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IndyWatch Castlemaine VIC All Topics Summary was generated at Castlemaine VIC IndyWatch.

Wednesday, 15 March


U.S. regulators rejected Elon Musk's bid to test brain chips in humans, citing safety risks "IndyWatch Feed National"

On at least four occasions since 2019, Elon Musk has predicted that his medical device company, Neuralink, would soon start human trials of a revolutionary brain implant to treat intractable conditions such as paralysis and blindness. Yet the company, founded in 2016, didn't seek permission from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) until early 2022 and the agency rejected the application. Musk has detailed a bold vision for Neuralink: Both disabled and healthy people will pop into neighborhood facilities for speedy surgical insertions of devices with functions ranging from curing obesity, autism, depression or schizophrenia to web-surfing and telepathy. Musk also has said Neuralink would restore full mobility to paralyzed patients. Reuters exclusively reported late last year that the federal government was investigating the company's treatment of its research animals. The probe was launched amid growing employee concern that the company is rushing experiments, causing additional suffering and deaths of pigs, sheep and monkeys. Musk's company ... trails at least one direct rival in the race for FDA approval. Synchron, a competitor making a BCI implant, has won the agency's blessing for human trials. The company first tested its device on four patients in Australia who successfully sent text messages with their minds. Synchron recently raised $75 million, including from funds backed by tech billionaires Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos.

Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on microchip implants from reliable major media sources.

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Tuesday, 14 March


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This week on Yeah Nah Pasaran! we talk to Byron Clark [Twitter/Mastodon]. Byron is the author of Fear: New Zealands hostile underworld of extremists (HarperCollins, 2023), which maps New Zealands alt-right underworld and unearths the roots of the occupation that Continue reading




On 20th anniversary of the US-led invasion of Iraq

Saturday 5 MARCH 2023 AT 1 PM

State Library Swanston Street Melbourne.

Organised by the 18 March Peace Roundtable Melbourne



Dr Margie Beavis:  Medical Association for the Prevention of War

Professor Richard Tanter:  Nautilus Institute

Dave Sweeney: Australian Conservation Foundation

John Lander:  Former Diplomat to China

Shirley Winton: No AUKUs Coalition Victoria/IPAN

David McBride:  War Crimes Whistleblower

More speakers at Treasury Gardens after the march.

The post BUILD THE PEOPLES MOVEMENT FOR PEACE! appeared first on The Pen.


The ugly face of NSW Labor is still in business. "IndyWatch Feed National"

Just in case you were fooled into thinking that NSW Labor was all nice, new, and clean - a quick reminder, people like Laurie Ferguson is still pulling the strings. Far left Laurie is long gone from the shop-front of Australian politics but he still lingers in the back rooms....


Vote for Food Scorecard "IndyWatch Feed National"

VOTE FOR FOOD SCORECARD OF MAJOR PARTY POLICIES ON FOOD FOR THE NSW ELECTION The upcoming NSW election will be contested in the context of substantial cost of living rises, extreme weather and continued pandemic recovery. Sustain, Food Fairness Illawarra, Professor Karen Charlton from the University of Wollongong, Australias Right to Food Coalition, Community []

The post Vote for Food Scorecard appeared first on CGA.


Justice Is Required Exposing The Largest Criminal Case in Australian History "IndyWatch Feed National"


Introduction by DM

Insight Truth Media, Julia Starr, brings you an update on The largest criminal case in Australian history (as referred to by the Australian Federal Police (AFP).</p> <p>What do you do when children disclose horrific sexual abuse: COVER IT UP OR PROTECT THEM?</p> <p><strong>Pastor Paul Robert Burton</strong> does an excellent job of explaining the court case Operation Noetic. The AFP / Operation Noetic started when they began constructing a case to criminalise a number of innocent people helping to protect children who had made multiple disclosures of sexual abuse. <span id= "more-35632"></span></p> <p>In the conversation above Paul and Julia get Ann Greer and Patrick ODea on the line.</p> <p>Operation Noetics hearing date set for <strong>March 15th at Brisbane Magistrates Court on George St. </strong></p> <p>BE THERE TO SUPPORT JUSTICE IF YOU ARE ABLE.</p> <p>Case No 1499 of 2021<br> <em>THE KING</em> v PATRICK FINBAR MCGARRY ODEA, WILLIAM<br> RUSSELL MASSINGHAM PRIDGEON, CATHERINE LEE<br> DOUBLEDAY, ANN KATHLEEN GREER, PATRICIA ANN<br> PLAISTED, ARIEL JOSEPHINE JOHNSON and JOYCE EVELYN<br> FAZLDEEN</p> <p>Dr. Russell Pridgeon along with 7 other co-defendants are being prosecuted in a prosecution name Operation Noetic, for trying to protect children from serious sexual abuse. The facts and evidence of the childrens abuse are being denied and hidden from the courts by the AFP and Commonwealth DPP.<br> If you would like to support Dr.Russell Pridgeon and the case, please follow the link below:</p> <p></p> <p>Socials:<br></p> <p>The post <a href= "" rel="nofollow">Justice Is Required Exposing The Largest Criminal Case in Australian History</a> appeared first on <a href="" rel="nofollow">Gumshoe News</a>.</p>


Never again response to Covid-19 pandemic profiteering, world figures warn "IndyWatch Feed National"

Tuesday, March 14, 2023: The Peoples Vaccine Alliance issued a letter by 204 eminent global figures on March 11, the third anniversary of the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic by the World Health Organisation (WHO), calling for governments to act in four ways:

  • Support a Pandemic Accord at the WHO that embeds equity and human rights in pandemic preparedness and response. To do so, it must commit governments to waive relevant intellectual property rules automatically and ensure the sharing of medical technology and knowledge when a Public Health Emergency of International Concern is declared.
  • Invest in scientific innovation and manufacturing capacity in the Global South through projects like the mRNA Technology Transfer Hub established by WHO and partners. Governments, companies, and international institutions should provide political, financial, and technical support to these initiatives to maximise production and supply for all.
  • Invest in global common goods. Public funding delivered miracles in the COVID-19 pandemic. But publicly financed medical innovations should be used to maximise the public benefit, not private profits. They should not be locked behind patents. All governments should invest more in public research and development, and place strict requirements for publicly funded medical technologies developing from that investment to be affordable and accessible to everyone, everywhere.
  • Remove the intellectual property barriers that prevent knowledge and technology sharing. Governments at the World Trade Organization (WTO) took too long and did too little to address this barrier for COVID-19 vaccines. WTO members should move to approve an intellectual property waiver for COVID-19-related vaccines and extend that decision to cover COVID-19 tests and treatments.

The Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz, former first lady of South Africa and Mozambique Graa Machel, former UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon, East Timor President Jose Ramos Horta, and Helen Clark, former Prime Minister of New Zealand, are among the signatories who called on governments to never again allow profiteering and nationalism to come before the needs of humanity, in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.

These current and former presidents and ministers, Nobel laureates, faith leaders, heads of civil society organisations and health experts say Covid-19 vaccines and treatments had been developed with public fun...


Celia: the left-wing melancholia of Australias forgotten Marxist masterpiece "IndyWatch Feed National"

Ann Turners poignant, eerie Cold War coming-of-age film Celia captures a period in Australian history that is glaringly absent from the national collective memory.

The post Celia: the left-wing melancholia of Australias forgotten Marxist masterpiece appeared first on Overland literary journal.


The American people have complete confidence in Joe Biden "IndyWatch Feed National"

NOW - Biden: "The banking system is safe." (@disclosetv) March 13, 2023


US congress votes against ending occupation of Syria "IndyWatch Feed National"

The following article appeared on the news desk of The Cradle on 9 March 2023. Th ongoing occupation of roughly a third of Syria continues the unjust and illegal occupation of another country by that which sponsored ISIS and other terror groups, and in the name of combatting them. The occupation is really about geopolitical control and access to resources by a nation trying to build its empire. Congress voted against a bill that would put an end to the occupation.

A War Powers Resolution that would have ended the US armys illegal occupation of Syria was struck down late on 8 March by the House of Representatives in a 103-321 vote.

The bill, introduced late last month by Republican Matt Gaetz, garnered the support of 47 Republicans and 56 Democrats including several members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC).

US House votes against occupation troops pull out from Syria

Video from Al Mayadeen English

There is no role for the United States of America in Syria. We are not a Middle Eastern power. We have tried to build a democracy out of sand, blood, and Arab militias. Time and again, the work we do does not reduce chaos. Oftentimes, it causes chaos the very chaos that then subsequently leads to terrorism. While todays vote may have failed, my fight to end forever wars and bring our troops home has only just begun, Gaetz said in a statement following the vote.

We have to also acknowledge Syria and Iraq are the two countries on the planet Earth where we have done the most to fund ISIS. We give weapons to these so-called moderate rebels, Gaetz continued, referring to Washingtons policy to arm rebel groups affiliated with Al-Qaeda.



Seemacht EU "IndyWatch Feed National"

Die Maritime Sicherheitsstrategie der EU

Erstmals verabschiedet hat die EU eine Maritime Sicherheitsstrategie (European Maritime Security Strategy, EUMSS) im Jahr 2014. Zur Begrndung hie es damals, der grere Teil nicht nur des Auen-, sondern auch des Binnenhandels der Union werde auf dem Seeweg abgewickelt. Insbesondere hnge die Energiesicherheit der EU in hohem Ma vom Import von Energietrgern ber die Weltmeere ab.[1] Nicht zuletzt verliefen ber 70 Prozent der EU-Auengrenzen im Meer. Die Sicherheit der maritimen Gewsser bzw. die Sicherung der Seewege seien deshalb fr die EU von grter Bedeutung. Bereits damals hie es, dies gelte grundstzlich global insbesondere fr das Netzwerk der Schifffahrtsrouten zwischen Kontinenten, aber auch fr verschiedene Seegebiete mit spezieller strategischer Bedeutung. Besonders habe die EU die Nord- und die Ostsee, das Mittel- und das Schwarze Meer, die arktischen Gewsser und den Atlantischen Ozean sowie die Outermost Regions (OMR, Gebiete in uerster Randlage) im Blick. Letzteres bezieht sich auf die Gewsser rings um oder vor Territorien etwa in der Karibik oder im Indischen bzw. im Pazifischen Ozean, die von EU-Staaten kontrolliert werden Lnder und Inseln, die die Kolonialmchte einst erobert hatten und die sie bis heute in ihrem Besitz halten.

Im Golf von Guinea

Die neue Maritime Sicherheitsstrategie, die die EU-Kommission und der Auenbeauftragte Josep Borrell am Freitag vorgelegt haben, knpft im Kern an die Version aus dem Jahr 2014 an. So heit es, auch weiterhin msse man zum Beispiel gegen Piraterie, Menschenhandel, Schmuggel von Waffen und Drogen, illegalen Fischfang oder Terrorismus vorgehen; die EU tue dies beispielsweise im Rahmen ihrer Operation Atalanta, mit der sie seit 2008 am Horn von Afrika Piraten bekmpft, oder im Rahmen ihrer Operation Irini, mit der sie seit 2020 das Waffenembargo gegen Libyen durchzusetzen sucht. Auerdem sollen Manahmen wie diejenigen weitergefhrt werden, mit denen die EU im Golf von Guinea ttig ist. Die Region ist seit vielen Jahren von Piraterie betroffen, was die Union insofern trifft, als dort zahllose europische Handelsschiffe kreuzen. Die EU untersttzt jetzt Anrainerstaaten bzw. regionale Organisationen etwa bei der Verbesserung der Hafensicherheit oder auch bei Entwicklung sowie Umsetzung maritimer Sicherheitsstrategien.[2] In der Vergangenheit hat die Deutsche Marine auch schon an Gromanvern im Golf von Guinea teilgenommen, deren Ziel darin bestand, den gemeinsamen Kampf gegen Piraten zu proben.[3]

Strategischer Wettbewerb

Allerdings geht die neue Maritime Sicherheitsstrategie ber die Einsatz- und Operationswelt ihrer Vorgngerin deutlich hinaus. Zum einen zielt sie auf den verstrkten Schutz der eigenen maritimen Infrastruktur ab etwa auf den Schutz von Hfen und Ksteninfrastruktur, von Schiffen, aber auch von Pipelines und Unterseekabeln, und zwar unter explizitem Bezug auf den Ansch...


NSW Police Falsely Claimed that Violet Coco Blocked an Ambulance "IndyWatch Feed National"

good cross-section of NSW civil society was appalled when Violet Coco was sentenced to 15 months prison time last December, in relation to her taking part in a Fireproof Australia action that blocked one lane just one lane of the Sydney Harbour Bridge for 25 minutes last April.

During the hearing, NSW police argued that Coco and the three other Fireproof Australia activists conducting the nonviolent direct action to warn of the escalating climate crisis had blocked an ambulance trying to get across this bridge with its lights and sirens on responding to an emergency.

At the time, there had been an uptick in nonviolent climate action in Sydney, much of which involved road blockages, with the chief argument against these protests put by AM radio shock jocks and conservative politicians being they could block an ambulance responding to an emergency.

So, it was quite convenient that an ambulance had been put out by this action, as it served to validate the opposing position, just after the Perrottet government had rolled out its harsh antiprotest laws, while prominent climate defender Violet Coco was putting her liberty on the line.

But on Tuesday, when two fellow Fireproof activists, Alan Glover and Karen Fitz-Gibbon, went before Downing Centre Local Court, the NSW Police Force withdrew its false allegation that an ambulance had been blocked by their Harbour Bridge action, which has clear implications for C...


Rally The Smile | Donna Crouch | Sisterhood Australia. Pastor Donna Crouch Hillsongs MK (Mind Control) Mistress "IndyWatch Feed National"

Hillsong Pastor Donna Crouch. Uses MK (mind control) techniques and teaches them to all Hillsong churches. A Satanic-like witch. MK techniques are occult techniques used by the Illuminati, Satanists, Occult warlocks and witches. And now by Hillsong mega-church to dumb up the masses and make them give up all their cash.

Donald Elley of Bellingen



Smartphones haben ja heute echt krasse Kameras dran. ... "IndyWatch Feed National"

Smartphones haben ja heute echt krasse Kameras dran. So mit fettem Zoom, monstrser Auflsung, die schrfen das Bild und entwackeln die Aufnahme, machen mehrere Aufnahmen und rechnen daraus dann eine bessere zurecht.

Oh und nicht zu vergessen: Eine Ebene Machine Learning, die das Bild optimiert!

Leute mit aktuellen Samsung-Handys haben teilweise echt umhauende Bilder vom Mond gemacht. So umhauend, dass der Vorwurf im Raum stand, Samsungs KI klebt da eine hochaufgelste Textur drber, damit die Kamera besser aussieht als sie ist.

Nur beweisen konnte das keiner. Bis jetzt.

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Monday, 13 March


10 Best Dvi Cable in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

If youre looking for the best dvi cable to connect your computer to your monitor, youve come to the right place. In this blog post, well go over the different types of dvi cables and what each one is best for. Well also give you a few tips on how to choose the right dvi cable for your needs.


10 Best Prank Toys in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

There are many factors to consider when finding the best prank toys. First, you need to decide what kind of prank you want to pull off. Are you looking for a harmless gag or something that will really shock your victim? Second, you need to think about who your target is. Is this someone who can take a joke or someone who is easily offended? Third, you need to make sure the prank toy is safe and wont cause any harm to your victim. With all of these factors in mind, here are some of the best prank toys:.


Reading it knotted up my guts with anxiety "IndyWatch Feed National"

My daughter might appreciate this. Shes writing up papers, getting ready for her Ph.D. thesis defense, and trying to raise a four year old, and all I have to contribute isit could be worse.

I dont think she has any mad Australian guardians living next door, unfortunately.


Who would want this? "IndyWatch Feed National"

Also, where is Ray Comfort getting the money?

Thats a box full of crap you can get for free from LivingWaters/london. Just fill out the form at that link, giving Ray Comfort your address, and he will ship up to ten boxes of his book and Bible tracts about the coronation.

You could have a thousand copies of Rays book and six thousand cheesy tracts delivered to your doorstep, totally free. Unless youre in the UK, EU, Australia, or New Zealand, in which case you dont get the books, just 10,000 cheesy tracts. Or if youre outside those countries, you get nothing, and will have to pick up your free tracts in person in London.

From this I have determined that Canada is truly blessed.

I thought about ordering a box, just to bleed a few drops from the bloated vampiric corpse of Ray Comforts unaccountably rich organization, but decided not to. My reasons: a) its not enough to exsanguinate the parasite, b) it would just encourage him, c) its incredibly wasteful and would just have to be recycled, and d) I dont want to read his stupid book (Ive read enough Comfort to know it will be awful), I dont want his tracts, and I dont need a box of waste paper in my house. The man is giving away free garbage, and that does not appeal.

I still have to wonder, though: does ol Ray have some multi-millionaire sugar daddy? Or does he get so much in donations from a horde of deluded Christians that he can afford these ridiculous give-aways? Does he pay taxes on all of his revenues that he then spends on evangelical nonsense?

By the way, Ray Comfort is very, very excited about the coronationbut hes not going to bother to go himself. He wants his minions to do the humiliating work of distributing his crap to all the people who dont want it in London.


10 Best Elevated Pet Bowls in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

If you have a pet, chances are youve considered an elevated pet bowl at some point. Perhaps your dog is getting a little older and you want to make sure hes comfortable while he eats. Or maybe you have a cat that likes to knock her bowl around and youre tired of cleaning up the floor. Whatever the reason, elevated pet bowls can be a great option for both you and your pet. In this blog post, well take a look at some of the best elevated pet bowls on the market and help you decide if one is right for you and your furry friend.


10 Best Hat Hooks in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

A good hat hook is essential for any hat lover. Whether you need a place to hang your fedora while youre at work or a place to keep your beanie while youre at home, a hat hook is the perfect solution. But with so many different types of hat hooks on the market, it can be hard to know which one is the best for you. Thats why weve put together a list of the best hat hooks on the market, so you can choose the perfect one for your needs.


10 Best Wood Slats For Bed in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

There are many different types of wood slats available on the market, so it can be difficult to know which ones are the best for your bed. In this blog post, we will discuss the different factors you should consider when choosing wood slats for your bed, as well as some of the best options available.


10 Best String Puppets in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

If youre looking for the best string puppets, youve come to the right place. In this blog post, well take a look at some of the best string puppets available on the market today. Well also provide some tips on how to choose the right puppet for your needs.


10 Best Golf Putter in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

If you are an avid golfer, then you know that having the best golf putter can make a big difference in your game. There are many different types and brands of golf putters on the market, so how do you know which one is the best for you? In this blog post, we will give you some tips on choosing the best golf putter for your game.


Great work from Seeker of Truth on National Indigenous Aust Agency corruption probe "IndyWatch Feed National"

The National Audit Office is having a really close look at NIAA as to Management of Provider Fraud and Non-compliance issues by the entities it deals with. The National Audit Office is due to table its report on 23 April 2023. I imagine it won't be flattering as to NIAA's...


The Myth of Fair Value "IndyWatch Feed National"

QUESTION: If the metals are not trading at a fair value relative to everything else, then does that not prove they are manipulated?



ANSWER: Your problem is the assumption that everything must be trading at some fair value. That is up there with the theory of random walks.  ALL markets trade for periods where they remain well below fair value. That was the entire takeover boom of the 1980s which they also blamed on me because I was advising many of the takeover players. I simply showed these charts back then which show in terms of book value, the Dow Jones bottomed in 1977. The market was grossly undervalued because you could buy a company, sell all its tangible assets, and double or triple your money. Michael Douglas famous speech in that movie about greed would not even be possible if everything always trade like some mythical robot at fair value. Everything overshoots and undershoots.



Link "IndyWatch Feed National"

The Crimean War Was a Boozy Fiasco POLITICO Magazine/  Crimean War I

J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor

What is the Crimean War II all about really, how does it end, and how does Australia fit in? 

The region is the crossroads of Europe and Asia and this trade route, lately known as One Belt Road has been contested for many centuries. In fact Crimea itself was originally part of the Greek Empire. The original Crimean war was the same clash of empires.

NATO understands it cannot beat Russia, in fact neither side can win in a direct clash. The Crimean acces...


Questions About You Must Know the Answers To "IndyWatch Feed National"

Timing is everything
A few important things to know about travel insurance
What You Required to Find Out About Travel Insurance Traveling Insurance coverage is a type of protection that assists you reduce the economic threats associated with traveling abroad. Read more about Travel Insurance on this website. It can cover unanticipated occasions such as journey termination, shed travel luggage, flight mishap, terrorism as well as even more. Learn more about Travel Insurance in this homepage. If you are planning a trip, it is always best to buy traveling insurance coverage before leaving your residence. View more about Travel Insurance on this page. In this way you can be particular that coverage will apply to your particular trip as well as not a subsequent one. Check Travel Insurance here for more info. When you acquire your policy, search for a plan that covers all pre-paid expenses for your entire journey. Discover m ore about Travel Insurance on this link. This includes airfare, hotel and auto rental. Check out Travel Insurance on this site. Depending on the supplier, you may be provided a series of traveling benefits, such as emergency situation medical as well as oral care, 24-hour help and coverage for emergency situation discharge. Read Travel Insurance now for more info. The price of traveling insurance policy relies on a selection of elements, such as your age, where youre going as well as how much cash youll require to cover unforeseen expenses. Click Travel Insurance for more updates. Commonly, the price of traveling insurance coverage will certainly be higher for more youthful vacationers and also more economical for older ones. View Travel Insurance here for more details. You can purchase a single-trip or multi-trip plan. You can likewise obtain a year-long plan, which is particularly beneficial for frequent tourists. Click Travel Insurance for more info. Most individuals who acquire traveling insurance do so since they bother with the unexpected. Read more about Holiday Insurance on this website. They are concerned that a typhoon, trip cancellation, or the possibility of condition break outs in their travel destination will certainly change their schedule. Learn more about Holiday Insurance on this homepage. Several traveling insurance policies do not include protection for these occasions, which is why it is vital to examine the policy terms carefully. View more about Holiday Insurance on t...


The Metals Are Not Manipulated "IndyWatch Feed National"

COMMENT: Marty; Two former Merrill Lynch traders were each sentenced to a year and a day in prison Thursday for manipulating the precious metals markets, the US Department of Justice announced. Of course, - , which is forever bullish metals, claims they moved the metals in the direction they wanted from 2008 to 2014. It just seems that people claim it is always manipulation when they have been wrong. They only look at gold in dollars as you have said its a global market. They would have to manipulate all the currencies as well.

This latest affair of so-called manipulating trades during the day proves what you have been saying. They have always been gunning for stops during the day, but they cannot manipulate the trend between a bull or bear market. Do you think people will ever understand this is a global economy?


ANSWER: I know. Unless people have actually been a trader, they will never understand the market. They will blame people like this to pretend they were not wrong. The problem is that this nonsense of manipulation is driving a stake through the heart of the market. Trading is like a poker game. Do you reveal your hand before everyone starts to bet? Sometimes you bluff, but the point is if you are bluffing, you have to stand behind your bet.



The mere fact that someone is blaming this type...


Australian Dollar and Bitcoin "IndyWatch Feed National"

1.00 AUD = 0.00003 BTC
0.00010 BTC = 3.35 AUD


How does a 'civilised' world tolerate these stone-age barbarians? This is their 'education' minister. "IndyWatch Feed National"

Neda Mohammad Nadim, the Taliban's minister of higher education says, "anyone who weakens the system (Taliban regime), whether through the use of words, pen, or actions, they are all rebels and they must be killed." VIDEO Natiq Malikzada (@natiqmalikzada) March 12, 2023


Russian dementia care facilities apparently using Biden in their commercials. "IndyWatch Feed National"

Thank you for the tip Andrew!


Why do we need Albanese's voice? Aren't 109 separate Aboriginal agencies enough? "IndyWatch Feed National"

Thanks to Bob Hay for this incredible list. The following 109 pages are in this Wikipedia category, out of 109 total. This list may not reflect recent changes. A Aboriginal Advancement League Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority Aboriginal Centre for the Performing Arts Aboriginal Children's...


Health Officials Caught Deploying Fear and Staging Coverup "IndyWatch Feed National"

In January 2022, House Oversight Committee Republicans released a batch of emails sent to and from the National Institutes of Health (NIH),1,2,3 showing that scientists in the earliest days of the pandemic strongly suspected SARS-CoV-2 was a genetically engineered virus.

The correspondence also revealed that NIH leaders Dr. Anthony Fauci and then-NIH chief Dr. Francis Collins were nervous about the possibility that they'd funded the creation of this virus and were determined to suppress questions about its origin.

Fauci, Collins and at least 11 scientists convened for a conference call February 1, 2020, during which they discussed the evidence for genetic manipulation. Yet, no more than three days later, by February 4, four of the participants had already drafted a paper titled "The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2," in which they dismissed the possibility of a lab origin for the virus.

One of the authors of this paper, Kristian Andersen, Ph.D., a professor at Scripps Research, has so far insisted that Fauci did not attempt to influence the working group's conclusions.

In a letter to Sens. James Comer and Jim Jordan, Scripps Research answering questions on Andersen's behalf claimed that Andersen "objectively weighted all the evidence available to him." In a March 5, 2023, memorandum,4,5 the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic laid out evidence showing that this assertion is "demonstrably false."

Fauci and Collins Prompted Creation of 'Proximal Origin'

According to the Select Subcommittee, the evidence available clearly shows that Fauci did indeed prompt Andersen to write "Proximal Origin," and for a specific reason, namely to "disprove" the lab leak theory. "The authors of this paper skewed available evidence to achieve that goal," the Subcommittee writes.

As noted in the memorandum,6 in a February 8, 2020, email, Andersen stated: "Our main work over the last couple of weeks has been focused on trying to disprove any type of lab theory " Furthermore, in a February 12 email to the journal Nature, Andersen openly and clearly admitted Fauci's and Collins' influence:7



Why Ill risk arrest in the cause of saving the NSW peoples forests from native forest logging "IndyWatch Feed National"

I HAVE RELUCTANTLY decided to risk arrest by joining a walk into the Yarratt State Forest on March 16, after days working out why.  I was 18 the first and only time I did something expecting to be arrested. On October 22, 1977, I joined other students at Queensland University to go to King George []

Author information

Margo Kingston

Margo Kingston

Co-publisher and editor-in-chief at No Fibs

Margo Kingston is a retired Australian journalist and climate change activist. She is best known for her stint as Phillip Adams Canberra Babylon contributor and her work at The Sydney Morning Herald and #Webdiary. Since 2012, Kingston has been a citizen journalist, reporting and commenting on Australian politics via Twitter and No Fibs.


The Launching of The Other Great Reset "IndyWatch Feed National"


Introduction by DM

Above, Clayton Morrisons video on World War.

At the end of this short video, Clayton mentions a company searching for gas in Europe to replace Russian gas. And guess who is part of this company? General Wesley Clarke. Amazing how the revolving door works.

In this article on Gumshoe:

Retired General Wesley Clark spent 34 years in the Army, became Supreme Allied Commander Europe of NATO from 1997 to 2000, received many military decorations, several honorary knighthoods, and a Presidential Medal of Freedom.

He told us in 2007 that the US were planning to destroy the Middle East 7 countries in 5 years. A great tip which he got much praise for in alternative circles. But WHY did he just sit on that intel for six years while the US et al destroyed several of those countries?

Below, an interesting worldview from Clayton and Tucker Carlson (one of the only anti-war mainstream voices) on the role of journalism, political division, and beneficiaries of a rotten system. Tucker talks about the liberation of not lying.

The post The Launching of The Other Great Reset appeared first on Gumshoe News.


Inquiry shines light on the harmful Centrelink mutual obligation system "IndyWatch Feed National"

Contributed from Queensland

As the Robodebt inquiry rolls on, it not only causes embarrassment to for those politicians who were responsible and the bureaucrats who implemented it, this and other related inquiries are bringing other injustices to light.

The most important of these came by way of ombudsmans office submission into the Senate inquiry into the ParentsNext scheme for single parents, which takes aim against the mutual obligations system. Mutual obligation came into existence years ago. The original purpose was to target the unemployed. It was justified under the claim that recipients of Centrelink payments are somehow doing something wrong.

The system depends on a contractual agreement and imposing penalties for deemed breeches. The effect has been to propagate the accusation that the receiver of a Centrelink benefit is a malingerer trying to live it easy.

Anyone who has experienced not having a proper job and trying to make ends meet will tell you that this is far from being a ticket to an easy life. It is tough living in poverty. To be treated as a third-rate citizen, humiliated, and being forced pass through ongoing and meaningless loops makes it all that much worse.

Cartoon by Megan Herbert

Being under the presumption that you are doing something wrong invites mistreatment. You are always presumed guilty of wrongdoing. Under the system, most will sooner or later have their payment suspended because of often unproven accusations or for not complying. For instance, if you do not turn up for an appointment if you are sick. The same thing will if you happen to be working on that day or attending a job interview. it does not matter whether you inform them of the fact or not.

The mutual obligation system is engineered to be a system of punishment for having the affront to register for Centrelink. The purpose has been to discourage registration, and this has the effect of lowering the numbers and making the government of the day look better.

Making involvement with Centrelink into hell on Earth creates desperate people, who will take on underpaid and substandard working conditions. This suits those who want a cheap labour force to pull down wages and working...


WATCH: Building Community #SolutionsWatch "IndyWatch Feed National"

The powers-that-shouldnt-be are trying to keep us apart. Divided. Alone in the urban jungle. And so, building community is a way to fight back by constructing something newBut no one said building a community is easy. Join James Corbett for this episode of #SolutionsWatch, as he looks at The Conscious Agora and other examples of



MARCH 10TH, 2023 Source John Pilger This is an abridged version of an address by John Pilger in Sydney on 10 March to mark the launch in Australia of Davide Dorminos sculpture of Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden, Figures of Courage. I have known Julian Assange since I first interviewed him in London []


Guardian legitimises Mohammed el-Kurds blood libel "IndyWatch Feed National"

A Guardian article by deputy culture editor Sian Cain (Adelaide Writers Week: rare moments of empathy and nuance found amid a storm of controversy, March 12) legitimised the antisemitic charge that Israel harvests and eats the organs of dead Palestinians.
The journalist notes the following about a row at a Writers Week in South Australia invovling the racist, anti-Israel activist Mohammed el-Kurd.

A storm brewed. Attention turned to the other Palestinian writers on the bill, including Mohammed El-Kurd, a Palestinian poet whose debut collection Rifqa narrates his experience of dispossession in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood of East Jerusalem. The Anti-Defamation League has criticised some of his social media comments as antisemitic, as well as a line in one of his poems: They harvest organs of the martyred, feed their warriors our own.

It shouldnt require the ADL for a Guardian journalist to understand that the accusation of Israel harvest[ing] the organs ofmartyred Palestinians and feeding those organs to their own soldiers is a monstrous, medieval antisemitic blood libel variations of which incited the murder of Jews going back to the Middle Ages.  Though the libel began in Norwich in 1144 with the accusation that Jews murder non-Jews and then use the victims blood for Jewish rituals, the blood libel lives on in the sham charges accusing Jews/Zionists of harvesting the organs of their hapless Palestinian victims.

Yet, later in her article, Cain legit...


Battling Cancel Culture at Adelaide Writers Week "IndyWatch Feed National"

Writing festivals are often tired, stilted affairs, but the 38th Adelaide Writers Week did not promise to be that run-of-the-mill gathering of yawn-inducing, life draining sessions. For one thing, social media vultures and public relations experts, awaiting the next freely explosive remark or unguarded comment, were at hand to stir the pot and exhort cancel culture.

The fuss began with the festival organisers invitation of two Palestinian authors, Susan Abulhawa and Mohammed El-Kurd. Abulhawa was specifically targeted for critical comments on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, notably regarding NATO membership, and for being a mouthpiece of Russian propaganda, while El-Kurd has been singled out for social-media commentary on the Israeli state, calling it sadistic, demonic and a death cult.

Righteously, the South Australian Premier Peter Malinauskas showed his less than worldly view on such festivals by insisting on boycotting their talks and presentations. Ever the vote-getting politician, there were those constituents at the Association of Ukrainians in South Australia who had been making noise, notably through their president, Frank Fursenko. We are very concerned that [the festival organisers] are giving a platform to people who are known apologists for the Russian invasion of Ukraine, insisted Fursenko.

Malinauskas even contemplated pulling government funding from the event, something he declared at his address opening Writers Week. (This was also the view of the South Australian opposition leader, David Speirs.) The premier, it should be noted, is less morally troubled when it comes to funding the LIV Golf tournament, backed by the obscurantist journalist-assassinating regime of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

At the very least, he made some concession to maturity: refusing to listen to someones viewpoint also involved surrendering the opportunity to challenge it, much less change their mind. But for all that Abulhawas presence at the Writers Week had to be actively questioned.

The Advertiser was less reserved, barking in childish condemnation and demanding, via a statement from editor Gemma Jone...


10 Best Acrylic Powder in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

Acrylic powder is one of the most versatile and widely used products in the nail industry. It can be used to create a wide variety of looks, from natural to dramatic. Acrylic powder comes in many different colors and can be mixed to create custom colors. Acrylic powder can also be used to create 3D designs, such as flowers or hearts.

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Sunday, 12 March


10 Best Statue For Home Decor in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

If you are looking for a beautiful statue to add to your home decor, you have come to the right place. In this blog post, we will show you some of the best statues for home decor. We hope that you will find the perfect statue for your home.


10 Best Muslin Square in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

A muslin square is a versatile item that every parent should have in their arsenal. Here are 5 reasons why a muslin square is the best: 1. They can be used as a burp cloth. 2. They can be used as a nursing cover. 3.

They can be used as a stroller cover. 4. They can be used as a playmat. 5. They can be used as a blanket.


Branding the Acceptable: Battling Cancel Culture at Adelaide Writers Week - by Dr Binoy Kampmark "IndyWatch Feed National"

Writing festivals are often tired, stilted affairs, but the 38th Adelaide Writers Week did not promise to be that run-of-the-mill gathering of yawn-inducing, life draining sessions. For one thing, social media vultures and public relations experts, awaiting the next freely explosive remark or unguarded comment, were at hand to stir the pot and exhort cancel culture. [This article by Dr Binoy Kampmark was first published March 12 2023 at]

The fuss began with the festival organisers invitation of two Palestinian authors, Susan Abulhawa and Mohammed El-Kurd. Abulhawa was specifically targeted for critical comments on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, notably regarding NATO membership, and for being a mouthpiece of Russian propaganda, while El-Kurd  out for social-media commentary on the Israeli state, calling it sadistic, demonic and a death cult.

Righteously, the South Australian Premier Peter Malinauskas showed his less than worldly view on such festivals by insisting on boycotting their talks and presentations. Ever the vote-getting politician, there were those constituents at the Association of Ukrainians in South Australia who had been making noise, notably through their president, Frank Fursenko. We are very concerned that [the festival organisers] are giving a platform to people who are known apologists for the Russian invasion of Ukraine,  Fursenko.

Malinauskas even contemplated pulling government funding from the event, something he  opening Writers Week. (This was also the view of the South Australian opposition leader, David Speirs.) The premier, it should be noted, is less morally troubled  the LIV Golf tournament, backed b...


10 Best Bike Bell in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

When it comes to choosing a bike bell, there are many factors to consider. But with so many options on the market, it can be tough to know where to start. To help you narrow down the choices, weve compiled a list of the best bike bells on the market. Whether youre looking for a loud bell to alert pedestrians or a sleek and stylish option to add to your bikes aesthetic, weve got you covered.


10 Best Phone Clamp Holder in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

A phone clamp holder is an essential gadget for anyone who uses their phone regularly. It allows you to keep your phone securely in place while youre driving, working out, or just relaxing at home. There are many different styles and brands of phone clamp holders on the market, so it can be tricky to choose the right one for you. In this blog post, well give you a rundown of the best phone clamp holders on the market, so you can find the perfect one for your needs.


Assange protest outside Attorney General Mark Dreyfus's office (27 Feb 2023) - Video "IndyWatch Feed National"

On March 3, 2023, protesters gathered outside Mark Dreyfus, the Australian Attorney General's office, to complain of Dreyfus's failure to object to the British Government's illegal and cruel imprisonment of heroic Australian citizen, Julian Assange. March 3 is Assange's birthday. Inside is the text of James Sinnamon's speech on that occasion.


Text of James Sinnamon's speech (video embedded below)

We are here today outside the office of a local Member of Parliament. Mark Dreyfus. Mark Dreyfus is the Attorney General of Australia, is the highest legal officer in the country.

As the highest legal officer in Australia, he knows full well that the imprisonment of Julian Assange in Belmarsh Prison is illegal. Julian Assange has committed no crime. The only crime he has committed is through his Wikileaks news service, telling the world the facts about American crimes - American war crimes - in countries that they have illegally invaded. Those countries include Iraq, Syria, Libya Afghanistan, and others. He also has reported on corruption in the American political system and corruption in the Australian political system. Through Julian Assange, citizens of the world know a whole lot more that the US and the Australian governments would prefer them not to know. That is why, since 2012, he has been effectively locked up - first of all in the Ecuadorian Embassy where he had to flee to avoid being extradited to America. Four years ago, in April 2019, he was illegally taken from the Ecuadorian Embassy and locked away in Belmarsh prison. For most of that time, he has been locked away in solitary confinement. 

Julian Assange is guilty of no crime. One crooked judge found Julian Assange guilty of the misdemeanor of skipping bail. Julian Assange skipped bail in 2012 so that he could not be kidnapped and send over to the United States, where they had plans to lock him away in solitary confinement for the rest of his life. 

His trial, since April 2019, was thoroughly crooked. No jury, no judge, with any decency, would have sentenced Julian Assange, who has committed no crime to be locked away further in solitary confinement. No decent judge, no decent jury, would have ordered Julian Assange be extradited to the United States. Yet that is exactly what happened.

The only way this could have happened was if the trial was overseen by a crooked judge, under the orders of the British government and United States.

Why didnt the Australian government say anyt...


10 Best Cereal in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

There are so many delicious cereals out there and it can be hard to decide which one is the best. In this blog post, we will be discussing the best cereals out there. We will be taking a look at a variety of different factors such as taste, nutrition, and price.


10 Best Heatshrink Gun in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Cvic"

If you are looking for a reliable and affordable heatshrink gun, then you have come to the right place. In this blog post, we will take a look at the best heatshrink gun models on the market and help you choose the right one for your needs.


Australian renewables integration. Part 2 "IndyWatch Feed National"

The authors believe it is most likely that costs will increase significantly and reliability will degrade considerably even if they do a great job of implementing all the planned changes.

The post Australian renewables integration. Part 2 first appeared on Watts Up With That?.


Heres a list of cafes in the Geelong region open on the Labour Day public holiday to get your daily caffeine fix "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

A good coffee is more than just a necessary morning routine its an art. An art that has evolved over time to become one of mans most beloved rituals, and theres some damn fine coffee shops around the region renowned for producing some of the best coffee in the world. A good morning coffee is an experience that really shouldnt be interrupted, whether its a public holiday or not.

Heres a list of some of the best places where you can get your fix on the Labour Day public holiday on Monday this week.

Brother Lawrence, Newtown

Brother Lawrence Newtowns go-to on a Saturday morning has become a homage to owner Michael Lobbes passion. Here, its all about simple ingredients and allowing the bagels to do the talking. Handmade, rolled, boiled and baked the traditional way, these dense, chewy hoops are the hero at Brother Lawrence. And while Michaels poppy seed, plain and sesame bagels may lean traditional, the fillings sure dont. The cafe also boasts a quaint but vibrant breakfast and lunch menu inspired by fresh and local produce while youll also find a cabinet stocked with focaccias, freshly squeezed juices, sparkling drinks, hot drinks, assorted tea from Love Tea and coffee by Ona, brewed and served to perfection.

Theyll be open on from 9am-2pm on the public holiday.

Where: 11 Rutland Street, Newtown.

Sweet Adeline Cafe, Newtown

Whether youre keen to hit the walking track or just stock up on some sweets, Sweet Adeline Cafe is the pop-up you need to swing by.

Serving yummy treats and delicious beverages out of a vintage caravan bar at an open riverside space courtesy of the fantastic team at Elite Training Centre in Newtown, right on the river, this little gem is giving sweet tooths something to get excited about. Here you will find plenty of outdoor seating, aromatic barista coffee, hot chocolates, milkshakes as well as a selection of delicious desserts and cakes and even delicious pastries from local Ket Baker and toasties, available for both dine-in or takeaway.

Theyll be open Cup Day from 8am-3pm.

Where: 1/560 Latrobe Blvd, Newtown

Bottles and Barrels

Bottles & Barrels have long been a favourite of ours. If not for their coffee and delicious brunch options, then for their carefully curated selection of boutique wine and craft brews. With its 100-year old roots and fully functioning bottle shop, coupled with its status as a walk-in alcohol store, featuring some of the finest selections in the city, and its Nomad Styling-designed caf focussing on local produce and the people who make it, this place is a must-visit anytime of the year.

For the day off, the cafe will be open regular hours from 8am-4pm.

Where: 132 Aberdeen Street, Geelong West.

Cool Cool Cool, South Geelong



Australian Dollar and Bitcoin "IndyWatch Feed National"

1.00 AUD = 0.00003 BTC
0.00010 BTC = 3.10 AUD



Sydney on 10 March to mark the launch in Australia of Davide Dormino's sculpture of Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden, 'figures of courage'.


In AUKUS, Navy eyes a full-service submarine garage in Asia-Pacific "IndyWatch Feed National"

The U.S. Navy envisions a submarine hub in Australia from which the service can oversee the entire range of undersea activities in the Asia-Pacific region, from boat production to repairs to missions, service Secretary Carlos del Toro said last month. His comments, made ahead of a major announcement about the U.S.-U.K.-Australian submarine partnership dubbed AUKUS, reveal how Washington views its future relationship with Australia as a key foothold in closer proximity to rival China. Bloomberg reported earlier this week President Joe Biden, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese are expected to address the way ahead in the pact on March 13 in San Diego, California. With most of the plans for a fleet of nuclear-powered boats for Canberra still up in the air, the U.S. sea service has its eyes on the near-term benefit of being able to base and repair U.S. Virginia-class attack submarines in Australian ports. Del Toro told Defense News last...

Saturday, 11 March


Scientists Discover Enzyme That Can Turn Air Into Electricity "IndyWatch Feed Vic"

In an exciting turn for the field of sustainable energy research, Australian scientists have found a way to make energy out of thin air. Literally.

As detailed in a new study published this week in the journal Nature, researchers from Monash University in Melbourne, Australia discovered a new bacterial enzyme that transforms the traces of hydrogen in our atmosphere into electricity, technology that could one day be used in fuel cells that power anything from a smartwatch to even a car.

Weve known for some time that bacteria can use the trace hydrogen in the air as a source of energy to help them grow and survive, including in Antarctic soils, volcanic craters, and the deep ocean, said Professor Chris Greening, a contributor to the study, in a statement.

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