to the military, partially to replenish stocks given to Ukraine, just as the UK is experiencing the worst economic catastrophe of the 21st century, thus far.

According to the latest figures (2020/21), around one in five people in the UK (20%) were in poverty, or 13.4 million people. Of these, 7.9 million were working-age adults, 3.9 million were children and 1.7 million were pensioners. Therefore, one in four children in the UK are living in poverty (27%).

However, a report by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, an independent social change organization working to solve poverty in the UK, said in January 2023 that living standards are likely to have fallen since the latest official dat........


10 Best Marker in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

The best marker is the one that suits your needs the most. Whether youre looking for a durable marker for outdoor use, or a fine-tipped pen for detailed work, theres a marker out there thats perfect for you. In this blog post, well take a look at some of the best markers on the market, and help you choose the right one for your needs.

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10 Best Wall Light Switch in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

If you are looking for the best wall light switch, then you have come to the right place. In this blog post, we will take a look at some of the best options on the market and help you make an informed decision.


Rare waterspout swirls over Darwin Harbour, Australia "IndyWatch Feed National"

A waterspout was seen swirling near Darwin Harbour in the Northern Territory on Wednesday, March 15. Credit: Taryn Hirst via Storyful


10 Best Bike Locks in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

Bike locks are an essential piece of kit for any cyclist, whether youre commuting to work or going on a leisurely ride. There are a variety of different types of bike locks on the market, so its important to choose one that best suits your needs. In this blog post, well take a look at some of the best bike locks on the market, as well as some tips on how to keep your bike secure.


ABC 'comedy' wanker "IndyWatch Feed National"

New submarines are on their way! Eventually. Possibly. Mark Humphries (@markhumphries) March 16, 2023


NSW Labor on Matt Kean's fundraising war-chest "IndyWatch Feed National"

Dear Comrade, We've always known the Liberals have ultra-rich donors with deep pockets. But would you believe this: Treasurer Matt Kean alone has raised $360,000 for the Liberals' election campaign: And unfortunately for us, that kind of cash goes a long way in tight elections like this one.$360,000 can buy...


10 Best Kitchen Turner in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

If youre looking for the best kitchen turner, youve come to the right place. In this blog post, well take a look at some of the best options on the market and help you choose the perfect one for your needs.


Yet another tacit Liberal Party murder confession. "IndyWatch Feed National"

The Liberal Party has made a number of tacit murder confessions in regard to Robodebt and the illegal importation of COVID-19, but the SA Division of the Liberals appears to be striving to win a glod Logie award for such confessions.

Short link to this posting:

In a video of 35 seconds duration, the SA Liberal Party hammers the Malinauskas Government for making ambulance ramping twice as dangerous, and potentially twice as deadly as it was under Premier Steven Marshall. 

I may be wrong, but I strongly suspect that this advertisment is an admission that the Liberal Party violated the Genocide provisions in Section 268.5 (2) of the Commonwealth  Criminal Code Act (1995) and the Criminal Neglect provision in Section 14(1) of the SA criminal code:

This advertisement is 35 seconds of ultra-compelling audio-visual evidence of the fact that in Australia, politicians see themselves as being above the law when they make fatal decisions.

HOW WIERD This advert is demanding that Peter Malinauskas fix a deadly problem that the Liberal Party did not fix in 4 years of government.

Robo-debt, Welfare-Gate, COVID-GATE and Vaccine-Gate are other examples of this nasty habit of making unlawful decisions that kill people.


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Ronald Medlicott. Citizen, teacher and volunteer Christian lay-advocate.


Population growth approaching record pace "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

Population count accelerates

Australia's population increased by 128,670 in the September 2022 quarter, implying an annual pace of around 500k per annum. 

Source: ABS

The population is growing faster than previously projected, and the population clock was ratcheted up to 26,384,000. 

Indeed, this implies population growth of faster than one person per minute, which is actually more like an annual population growth of 573,000 per annum.

I guess it will slow down a bit at some point.

The peak of the rush to south-east Queensland passed in the September quarter, and with more employers requiring workers back at their desks in Sydney and Melbourne with each passing week this trend will continue. 



Ukrainians picking very unwise fights with potential mercenary Muslim enemies "IndyWatch Feed National"

Kind-hearted and tolerant Ukrainians use the Koran as a cutting board for their salo. Donbass Devushka (@PeImeniPusha) March 15, 2023


This and That "IndyWatch Feed National"

  In search of the lost ark   AUKUS trilateral security pact between Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States (Defense News) On Monday, the U.S., Australia, and the United Kingdom unveiled new details about their partnership to produce for Australia its own nuclear-powered submarine by 2040, known as the SSN AUKUS. The U.S. []

The post This and That appeared first on Virtual Mirage.


BEST OF THE WEB: Study: More infant vaccines lead to higher infant mortality "IndyWatch Feed National"

Do childhood vaccines impact a child's mortality risk? While controversy around this issue continues to swirl, peer-reviewed research suggests the answer is a yes. In 2011, Neil Miller, Ph.D., and Gary Goldman, Ph.D., published a paper in the journal Human & Experimental Toxicology showing infant mortality rates correlated with childhood vaccination rates, with high-uptake countries having higher child mortality. As detailed in the abstract:1 "The U.S. childhood immunization schedule specifies 26 vaccine doses for infants aged less than 1 year the most in the world yet 33 nations have lower IMRs. Using linear regression, the immunization schedules of these 34 nations were examined and a correlation coefficient of r = 0.70 (p < 0.0001) was found between IMRs and the number of vaccine doses routinely given to infants.


The Flat Earth Movers at The Demolition Derby Were Plowed Under so God Left Them a Rose on the Grave of Their Mind. "IndyWatch Feed National"

Reflections in a Petri Dish March 15, 2023

Dog Poet Transmitting.

They came out from under a rock somewhere and are dancing like stick-figure Meth-heads in their torn underwear. They pay no mind to the rest of The World that pays no mind to them. Except when they trip in front of your car while screaming at invisible creatures from another dimension; Do you know who I are? They burn incandescent for a minute or two, then fizzle out like a cigarette butt in a can of beer.

They drive Flat-Earth movers at The Demolition Derby, where they plow themselves under & God leaves a rose on the grave of their mind. Is it because so many people have collectively become so dumb that they think they can turn the clock back to the day before Pythagoras, and no one will notice? When college grads can no longer find the rest of The World on a map, they might be right.

Then again their world might be flat. Mine is not.

You see certain financial and political forces that are trying to regress humanity back to the primitive tribal mindset, with their tattoos and nose rings.. their pierced privates writhing by the firelight of bad-drumming circles; calling out Lovecraftian rhythms to their poisoned bloodstreams dreaming of the halcyon days of human sacrifice; soothsayers dismembering children and reading their entrails, ALL FOR THE BENEFIT OF The WEF butt bandits, who are liking them to be as dumb as they come so that they can get away with whatever they please.

Is it any less soul-killing to be spending their hours in skyscraper towers, and juggling numbers in the hope that possibly just maybe it will all add up to enough to pay off their indentured enslavement to the company store? Thats not even their real bondage. Their real bondage is to all the nasty habits they picked up trying to forget what they have to go through to afford them.

Yesterday in honor of the flat Earth junkies, someone said that Space isnt real either. I told them that neither is Matter. Matters just energy that woke up and had to pee and it cant find the bathroom. Then there is a period of reasoning it out, and an emergency decision gets made. Then the peeing takes place and it turns back into Matter until it has to pee again its a creeping somnambulism thing. This is where Karma comes from.

So it takes countless forms shape shifting appearing to be and then not being; a sort of to pee or not to pee, is that the question? Youll understand it better once you see Schrodingers cat in the litter box. Then the answer to your own personal existence will be explained when the cat does or does not di...


The Worst Deal Ever Australia To Pay U.S. For Nuclear Insecurity "IndyWatch Feed National"

Moon of Alabama March 15, 2023

The the last weeks review I mentioned the AUKUS deal. It was first announced in September 2021. Back then I wrote:

Yesterday the U.S., the UK and Australia announced that the latter one will buy nuclear powered submarines to do the U.S. bidding against China.

This is a huge but short term win for the U.S. with an also-ran booby price for Britain and a strategic loss of sovereignty and budget control for Australia.

It is another U.S. slap into the face of France and the European Union. The deal will piss off New Zealand, Indonesia and of course China. It will upset the international nuclear non proliferation regime and may lead to the further military nuclearization of South Korea and Japan.

Australia currently has six conventional submarines. It had ordered new ones from France but scrapped that deal for AUKUS:

The price for the new submarines Australia will have to pay will be much higher that for the French ones. Some $3 billion have already been sunk into the French contract. France will rightfully demand additional compensation for cancelling it. The new contract with the U.S. or UK will cost more than the French one but will only include 8 instead of 12 boats. As three boats are needed to keep one at sea (while the other two are training or in refit), the actual patrolling capacity for Australias navy will sink from 4 to 2-3 concurrent submarines at sea.

The much higher price of the fewer more complicate boats will upset Australias defense budget for decades to come.

I further suggested that blackmail may have played a role in the AUKUS deal.

A few days after the announcement there were new details publish which suggested that Australia would lease nuclear submarines from the U.S. because the new ones will take many years to build. It would upgrade Perth harbor to be able to handle nuclear propulsion boats:

Cont. reading: The Worst Deal Ever Australia To Pay U.S. For Nuclear Insecurity


Isnt it wonderful how the men in opposing political parties can unite in hate and belligerence? "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

It really is quite sweet to see,- in America, the Democrats and Republicans being friendly on the same page. Same for Australia, where the Labor and Liberals are being lovely to each other.

So good to see. Its a bit of a pity that they fight each other so strongly about policies on health, education, welfare, environment all those things that are crucial for the common good.

But now, and this really is very much a blokey thing, the opposing political parties are agreed hating China, and on the need to spend many, many billions of the taxpayers money on weapons, especially nuclear. (Australias nuclear submarines wont have weapons, I hear your cry) Australias subs will be controlled by USA, secretly, like the Pine Gap facility Australians wont even know whats on them.

Well, the blokes are good at business, too, and so are the bought females that are celebrated these days (think of Victoria Nuland, Jennifer Granholm, Penny Wong ). And, they are right. You couldnt get a more reliable customer for your weapons business than the tax-payers, who have to just pay up, bindly. with no say in these $multibillion nuclear decisions made on their behslf.


Coinbase met with Australian banking regulators over local crypto regulations "IndyWatch Feed National"

Coinbases vice president of international policy told Cointelegraph the meetings took place in Canberra and Sydney and touched on the governments token mapping efforts.


The Aireys Inlet Music Festival set times are here "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

Returning for its 17th year, the Aireys Inlet Music Festival is set to take over this coastal town from Friday 17 Sunday 19 March 2023, with Ella Hooper headlining another cracking lineup of homegrown talent.

The festival, now in its 17th year, continues to draw on the cream of Geelong and Surf Coast bands this year, including Rocket Science, Bones and Jones, Foggy Notion, Immy Owusu, Forever Son,  the Beachniks, Matt Bourke and the Delusional  Drunks, Dear Buffalo and De Porsal. They will be joined by Sydney country star Andy Golledge Band, Frankstons finest rockers the  Belaire Lip Bombs, space disco popsters Zoe Fox  and the Rocket Clocks, all female mariachi group  Queen of Hearts, and boisterous country rockers  Sin City.

Keep up with the latest music news, festivals, interviews and reviews here.

Set Times

Friday March 17 2023 

Saturday March 18 2023

Sunday March 19 2023 



A Disney Store pop-up has arrived in Melbourne celebrating Disneys 100 Years of Wonder "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

Disney fans, loosen your purse strings: National shopping centre Westfield has announced the arrival of Disney Store Pop-Ups, an exclusive retail experience created for customers and Disney fans, opening in selected Westfield centres across the country for a limited time in celebration of Disneys 100 Years of Wonder. 

Opening today, March 16, at Westfield Fountain Gate, followed by other centres, Disney Store Pop-Ups will deliver an exciting range of products like Pixar, Marvel and Star Wars collectibles, Disney Store Japan ranges, plus a selection of accessories for all ages, including homewares, dolls, plus and apparel for children and adults.    

Stay up to date with whats happening in and around the region here.

Appearing in select Westfield destinations across New South Wales, Victoria, and Queensland for a limited time before popping up at the next location, customers will be able to shop at Disney Store Pop-Ups for official Disney100 Celebration Collections including Disney100 The Decades Collection and Disney100 The Eras Collection, plus the Mickey Mouse and Friends Celebration Spirit Jerseys, bringing iconic Disney Parks style to Australia. Many other ranges that are traditionally available at Disney Parks and on, will also be available for purchase at the pop-up events.




Simply magnificent new campaign ad for Sleepy Joe Biden. "IndyWatch Feed National"

Thank you Underminder, you always come through with the goods!


The free Chinese-inspired Bendigo Easter Festival returns for 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

<p>Commencing all the way back in 1871, the <a href= "">Bendigo Easter Festival</a> is one of Australias longest-running community events.</p> <p>Over the Easter long weekend this year, Bendigos beautiful Rosalind Park and surrounding streets will be transformed once again into a vibrant precinct bursting with family-friendly entertainment, stage shows, hands-on activities, live music, roving performers, an Easter egg hunt and more!</p> <p class="p1"><b><i>Stay up to date with whats happening in and around the region </i></b><a href= ""><span class= "s1"><b><i>here</i></b></span></a><b><i>.</i></b></p> <p>Experience the thrills of Carnival Central, watch the kids eyes light up in the Easter Hunt, and marvel at the extraordinary entertainers wandering through picturesque Rosalind Park.</p> <p>Find your place along the road to cheer on the convoy of illuminated floats in the OBrien Plumbing & HVAC Torchlight Procession, concluding with a spectacular fireworks display over the city on Saturday night.

Thousands of people will line the streets on Easter Sunday to watch the gorgeous display of colour in the Bendigo Advertiser Gala Parade.

At the heart of the festival is its rich Chinese history, a tradition that first began in 1879 with the first large-scale contribution from the Chinese community. Dance, drums, Lion teams and 100,000 crackers are all part it. The festival will also feature Bendigos proud tradition of Chinese processional dragons appearing at the Easter Festival will continue this year when Dai Gum Loong (the worlds longest Imperial Dragon!) makes his first solo parade on Easter Sunday 9th April 2023. You can be a part of this spectacular community event by registering your interest to be a dragon carrier, in case thats ever been on your bucket list!</p> <p>The Rotary Market is always a crowd favourite while the Golden Dragon Museum will be hosting a lantern making workshop in the beautiful Yi Yuan Gardens on Good Friday.</p> <p>Theres also a chill out zone for all ages to enjoy sensory activities, arts and crafts; an animal farm; the CFA Kids Amusement Rides back in William Vahland Place, and the festival provides the perfect opportunity to visit Kaleidoscope, a mesmerising symphony of light, sound and joy, staged in a breathtaking mirror maze. But thats not even the half of it.</p> <p>The Bendigo Easter Festival is filled with fun and excitement the whole family will enjoy, and after visiting this annual event it is sure to become...</p>


Australian Dollar and Bitcoin "IndyWatch Feed National"

1.00 AUD = 0.00003 BTC
0.00010 BTC = 3.70 AUD


Australia's traditional owners - China - buying up our country like it's going out of fashion. "IndyWatch Feed National"

Peaceful invasion hey? But don't despair if you can't afford a house, we've got submarines coming.


SA union leader resigns after store CCTV records her apparently shoplifting "IndyWatch Feed National"

Leah York has today announced she will step down from her position as Branch Secretary of the South Australian Branch of the AEU following an incident in Mount Gambier last week. Ms Yorks resignation will be effective close of business today. The AEU is in the process of determining interim...


Lydia Tr is dead "IndyWatch Feed National"

To paraphrase a quote, I am less interested in Lydia Trs dreams than in the near certainty that the Trs of the real world dont make it out of Staten Island. Art is the opposite of rent. Artists need money to live and time to create, as do audiences in order to attend.

The post Lydia Tr is dead appeared first on Overland literary journal.


Trashing Asylum: The UKs Illegal Migration Bill "IndyWatch Feed National"

He was standing before a lectern at Downing Street. The words on the support looked eerily similar to those used by the politicians of another country. According to UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, Stop the Boats was the way to go. It harked back to the same approach used by Australias Tony Abbott, who won the 2013 election on precisely that platform.

The UK Illegal Migration Bill is fabulously own-goaled, bankrupt and unprincipled. For one thing, it certainly is a labour of love in terms of the illegal, as the title suggests. In time, the courts may well also find fault with this ghastly bit of proposed legislation, which has already sailed through two readings in the Commons and resting in the Committee stage.

On Good Morning Britain, Home Secretary Suella Braverman had to concede she was running novel arguments about dealing with such irregular migration, not making mention of Australias own novel experiment which did, and still continues, to besmirch and taint international refugee law.

In her statement on whether the bill would be consistent with the European Convention of Human Rights, enshrined by the UK Human Rights Act, Braverman was brazen to the point of being quixotic: I am unable to make a statement that, in my view, the provisions of the Illegal Migration Bill are compatible with the Convention rights, but the Government nevertheless wishes the House to proceed with the Bill.

The long title of the bill does not even bother to conceal its purposes. It makes provision for and in connection with the removal from the United Kingdom of persons who have entered or arrived in breach of immigration control. It furnishes a detention regime, deals with unaccompanied children, makes some remarks about victims of slavery or human trafficking and, more to the point makes provision about the inadmissibility of certain protection and certain human rights claims relating to immigration.

The central purpose of the bill is to destroy the very basis of seeking asylum in Britain, along with the process that accompanies it. Much of this is inspired by the fact that the United Kingdom does not do the business of processing asylums particularly well. Glorious Britannia...


Enter the miniature world of sustainable living with this three-day Tiny Homes Expo coming to Geelong "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

Despite their small size, tiny homes are a big trend. Tiny homes are often one-of-a-kind, customized build, meticulously decorated, eco-conscious, and come complete with 5-star amenities whats not to love about that?

Entirely dedicated to the tiny home experience, a Tiny Home Expo is heading to Geelong this month, popping up at Geelong Racecourse from 31 March 2 April 2023.

Stay up to date with whats happening in and around the region here.

All-encompassing of the Tiny House movement, the expo is a large travelling outdoor show event in Australia, bringing homes, products, services, speakers, demos, and information about the tiny home industry to the fore.

Full of tiny houses and alternative building ideas (houses on wheels, domes, backyard pods and offices), here you can wander through rows of tiny homes and talk to people that live tiny, view many home designs, and learn about off-grid setups.

Providing a goldmine of information, youll also learn how to find land, the rules and regulations, finance, water solutions, off-grid living ideas, solar, finance, design tips, DIY and home products.

Alongside all of this, there will also be a lineup of market stalls and food trucks to keep everyone satisfied.

Opening Times

Friday 10am 3pm (no staggered entry) $25

Saturday 9am 5pm (arrive before or after 1pm) $35 / $20

Sunday 9am 5pm (arrive before or after 1pm) $35 / $20

ALL day tickets are great for those really investigating the Tiny Homes and wanting to see speakers and talk to lots of experts.

No ticket required for children 16yrs and under.

You can purchase tickets on here or at the gate if the event is not sold out. 

The post Enter the miniature world of sustainable living with this three-day Tiny Homes Expo coming to Geelong appeared first on Forte Magazine.


How we built a database of conflicts driven by Indonesias palm oil smallholder scheme "IndyWatch Feed National"

In Sumatra, villagers occupied an oil palm plantation and set tires on fire; in the Bangka-Belitung Islands, they filled the local parliament building demanding action; in Borneo, paramilitary police were deployed to control the protests. Each of these incidents appeared in local media reports in Indonesia in the past few years and told what was becoming, to anyone paying attention, an increasingly familiar story. Since the 1970s, as corporate-run palm oil plantations spread across Indonesia, companies promised to share them with local villagers, in plots known as plasma. Initially, they made these commitments to secure access to land and subsidized government financing; from 2007, it was a legal obligation to share a fifth of any new plantation with villagers. During our field reporting in Indonesias palm oil heartlands, we repeatedly encountered allegations that companies were failing to deliver. Local media reports from across the Southeast Asian country told a similar story, with a steady stream of appeals to government, protests, direct action and sometimes even violence, due to simmering conflicts over plasma. When we began to investigate this in earnest, one of the key questions we sought to answer was just how widespread this problem was. It soon became clear that government monitoring was patchy and unreliable. Government agencies themselves openly acknowledged the flaws in their data. Most palm oil producers declined to share data that would enable us to interrogate their claims that they were complying with the law. Since the 1970s, as corporate-run palm oil plantations spread acrossThis article was originally published on Mongabay


License to Disrupt: Australia Goes Soft on Climate Protestors "IndyWatch Feed National"

Deanna "Violet" Maree Coco, who used a truck and flares to set up an illegal road block on Sydney's main harbour crossing, has just walked free from jail on appeal.

The post License to Disrupt: Australia Goes Soft on Climate Protestors first appeared on Watts Up With That?.


Statue of netball legend Sharelle McMahon unveiled in Melbourne "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

On March 7th of this year, female athleticism took the stage with the arrival of a bronze statue at John Cain Arena honoring famed netball player Sharelle McMahon.

Unveiled by Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events Steve Dimopoulos, the tribute is the creation of Australian-based, internationally renowned sculptors Gillie and Marc co-founders of Statues for Equality, the global project to bring more diversity to public statues and was funded in part by the Andrews Labor Governments $250,000 Celebrating Female Sporting Icons initiative.

Stay up to date with whats happening in and around the region here.

Victorians, like the sports we play, are diverse and its important that the athletes we choose to honour reflect that diversity, said Dimopoulos. Recognising our female sporting heroes will help level the playing field and inspire the next generation of elite sporting talent.

A celebrated athlete and Victoria native, McMahon has enjoyed an illustrious 25-year netball career as both a player and a coach.

After playing for the Melbourne Phoenix and later the Melbourne Vixens, she joined the national netball team, the Australian Diamonds, at the age of 21, and began an international netball career spanning 14 years and 118 matches. Over this time, she and her team earned two gold and two silver medals across four Commonwealth Games, and two Netball World Cup victories. She captained twelve times and scored the winning goal at the 1999 World Cup.

In 2010, she was the first athlete from a team sport to serve as a flagbearer for the Commonwealth Games opening ceremony, and in 2016 she received recognition for her many accomplishments through induction as an athlete member of the Sport Australia Hall of Fame.

Though she has since retired as an athlete, McMahon continues her work in sport as Cricket Victorias Head of Female Cricket, a position shes held since 2021.

Its a fitting recognition on International Womens Day for Sharelle McMahon, said Minister for Women Natalie Hutchins, whose incredible achievements, both on and off the netball court, have left an indelible mark on Victorias sporting history and been an inspiration for women and girls everywhere.



THREAD: Forestry Corps Total Forest Closure Notice is fake: no arrests at #ForestWalkOn "IndyWatch Feed National"

The Govt is using our money to destroy our native forests. We need them and our native animals need them. Fran Fagan Wingham resident Phew! I got lost, drove rocky waterlogged trails through the Yarratt State Forest lots of forestry utes & blokes but not pulled over. Yarratt Forest NOT closed. Got to []

Author information

Margo Kingston

Margo Kingston

Co-publisher and editor-in-chief at No Fibs

Margo Kingston is a retired Australian journalist and climate change activist. She is best known for her stint as Phillip Adams Canberra Babylon contributor and her work at The Sydney Morning Herald and #Webdiary. Since 2012, Kingston has been a citizen journalist, reporting and commenting on Australian politics via Twitter and No Fibs.


What Does the End of La Nia Mean for Global Weather Amidst the Climate Crisis? "IndyWatch Feed National"

The rare triple dip La Nia that worsened the U.S. southwests drought, harried two busy Atlantic hurricane seasons and poured into record-breaking rainfall in Australia is finally over. 

The National Weather Services Climate Prediction Center issued its final advisory for the outgoing cold phase of the El Nio Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle March 9.

La Nia has ended and ENSO-neutral conditions are expected to continue through the Northern Hemisphere spring and early summer 2023, the center announced. 

What does this mean? The ENSO cycle describes whether the waters in the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean are warmer than average (El Nio), cooler than average (La Nia) or neutral, ie. average. Either warmer or cooler Pacific temperatures can influence weather around the world. In the U.S., for example, El Nio is associated with dryer, warmer weather in the northern states and more rain and increased flood risk in the Southeast and along the Gulf Coast, The New York Times explained. La Nia, on the other hand, typically brings dryer, warmer weather to the south and wetter weather to the north. 

Learn More About Energy Solutions From EcoWatch


Thornhill announce Dressed To Kill regional Australian tour in May and June "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

Melbourne metallers Thornhill have announced their Dressed To Kill tour, visiting 13 regional towns across Australia. Kicking off on the Sunshine Coast in May, the band will take to Gold Coast, Hobart, Bendigo, Geelong, Frankston, Albury, Wollongong, Miranda and Central Coast before finishing in Canberra in June.

Armed with their ARIA Award-nominated 2022 album Heroine, Thornhill will also be joined by special guests Young Lions, Inertia and Tapestry for this exciting run of shows.

Thornhill Dressed To Kill Australian Tour


Keep up with the latest music news, festivals, interviews and reviews here.


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American roots duo Larkin Poe add second Melbourne Bluesfest sideshow due to overwhelming demand "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

Marking their second visit down under, roots rock sister act Larkin Poe are set to return to Australia this April, bringing their Blood Harmony tour to Sydney and Melbourne, alongside an appearance at the mecca of all things blues and roots: Byron Bay Bluesfest.

With two performances at Bluesfests 2023 edition on Thursday 6 April and Friday 7 April lined up, as well as Bluesfest sideshows at Sydneys Metro Theatre on Sunday 9 April and a sold-out show in Melbourne at Croxton Bandroom on Monday 10 April, the pair have also added an extra date for the city of laneways, bringing a bonus night of their energetic Southern sonic flavours to Melbournes iconic Corner Hotel on Tuesday 11 April.

Larkin Poe Australian Tour Dates

Thursday, April 6 Bluesfest, Byron Bay

Friday, April 7 Bluesfest, Byron Bay

Sunday, April 9 Bluesfest Sideshow at The Metro, Sydney

Monday, April 10 Bluesfest Sideshow at Croxton Bandroom, Melbourne (SOLD OUT)

Tuesday, April 11 Bluesfest Sideshow at Croxton Bandroom, Melbourne (SOLD OUT)

Keep up with the latest music news, festivals, interviews and reviews here.


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Study: Exercise Should Be First Treatment for Depression "IndyWatch Feed National"

I've been a long-term advocate for exercise as a primary treatment option for depression, and now, an overview of systematic reviews1,2,3 shows just how well-reasoned this advice has been.

Exercise Is 1.5x More Effective Than Best Antidepressants

In all, 97 systematic reviews with meta-analyses of controlled trials assessing the effects of exercise on adult depression, anxiety and psychological distress were included (amounting to a total of 1,039 trials involving 128,119 participants).

Populations included healthy adults, people with mental health disorders and people with chronic diseases. It's the most comprehensive review of research to date, and clearly demonstrates that exercise can rapidly alleviate mild to moderate symptoms of depression, anxiety and other forms of psychological distress. As reported by the University of South Australia, which performed the umbrella review:4

"University of South Australia researchers are calling for exercise to be a mainstay approach for managing depression as a new study shows that physical activity is 1.5 times more effective than counselling or the leading medications

[The study] shows that physical activity is extremely beneficial for improving symptoms of depression, anxiety, and distress. Specifically, the review showed that exercise interventions that were 12 weeks or shorter were the most effective at reducing mental health symptoms, highlighting the speed at which physical activity can make a change.

The largest benefits were seen among people with depression, pregnant and postpartum women, healthy individuals, and people diagnosed with HIV or kidney disease Lead UniSA researcher, Dr Ben Singh, says physical activity must be prioritized to better manage the growing cases of mental health conditions.

'Physical activity is known to help improve mental health. Yet despite the evidence, it has not been widely adopted as a first-choice treatment. Our review shows that physical activity interventions can significantly reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety in all clinical populations, with some groups showing even greater signs of improvement.

Higher intensity exercise ha...


Witchcraft and the Cruelty of Anti-Semitism "IndyWatch Feed National"

(L) Chancellor von Bismarck (C) Witch burning, Photo: Encyclopedia Britannica (R) Chancellor Hitler at Berlin in 1938, Photo: AP(L) Chancellor von Bismarck (C) Witch burning, Photo: Encyclopedia Britannica (R) Chancellor Hitler at Berlin in 1938, Photo: AP

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

I recently found a 1956 book entitled The Magic Background of Modern Anti-Semitism: An Analysis of the German-Jewish Relationship. It was written by Adolf Leschnitzer from lectures he gave at Free University of Berlin from 1952 to 1954. He served in WWI as a German soldier and then was a history teacher in high schools until he emigrated, to escape persecution, in 1939 first to Netherlands then to England.

The theme of the book Magic Background goes like this.  For two centuries the 1200s and 1300s there was violent persecution of Jews in Germany (this book never talks about Jews elsewhere). Oddly, the cruelty lightened up during the 1500s and 1600s, the reason being that a focus on witchcraft replaced it. Then it came back again in 1800s and 1900s.

In the preface, Adolf Leschnitzer says In an...


WIN! Were giving away tickets to see the 27 Club, an electrifying live rockumentary for the ages coming to Geelong "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

Off the back of receiving Adelaide Fringe Festivals Best Music Award in 2021 and following another run at Fringe this year, the infamous 27 Club is hitting the road to bring their tribute to the prestigious but tragic club of music legends to Geelong.

Taking to Costa Hall on March 23 from 7:30pm, Australian rock icons Sarah McLeod (The Superjesus), Kevin Mitchell (Jebediah, Bob Evans), Carla Lippis (Mondo Psycho), Dusty Lee Stephenson, Cam Blokland and Wanderers AU join forces to pay homage to the legendary artists who sadly joined the 27 club. Think Joplin, Winehouse, Cobain, Morrison, and Hendrix; legends who will forever be 27 and the legacy they left behind.

Stay up to date with whats happening in and around the region here.

Breathing life back into the music of the fated superstars with re-imaginings of classics, true to the originals and creative medleys, the show not only delivers musics greatest setlist but also delivers a masterclass in rock n roll, keeping alive the music, mythos and enduring cultural impact of this infamous collective of the gone-too-soon.


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Electricity charges are set for a steep rise "IndyWatch Feed National"

Contributed by Jim Hayes

Australians are about to pay a whole lot more for using electricity. All parties promised to put a stop to all these price rises during the last federal election campaign. The promise has been betrayed.

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) who is supposed to keep a lid on he rises has just lifted what can be charged by electricity companies, and they have been allowed to set tiers to charge different plans with different prices in some areas. The argument given is that this will generate competition.

Expected price rises are from around 20 percent to more than 30 percent. This will add considerable financial stress to many already pressed households.

The problem with the existing price regulation system is that it relies on the belief that the market is the way to generate the best outcome. If this outcome is to deliver lower prices, it has been a total failure.

To be fair, it must be acknowledged that the Albanese government did set a price cap in October last year. This had a small and temporary positive effect. There was a little fall in prices. Unfortunately. this might be coming to an end. A bigger and longer-term solution is needed.

Images by LAVO: Ending coal power plants and shifting to renewable alternatives is part of the answer

If lower energy cost is still the objective, there must be a different approach. It is not necessary to peg to international prices, as is the case at the moment. Instead of generous subsidies to energy companies, there should be sufficient investment into cheaper and cleaner energy. Australia remains reliant on aging coal generation plants that are no longer working efficiently, and therefore raising costs. T...


The Not-So-Winding Road from Iraq to Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed National"

U.S. soldiers breaking into a home in Baquba, Iraq, in 2008   Photo: Reuters
By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, World BEYOND War, March 15, 2023
March 19th marks the 20th anniversary of the U.S. and British invasion of Iraq. This seminal event in the short history of the 21st century not only continues to plague Iraqi society to this day, but it also looms large over the current crisis in Ukraine, making it impossible for most of the Global South to see the war in Ukraine through the same prism as U.S. and Western politicians.
While the U.S. was able to strong-arm 49 countries, including many in the Global South, to join its coalition of the willing to support invading the sovereign nation of Iraq, only the U.K., Australia, Denmark and Poland actually contributed troops to the invasion force, and the past 20 years of disastrous interventions have taught many nations not to hitch their wagons to the faltering U.S. empire.
Today, nations in the Global South have overwhelmingly...


Australias old media are on the ropes and are being exposed for bias and conflict of interest daily "IndyWatch Feed National"

Australias old media are now being exposed daily for their biased reporting and failure to declare their conflict of interests which has to mean their days are numbered. The evidence for that []


Human Patenting, The Coming CBDC Push & Does Your Gov Consider You A Domestic Threat Actor? "IndyWatch Feed National"

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (3/15/23).
As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant.

Video Source Links (In Chronological Order)

TLAV Fundraising Event - March 20th 2023
Justifying a CBDC Transition
(28) El hombre que re (The Man Who Laughs) on Twitter: "2013 @TLAVagabond @SlowNewsDayShow" / Twitter
BLM Funding Database - The American Way of Life
(35) "We have less than two years left now" (from:GretaThunberg) - Twitter Search / Twitter
(55) Greta Thunberg on Twitter: "We have less than two years left now to bend the emission curve, and we had this chance to try to inform people about the crisis we are in, but instead we take that opportunity to spread false hope. IPCC plays huge gamble with our future. #climatecrisis #klimatkris #ipcc" / Twitter
(35) Bernie's Tweets on Twitter: "CLIMATE CHANGE - Doomsday predictions from Al Gore 1992, we had 10 years to save the world. Hes still at it but this time its tied up in the UN & WEFs The Great Reset. He wasnt a billionaire before he became a climate activist. Follow the money." / Twitter
Trade Halts - Current
"Too Big To Fail" Credit Suisse Domino Effect Far More Potent Than SVB | ZeroHedge


AUKUS deal worst in history former Australian PM "IndyWatch Feed National"

RT | March 15, 2023

Former Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating has fired a broadside against the current government for its endorsement of the AUKUS security bloc and the purchase of American submarines. It doesnt help protect the country and drags it into the US attempt to preserve its hegemony by containing China, he has argued.

Keating, who chaired the Australian government in the 1990s, reiterated his negative view of the purchase of Virginia-class nuclear-powered boats in a lengthy rebuke this week. He branded it the worst international decision by an Australian Labor government since conscription in World War I. Speaking to journalists from the National Press Club of Australia on Wednesday to make the case for his position, he added it must be the worst deal in all history.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese formally confirmed the acquisition on Monday during a visit to California, where he and British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak were hosted at a naval base by US President Joe Biden. The plan was first announced in 2021, with Keating blasting the then-Conservative government in Canberra.

Figures in the British government were looking around for suckers, the famously acerbic Aussie politician said of the prelude to the announcement two years ago. And they found whoo! here is a bunch of accommodating people in Australia. The Albanese cabinet was just as eager to push the deal forward, he added.

The Australian Royal Navy is buying up to five attack submarines from the US and possibly building three more with the UKs help. The deal is estimated to cost 360 billion Australian dollars ($240bn).

With that investment, Australia could have 40 to 50 domestically-built Collins-class diesel-electric submarines instead, Keating suggested.

A larger fleet would be far better at protecting Australia from a possible invasion, which would require an armada of troops ships reaching its coast, he believes. Meanwhile, the nuclear subs would be sent to the Chinese coast to potentially take part in a US-Chinese conflict, the former prime minister suggested.

Its a strange way to defend Australia to have your submarines sunk on the Chinese continental shelf chasing Chinese submarines, Keating mused.

We are part of a [US] containment policy against China, he added. Its about one matter only: the maintenance of US strategic hegemony in Southeast Asia.

The politician dismissed as rubbish the idea that China poses a military threat to Australia in the first place and shamed national journalists peddling it.


Australias Nuclear Submarine Program "IndyWatch Feed National"

Madness. Via: The Diplomat: From around 2027, U.S. and U.K. nuclear submarines will undertake rotational deployments to Australia. In the 2030s, subject to U.S. Congressional approval, Australia will purchase three to five Virginia-class subs. The Biden administration and Australia itself are also making new investments in the United States submarine-building capacity. Lastly, beginning from the []


The Worst Deal Ever - Australia To Pay U.S. For Nuclear Insecurity "IndyWatch Feed National"

The the last week's review I mentioned the AUKUS deal. It was first announced in September 2021. Back then I wrote: Yesterday the U.S., the UK and Australia announced that the latter one will buy nuclear powered submarines to do...


Fishy business of squid vessels needs stronger regulation, study says "IndyWatch Feed National"

Squid fishing could be getting out of control due to the industrys lack of regulations, scientists say, prompting calls for greater oversight. Thousands of squid fishing vessels operate across the world, using light to lure the eight-armed cephalopods to the surface and catching them with nets or jigging equipment. While some research suggests that squid are globally abundant, other evidence suggests that overfishing is driving some populations to decline, including the jumbo flying squid (Dosidicus gigas) in the Southeast Pacific and the Argentine shortfin (Illex argentinus) in the Southwest Atlantic. Experts also say that most squid fishing takes place in unregulated areas in international waters, which has allowed the industry to operate without scrutiny. In a new study published in Science Advances, researchers from Global Fishing Watch, the University of California, Santa Cruz, the Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security at the University of Wollongong, and the Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency used satellite and vessel tracking data to study the movements of the squid fishing vessels. It found that squid fishing across the global oceans increased by 68% over three years (2017-2020), accounting for about 4.4 million total hours of fishing time. The study also indicated that 86% of this fishing occurred in unregulated areas, and that many of the vessels traveled long distances to operate in different regions. A major challenge with unregulated fisheries is that we dont know what we dont know and the data to deeply understand questions about stock status andThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Blockchain is the answer to Russia's settlement issues, banking exec says "IndyWatch Feed National"

There is no technical reason preventing Russia from creating its own blockchain-based system, blockchain provider Fuse Network's CEO believes.


10 Best Mens Swim Shorts in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

When it comes to swimwear, men have a lot of options. But when it comes to the best mens swim shorts, there are only a few styles that really stand out. Here are the best mens swim shorts that you can buy right now.


10 Best Wind Up Clocks in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

A good wind-up clock is one that can be easily set and doesnt require batteries. It should also have a clear face so you can see the time at a glance. In this blog post, well share our picks for the best wind-up clocks on the market.

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IndyWatch Castlemaine VIC All Topics Summary Today.

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Wednesday, 15 March


Decentralized Communication - #SolutionsWatch "IndyWatch Feed National"

As the internet clampdown begins, people are finally beginning to wake up to the need to find alternative communication platforms. But if the masses are just herded from one centralized platform to another, has anything really changed at all? Join James for today's important edition of #SolutionsWatch where he examines some of the many decentralized communication networks, platforms and protocols that are being developed to address the root of the censorship problem.


10 Best Kids Party Invitations in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

Its party time! And, of course, you want to make sure your childs birthday celebration is extra special. The first step is to send out the perfect invitations! Here are some tips on how to choose the best kids party invitations.


Are You Too Late To Bitcoin? "IndyWatch Feed National"

What is the top for an immutable money that becomes the standard for humanity? Why its time to get off zero.

This is an opinion editorial by Luke Broyles, a Bitcoin content creator.

How much bitcoin does it take to get rich and fund your lifestyle? How little bitcoin does it take to protect yourself against inevitable inflation, bank runs and fiat demise? Are you too late to Bitcoin? What would a 1% allocation do?

These are questions that newbies and veterans of Bitcoin alike ask themselves and each other and, oftentimes, there isnt a clear answer.

Lets provide a solid framework to answer that question.

There Is No Top For An Immutable Money Standard

January 2009 was BTC's first price prediction. Hal Finney predicted that bitcoin could become the global-dominant payment system, or $10 million per coin (Finneys calculation would be closer to $40 million today). But bitcoin would not surpass $1.00 until April 2011... Over two full years later.


What Finney understood is that upon the invention of perfect money all global wealth would inevitably consolidate into it. Henry Ford, Nikola Tesla and others also foresaw this.

A closed (monetary) system inevitably absorbs all open (productivity) systems. Money is the technology that prices everything else within its own ledger. There is no "top" price prediction for an immutable monetary standard of the human race, the standard.

Source: Author

Its About Purchasing Power, Not Price

So, a better way to think of bitcoin's value is not in price, but in purchasing power. Overlaying a share of monetary stock with a given amount of productivity (or economic value) is a better way to predict the money's value. Its worth noting that in a finite ledger, wealth inequality as we know it today does the reverse as we expect today (a topic for another...


10 Best Thread in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

Threads are an important part of the sewing process. They come in many different types and colors, and choosing the right one can be a bit overwhelming. In this blog post, well go over some of the best threads for sewing, so you can make the best choice for your project.


Australia's Treasury and Reserve Bank Held Consultations With Coinbase, Others "IndyWatch Feed National"

Tom Duff Gordon, vice president for international policy at Coinbase. (CoinDesk TV)


10 Best Soldering Iron in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

If you are someone who is into electronics and tinkering, then you know how important it is to have a good soldering iron. In this blog post, we will be taking a look at some of the best soldering irons on the market to help you find the perfect one for your needs.


10 Best Gas In A Can in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

If you are looking for the best gas in a can, look no further! This blog will provide you with all the information you need to know about the best gas in a can. We will discuss the different types of gas, how to choose the right one for your needs, and where to find it.


10 Best Jigs Fishing in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

Jig fishing is a great way to catch fish, and there are many different types of jigs to choose from. In this blog post, we will discuss the best jigs for fishing, based on our experience. We will also provide some tips on how to fish with jigs, so that you can catch more fish next time you go out!


Canberra: Join us - rally, say No to War protect truthtellers 8am 20th March ACT Courts "IndyWatch Feed National"

Join us - rally, say No to War protect truthtellers 8am Monday 20th March at the ACT Courts. On the 20th anniversary of the illegal invasion of Iraq, and as the Coalition of the Willing which was responsible for the illegal invasion of Iraq on 20 March 2003 has regrouped as AUKUS, we should remember the legacy of that disastrous war and other destructive wars. (Reposted from .)


Two people in particular are suffering persecution today because they dared to expose war crimes. Julian Assange released material including a video of the Baghdad airstrike which killed two Reuters journalists and other civilians, and ADF Major David McBride gave the ABC information about alleged war crimes in Afghanistan. David will be in court on the day to learn the date of commencement of his trial after 4 years!

We have a great line up of speakers

Dr Monique Ryan MP, Major David McBride, Senator David Shoebridge, Lawyer and survivor of a political prosecution, Bernard Collaery, Dr Sue Wareham, President of MAPW, GetUp CEO. Larissa Baldwin-Roberts and CBA whistleblower, Jeff Morris. Co Convenor of AAPP, Craig Andrews will MC the rally.

The wars on Iraq and Afghanistan resulted in the deaths of many hundreds of thousands of people, as well as injuring or displacing millions more. The wars caused widespread environmental destruction.

Join us to call on the Australian government to:

bring Assange home

drop the charges against McBride, and


Please come along to support David McBride and Julian Assange and to express horror that the countries which were responsible for so much heartbreak in Iraq and Afghanistan are bent on engaging in another war.

This rally is a joint event between the Alliance Against Political Prosecutions, the Independent and Peaceful Australia Network and the Medical Association for the Prevention of War.

MAPW Fundraising dinner 6.30pm, 28 March, Ainslie Football Club, with speaker Prof Clinton Fernandes, author of Island of the Coast of Asia, and the recent Subimperial Power: Australia in the International Arena on AUKUS and Australias Role in the Emerging World Order.

This talk examines the contours of a changing global order and Australias....


10 Best Towel Rings in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

A towel ring is a must-have in any bathroom. Not only do they keep your towels within easy reach, but they also add a touch of style to your space. There are many different towel rings on the market, so finding the perfect one for your bathroom can be a challenge. To help you narrow down your options, weve compiled a list of the best towel rings on the market. From sleek and modern designs to traditional and ornate styles, theres sure to be a towel ring thats perfect for your space.


10 Best Boys Socks in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

There are a lot of different factors to consider when purchasing boys socks. With so many options on the market, it can be tough to decide which pair is right for your child. This blog post will help you sort through the options and find the best boys socks for your needs. Well cover everything from material and fit to style and price. By the end, youll be armed with the knowledge you need to make an informed purchase.


Smashville are slinging $6 burgers during professional eaters Randy Santel and Katina Eats Kilos competition "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

In case you missed it, American extreme eater and TikTok and YouTube star Randy Santel and his partner, professional eater and Youtube Entertainer Katina Eats Kilos, are heading to Geelong this week and the good humans at Smashville are getting amongst the action.

Keep up with the latest food and booze news across the region here.

Coming to you from the Mulita BBQ squad, Smashville does exactly what its name suggests, serving up a range of Nashville-style fried chicken and epic burger combinations to-go.

Bringing that chook to life with various seasonings, textures, and techniques, the legends will be hosting the world-famous heavy hitter competition eaters on Thursday 16 March, who will be filming a YouTube segment out front of the Newcomb store.


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A Taste of Tolga is popping up at Medusa, bringing late-night street eats to Rock OCashel Lane "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

In perhaps the best collaboration weve seen all year, beloved local street food king A Taste of Tolga and beloved Geelong laneway bar Medusa have joined forces to get your senses sizzling.

Located down the historic Rock OCashel Lane, behind the heritage-listed faade of a three-storey building, Medusa is one of Geelongs best-kept secrets, offering a tantalising blend of drink specials, live music, DJs spinning vinyl and movie nights.

Keep up with the latest food and booze news across the region here.

The brainchild of the legends behind Valhalla (and their selection of Valhalla deliciousness on tap proves that), Medusa is looking to level up their punters experience with the offering of delicious food, teaming up with mobile street food business A Taste of Tolga.

Setting up outside the hidden venue, A Taste Of Tolga will be bringing a selection of high-quality tasty street food to the laneway including Geelongs best street tacos (yep, weve called it) that will leave you desperate for more. Whats more, this is the kind of food that pairs perfectly with Medusas strong selection of tasty booze.


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Wine Machine Yarra Valley "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

Wine Machine has announced its 2023 East Coast lineup, bringing some incredible names to the stage across three stunning sun-soaked soirees.

In March and April next year, Hunter Valley NSW, Canberra ACT and Yarra Valley VIC will play host to a decadent day of picnics and parties headed up by the likes of Hot Dub Time Machine, Lime Cordiale (excluding Vic), Bliss N Eso, Vera Blue (excluding NSW), Northeast Party House and more.

These East Coast dates join the already announced festivities in Swan Valley WA, McLaren Vale SA and Huon Valley TAS providing the perfect backdrop to create memorable moments at six remarkable regions across the country from November to April. With La Nina due to make a swift departure by the end of the year, the forecast is for clear skies, fun in the sun and good times ahead.

Alongside the live music, the spectacular Poof Doof Drag Jamboree will serve up a stack of fierce drag madness. Led by your hostess with the mostest Jimi the Kween, the festive and fabulous Jamboree will deliver mesmerising moments, interactive games and queer performance art so magical youll start to believe that unicorns exist. The best part is that the single stage format ensures you wont miss a thing.

This year, Wine Machine will bring the party to a new home in the Hunter Valley, the stunning Dalwood Estate on the Saturday 18 March. Established on the beautiful Hunter River in 1828, Dalwood Estate is regarded as the birthplace of Hunter Valley wine. With carefully curated lawns to create a natural amphitheatre, youll feel right at home.

The festival will return to its home with views across Lake George at Commonwealth Park in Canberra on Saturday 25 March, then soak up the atmosphere and natural amphitheatre at Rochford Estate in Yarra Valley on Saturday 1 April.

Indulge in some of the finest locally sourced produce as you enjoy everything Wine Machine has to offer. Its intimate, yet spacious. Its a garden party by day and fun fiesta by night. Taking place in the heartland of Australias finest wineries, you can enjoy spacious surroundings to both laze and picnic and dance and mingle.

Theres a treasure trove of art installations, garden games, pop-up bars, gourmet delights and long table lunches at Wine Machines Cellar Door a playground for all to enjoy.

The post Wine Machine Yarra Valley appeared first on Forte Magazine.


Victorian towns Ballarat and Echuca named as two of Australias best travel destinations "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

Two beautiful and thriving regional Victorian locations have been recognised amongst Australias best travel destinations for this year, as part of travel website Wotifs 2023 Aussie Town of the Year Awards.

Injecting a sense of pride within Victoria, VICs Ballarat and Echuca have secured fifth and tenth place respectively on the list of top travel destinations around the country.

2023 Wotif Aussie Town of the Year Award winners:

1. Albury, NSW
2. Bundaberg, QLD
3. New Norfolk, TAS
4. Port Lincoln, SA
5. Ballarat, VIC
6. Merimbula, NSW
7. Toowoomba, QLD
8. Dunsborough, WA
9. Orange, NSW
10. Echuca, VIC

Stay up to date with whats happening in and around the region here.

Now in its sixth year, the Wotif Aussie Town of the Year Awards recognise trending Aussie destinations for the year ahead and is based on a Wotif data index that looks at accommodation affordability, quality, and traveller satisfaction. Using reviews and price points on its site Wotif has condensed its findings into the top 10 towns in Australia.

Putting the spotlight on destinations that have met the continuously changing needs of travellers over the last 12 months, the top towns reflect the current trends amongst Aussie travellers, who are carving out their own long weekends on the calendar, opting for shorter, more frequent domestic trips.

Taking out the top spot in the awards, the crown returns to New South Wales, as Albury claims this years win, proving the border town has become far more than a pit-stop destination. Bundaberg, Queensland, and New Norfolk, Tasmania round out the top three.

Coming in at number five, regional favourite Ballarat is a worthy addition to the list. The largest city of the Central Highlands, Ballarats appeal lies in its natural surrounds, heritage and modern culinary scene. Wandering along the laneways, youll find countless cafes, restaurants and bars with clever menus offering local produce and tasty brews. Wotif accommodation tip places The Provincial Boutique as a must-stay for your next trip.




Australian Beaches Cleaned Significantly Through Waste Control Strategies "IndyWatch Feed National"


People oftentimes visit Australia not just to get a taste of the city, but to enjoy the beaches as well. In fact, thousands of visitors flock to the waters and watch as surfers ride the waves while others simply sunbathe.

However, with tourism also comes waste. People dont oftentimes think about the trash they leave behind. Theyre simply there to enjoy, without a care in the world. As a result, some parts of the beaches have been littered with so much plastic.

A recent scientific survey was conducted and when this was completed, researchers found that plastic on Australian beaches has fallen by 29 percent since they did the previous survey in 2013. They were impressed at what they found.

The authors of the study give credit to the well-executed and locally focused waste control strategies. They say that this is what Australians can achieve if they just put their heads together, and this may be something that the rest of the world could follow.

The efforts had been organized by the Australian national science agency....


Three years on, still fighting for the right to support refugees "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

On Tuesday 7 March the RAC activists who had been fined in 2020 for our car cavalcade outside the Mantra Hotel, to show support for Medevac refugees detained there, went to Heidelberg Court for a contest mention. We held a brief protest out the front. The magistrate listened to our lawyer summarise our case: that we []

The post Three years on, still fighting for the right to support refugees first appeared on Refugee Action Collective (Vic).


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed National"

Pentagon Drones Gather Data for Kievs Future Strikes on Russia Ambassador to US

Anatoly Antonov quoted US National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby as saying that US UAVs make these kinds of overflights on a daily basis

AP Photo/Michael Sohn

WASHINGTON, March 15. /TASS/. US drones are collecting reconnaissance data to be used by the Kiev forces for their future strikes on the Russian territory and Russian troops, Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov has said.

"The unacceptable actions of the United States military in the close proximity to our borders are cause for concern. We are well aware of the missions such reconnaissance and strike drones are used for," the ambassador was quoted as saying in a communique, issued in connection with Tuesdays US MQ-9 Reaper drones crash in the Black Sea.

The Russian diplomat quoted US National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby as saying that US UAVs make these kinds of overflights on a daily basis.

"What do they do thousands of miles away from the United States? The answer is obvious - they gather intelligence which is later used by the Kiev regime to attack our armed forces and territory," Antonov said.

"We proceed from the fact that the United States will refrain from further speculations in the media landscape and stop making sorties near the Russian borders," he added.


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed National"

Putin Lambasts Version on Pipeline Blast by Ukrainian Activists

The explosion of such kind, with such power and at such depth, could only be made by specialists, supported by the whole might of a state having certain technologies, Russian President noted

ULAN-UDE, March 14. /TASS/. Statements that the terrorist act at Nord Stream pipelines was committed by certain Ukrainian activists not affiliated with official Kiev are downright nonsense, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview on Tuesday.

"I am confident this is utter nonsense," the President noted in a comment on publications offering such version.

"The explosion of such kind, with such power and at such depth, could only be made by specialists, supported by the whole might of a state having certain technologies, Putin noted. "Certainly," the Russian leader said, answering the question whether it can be assumed that exactly the Western countries committed the blast.

"One should always look for those having the interest. Who was interested? Theoretically the United States is certainly interested - to halt supplies of Russian energy resources to the European market and deliver volumes of its natural gas, particularly liquefied, even if it is much more expensive - by 25-30% - than Russian one," Putin said.


Global phenomenon BABYMETAL announce their very first Australian headline tour "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

Japanese metal sensation BABYMETAL will be returning to Australia this year for their very first headline tour in June as part of their World Tour.

Kicking off in Brisbane on Thursday, June 8 at the Fortitude Music Hall, the tour will make its way down the east coast to Sydney on Friday, June 9 at the Hordern Pavilion and then Melbourne on Sunday, June 11 at Margaret Court Arena.

BABYMETAL Australian Tour 2023


Keep up with the latest music news, festivals, interviews and reviews here.


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Australian Dollar and Bitcoin "IndyWatch Feed National"

1.00 AUD = 0.00003 BTC
0.00010 BTC = 3.80 AUD


Wine Machine: A food, music and wine festival of your dreams coming to the heart of the Yarra Valley "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

Bringing together everything that can possibly satisfy ones palate food, wine, beer and live music within an immersive landscape, Wine Machine has emerged as a social mainstay within the Australian festival circuit over the last few years. 

Providing the perfect backdrop to create memorable moments, the national touring soiree is gearing up to take on a run of East Coast dates this March and April, heading to Hunter Valley NSW, Canberra  ACT and Yarra Valley VIC. 

Keep up with the latest music news, festivals, interviews and reviews here.

Locally, Victorians will soak up the atmosphere and natural amphitheatre at Rochford Wines in Yarra Valley on Saturday 1 April, with the festival kicking off at 1pm and the final act closing out the stage at 10pm. Just an hour drive from Melbourne CBD, the world-famous winery is one of the countrys most spectacular outdoor concert venues simply made for hosting Australias premium, bespoke, winery party Wine Machine, with tickets on sale now from IWannaTicket

Hot Dub Time Machine

Leading the lineup is the return of international festival sensation Hot Dub Time Machine, wholl be bringing his time entangling, party antics once again to the wine aficionados of Australia.

Since first launching his time-travelling, dance-through-the-decades audio-visual party concept a decade ago, Sydneys Tom Lowndes has grown Hot Dub Time Machine into an absolute monster. The Australian DJ who showcases songs from every decade and genre of music, weaving it into one expansive, electrifying, music history lesson has been welcomed by international audiences with open arms, with a phenomenal 200,000 tickets already sold worldwide.

For his appearance at Wine Machine, Lowndes will be bringing his blistering new Rave Machine show to the stage, featuring over 100 classic bangers on four decks in an epic and wild journey through dance music history. From The Prodigy to Fisher, Faithless to Flume and Daft Punk to Darude, this will be the ultimate dance party, celebrating fun times, togetherness and the unbridled joy of dancing!

Lime Cordiale

After scoring four times in the Hottest 100 (Facts...


Ocean Groves Andrea Robertson eases us into Autumn with her golden new EP Seasons Volume 1 "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

Ocean Groves Andrea Robertson is the singer and songwriter whose name is now synonymous with passion, honesty and integrity.

When you hear her songs, its instantly clear the immense power Robertson holds with her voice both delicate and mighty with each word sung. Her cadence and style stir listeners and provides them with comfort and warmth, something ever-present on her new EP Seasons Volume 1

Keep up with the latest music news, festivals, interviews and reviews here.

Radiating with an inner and outer heat, Seasons Volume 1 arrives this Autumn (and with it, three stunning new songs), marking the first of a series of four EPs to be released over the course of a year, all coinciding with the change of the seasons.

An intimate record of personal growth and transformation, Andrea Robertsons new EP opens in a lush and lifting haze: gentle acoustics lull us into a trance as Robertson blends honest songwriting with eloquent vocals. She sings, Im throwing off all my troubles, leaving behind all my cares, focusing on what really matters, and that is why youre still here.

The name of the opening track is appropriately named All That Glitters, the first single released from the EP. 

I really love this song, I wrote it after sitting down and strumming an old 12-string guitar my husband bought for me. It was one of the songs that briefly (but not completely) broke the long, dry spell in my songwriting.

With a certain warmness that feels like a fresh jacket on a chilly night, More Than Ever is the the EPs second track, channelling Robertsons knack for creating nostalgic blends of folk, country and soulful-blues-inspired songs. 

Over a bluesy acoustic guitar, this dazzling song bares resemblance to a classic alt-country track and Robertsons sweet voice and signature tones falls over them fittingly. The song finds Robertson singing a poetic tale whilst around her guitars glisten like red and yellow leaves on a tree. Warm, breezy and country-tinged as ever, the near-five-minute song ends with sparse, fading instruments that leave us inspired, exhilarated, and ready for the next adventure.



EXPOSED! Police officer LIES to driver on national television "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

Don't trust this cop on his tormenting rant on driver licence possession. 

In the colony Australia the police lie to the people every single day.

They lie in the courts and on the streets. 

Its up to you to not just catch them out but most importantly, hold them accountable.

This is an excerpt from a longer video (available on liabilitymate), where the focus is on the police officers words and not the drivers arguments.

The Victorian police officer clearly states:

Theres been a traffic offence committed, right? And you are required in Victoria when you commit a traffic offence to give me you name and address and produce your licence.

First and foremost is that a police officer alleges that he saw a traffic offence being committed, where it's up to the courts to enforce the law, should you chose not to accept the alleged

He must also caution the driver of a legal action referred to in the U.S as the Miranda warning, which is also applicable here in Australia.

When you hold a driver licence, you are required to state your name, address DoB (Date of Birth) and thats it.

ANY other question asked by the officer, you have the right not to self incriminate and it is to your benefit that you do not answer any other questions, not matter how 'enticing' the may be, as they are actually entrapment.


Carl Barron is bringing his Skating Rink for Flies show to Geelong in May "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

Hailed as one of Australias most popular comedians, Carl Barron will be bringing his Skating Rink for Flies show to Geelong this May.

The comedian will take to Costa Hall for two back-to-back nights on Tuesday 30 May and Wednesday 31 May at 8pm both nights.

Keep up with the latest in local news and entertainment here.

His newest show sees the comedian (voted number one two years running), ponder things we all think about but never mention.

The show was spawned from when Carl was a small boy at school, he asked the teacher how ants feel. He never got an answer all those years ago, but he still wants to know. Youll hear musing from the comedian about things like plastic bags, peanut butter and the possible emotions of an ant. There is no point to this show other than to make you laugh as much as possible.

Funny stories from a bloke with a funny head. What more could you ask for? (Bit of wee guarantee)

Five of Carl Barrons best YouTube clips from back in the day

Set your alarms and slot in that reminder, tickets are on sale from 10am Thursday 16 March here

The post Carl Barron is bringing his Skating Rink for Flies show to Geelong in May appeared first on Forte Magazine.


Govt committee in Pakistan lets plagiarizing vice-chancellor off the hook "IndyWatch Feed National"

Muhammad Suleman Tahir

A government expert committee in Pakistan last year cleared a university vice-chancellor of plagiarism charges based on inconsistent claims of ignorance, Retraction Watch has learned. 

The committee, which was convened by the Higher Education Commission (HEC), also appears to have flouted rules that would have held the vice-chancellor responsible even if he had no knowledge of any plagiarism committed by work under his supervision. HEC funds and oversees higher education in Pakistan.

This sends the wrong message to the academic community and undermines the credibility of the HEC, Farukh Iqbal, who brought the charges, told Retraction Watch.

The case seemed simple enough at first. But it has since spiraled into a saga that may reveal as much about the value of political muscle in Pakistan as it does about academic dishonesty.

In October 2020, Iqbal was working toward a PhD in chemical engineering at RMIT University in Australia when he noticed a new paper in the journal Fuel that looked familiar. The authors, it turned out, had lifted heavily from Iqbals 2017 masters thesis, as we reported in 2021.

Iqbal complained to both the HEC and Fuel. The journal investigated and found that Iqbals work had indeed been plagiarized. It pulled the paper in June 2021. (The retraction notice mistakenly refers to a PhD thesis.)

That same month, however, the first author of the retracted paper, Vice-chancellor...


The famed larger-than-life neon mirror maze Kaleidoscope is coming to Geelong in May "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

Geelong, prepare to lose yourself inside the euphoric human-sized Kaleidoscope a new work by renowned installation artist Keith Courtney that will see guests step inside a hall of rotating mirrors, light and sound.

Weighing 70 tonnes and made of glass, mirrors, steel and moving prisms, Courtney will bring his 700 square-metre Kaleidoscope to Geelong this May, setting up in the Johnstone Park Forecourt from Monday 13 May to Tuesday 18 June, following a recently announced run in Bendigo for the month of Apri.

Keep up with the latest in local news and entertainment here.

Kaleidoscope: A breathtaking neon-lit mirrored maze is coming to Bendigo in April

Featuring a dazzling white mirror maze during the day, and ever-changing, deep colours and light reflections from the surrounding environment at night, the work encourages the viewer to see the world in a different light.

Designed to be enjoyed by all ages, the work scales the deceptively simple optical device to epic proportions, creating a unique and ever-shifting experience that fuses art and technology.

Produced in collaboration with visual artist Ash Keating, artist Samantha Slicer, and a team of highly skilled technicians, Kaleidoscope is completed by a soundscape composed by Tamil Rogeon, featuri...


Lime Cordiale are bringing their Fantastical Country Club Experience to Frankston in April "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

Lime Cordiale are partway through their eight-date regional tour, hitting up spots down the East Coast from the Sunshine Coast in the north to Frankston in the south.

Theyll perform on Sunday 2 April at The Pier, Frankston / Bunurong Country.

Keep up with the latest music news, festivals, interviews and reviews here.

The tour will feature all their hits, new songs, and a few surprises and is one of the few chances for you to see Lime Cordiale in a headline appearance in Australia in 2023.  Coming along for the ride are a rotation of the finest new talent that the Country Club officials could muster.

Arrive early and enjoy, Bella AmorAleksiah plus special guests New Zealands Coterie.



Tucker Carlson Asked GOP Presidential Hopefuls About Ukraine: Trump Calls for Peace in Europe, Regime Change at Home; DeSantis Response Stuns Establishment "IndyWatch Feed National"

Tucker Carlson Asked GOP Presidential Hopefuls About Ukraine: Trump Calls for Peace in Europe, Regime Change at Home; DeSantis Response Stuns Establishment | 14 May 2023 | Fox News Channel host Tucker Carlson asked Republican presidential hopefuls, those who have announced and those exploring a bid, about their policy on Russias war of aggression against Ukraine. Carlson reported the responses on Monday nights show and posted the responses in full on Twitter. Nikki Haley, John Bolton, Mike Pompeo, Asa Hutchison and Chris Sununu [five useless eaters] opted to not participate. But the number of politicians who did respond is impressive, considering as Carlson acknowledged that it was presumptuous of a cable news show to conduct such a query. Those who answered: President Trump, former Vice President Mike Pence, Gov. Ron DeSantis (FL), Gov. Kristi Noem (SD), Greg Abbott (TX), Sen. Tim Scott (SC), former Gov. Chris Christie [also useless] (NJ) and Ohio businessman Vivek Ramaswamy. President Trump called for peace in Europe (but not at any price) and for regime change at home. [Exactly!]


Autumn Community Bush Walk "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

Thursday 30 March 2023, 5 pm Come and enjoy an evening stroll in the Muckleford Bushland For more information please contact:  Jen 0438 568 736 If you would like a poster of this event please find it here.


The Upcoming Northwest "Heatwave" "IndyWatch Feed National"


On Friday afternoon at 4 PM, where would be the better place to put on your sunglasses and go outside for a warm St. Patrick's Day stroll?

Seattle or Los Angeles?

The surprising answer:  SEATTLE!

To illustrate the stunning situation, here is the latest European Center surface air temperature forecast at that time.    59F in Seattle and even higher over Chehalis and Portland.

In contrast, about 55-56F in LA on Friday afternoon.



Stop 4 Exhibition @ Lot 19 "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

Get along to the Stop 4 exhibition at Lot 19 (McShanag Drive, Castlemaine) and check out the amazing works by our Intro to Professional Art Practice students!

Exhibition opens this Friday 17th March, 5.30pm to 7.30pm.


National Australia Bank makes first-ever cross-border stablecoin transaction "IndyWatch Feed National"

The Big Four Australian bank is the second to issue a stablecoin and hopes to support transactions by corporate clients by the end of the year.

Tuesday, 14 March


Aussie Sea Level Rise Building Permit Chaos "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

Local governments attempting to apply new Victorian state sea level rise building permit rules to residential blocks bought in good faith are creating legal chaos.

The post Aussie Sea Level Rise Building Permit Chaos first appeared on Watts Up With That?.

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